273 research outputs found

    Ten Effective Teaching Practices for Students with Asperger\u27s Syndrome

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    Research was conducted to determine what strategies were most effective for teaching students with Asperger’s Syndrome. After reviewing the literature ten strategies were chosen because they came up the most often. These ten strategies were researched in detail and were found to be the most effective when teaching students with Asperger’s Syndrome. A study was then conducted to determine if teachers were actually using the strategies recommended by the literature. The results of the study found that the participants did use a variety of the ten teaching strategies found to be most effective in the research

    Cidades rebeldes: Passe livre e as manifestações que tomaram as ruas do Brasil

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    Topically applied opioids for the management of painful cutaneous ulcers in a palliative care setting.

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    MD(Res)Painful cutaneous ulcers are a clinical challenge as the pain can be difficult to control, frequently requiring a combination of pharmacological and non-pharmacological measures. There is evidence suggesting topical opioid application might be efficacious in the management of painful cutaneous ulcers, however this is largely based on case reports. Methods A series of clinical and laboratory studies were undertaken to determine the utility of opioids applied topically to painful cutaneous ulcers, these included surveys of hospice admissions to determine the prevalence of painful ulcers and the effective dose of topical opioid; a randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled crossover trial design to assess the utility of morphine/IntraSite gel mixture, HPLC analysis to determine the mixture’s bioavailability and physical stability, and microbiological studies to determine its microbiological stability. Results A survey of 323 hospice admissions over a two-year period identified 125 patients with 221 ulcers, mostly caused by either pressure (183 ulcers) or trauma (25); 147 (67%) of all ulcers were painful. Compared to placebo, morphine/IntraSite mixture was more efficacious; it was safe and well tolerated in this population. Morphine applied topically appears to have an analgesic effect even at low doses of morphine irrespective of background analgesic medication. HPLC analyses suggested morphine and its metabolites might be detectable in the plasma of patients with large ulcers, but only at low concentrations. In addition morphine/IntraSite gel mixture was physically and, under certain storage conditions, microbiologically stable for 28 days allowing the mixture to be prepared and stored before use. Conclusions The studies confirmed that painful cutaneous ulcers are a significant clinical problem in hospice patients and that morphine/IntraSite mixture can be used safely and effectively in this patient group. Bioavailability studies support the possibility that the opioid analgesic effect is local rather than systemic, and stability studies show the morphine/IntraSite combination, once mixed, can be stored for up to 28 days, allowing the mixture to be prepared and stored before use. Given that ulcers can vary in aetiology, size, severity and temporal characteristics of pain, an individualised titration protocol is recommended. Further research is required to confirm and extend these findings to other ulcers and clinical setting

    Agency theory perspective on public - private - partnerships: international development project

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    Purpose – Agency theory suggests that divergences will occur when a principal, e.g. client, and agent e.g. a project manager, interests are different in the execution of a project. The purpose of this paper is to explore if the agency theory can explain the subtleties integral to the behaviours and relationships between players delivering a public-private-partnership (PPP) in the context of an international development (ID) project. The intra-/interpersonal dynamics include governments, non-governmental organisations (NGOs) and private commercial service providers. The authors develop a conceptual framework and provide evidence from a case study of the testing of a Road Safety Toolkit in Kenya to explore several propositions. Design/methodology/approach – Extant literature identified application of the agency theory, and the development of a conceptual framework. A case study describing an ID project was used to validate the propositions prior to the expansion of a research instrument for data collection in the field. Findings – Through the lens of the agency theory and the limitations imposed by exploring a series of propositions, several insightful conclusions have been derived from the case. ID projects have particular nuisances that make them unique when compared to the majority of commercial applications. An added dimension and level of complexity is a consequence of the PPP incorporating government, NGOs and private corporations. The case exemplified the need for PPP ID projects to build on partner networks to influence and disseminate outcomes. Some agency problems were far less prominent than would normally be seen in a commercial project. Research limitations/implications – The methodologies presented in this paper need to be adapted and practiced in different kinds of ID projects in order to get confirmatory analytical results. The limitations imposed by the use of the single case, whilst drawing insightful conclusions, would necessitate greater testing in the field. Practical implications – Although the problems of the agency theory are well researched in the operations management literature, there is limited application to ID projects and no previous research within the context of a PPP. Therefore, this work is important for greater understanding of the specific issues associated with project delivery of an ID. Social implications – Conflicting goals between principals and agents are common for organisations, which in turn affect inter-relationships on an international footing. The agency theory has had little attention in the project management field, yet is fundamental to relationships and communication. Originality/value – There has been little research that explores the agency theory in the context of a PPP involving governments, NGOs and private commercial service providers, executed as an ID project. This work, therefore, exhibits new and novel findings

    Irescenari. I quadranti del territorio piemontese: le prospettive del sud-ovest

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    Terzo Rapporto triennale sugli scenari evolutivi del Piemonte. Coordinamento scientifico Paolo Buran ; 2008/20- Indice #6- Il Piemonte sud-occidentale #8- Il contesto territoriale #10- I punti di forza e i fattori di debolezza #20- Le dinamiche progettuali #29- I possibili scenari #34- Riferimenti bibliografici #4

    Operations sustainability maturity model: preliminary findings of financial services in developing and developed countries

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    Purpose This paper aims to develop and apply a measurement instrument to identify a comparative metric that identifies operational sustainability maturity across sectors and countries. Design/methodology/approach Using structured interviews to complete the operations sustainability maturity model (OSMM) in financial services organisations, data were compared to show differences for developed and developing countries. Findings The preliminary findings indicate that there is no significant difference in the sustainability maturity index between countries. However, size and profitability are strong indicators of sustainability maturity. Research limitations/implications These findings represent preliminary findings drawn from the financial services sector in a limited number of countries. Expansion of the data set will give greater confidence of results. Practical implications The OSMM is an empirical tool used to collect data that allows statistical evaluation of sustainable strategies used by firms in various sectors and in different countries. Social implications Sustainability is of critical importance in the economic development of all countries. The OSMM embraces fiscal, operational and environmental considerations. The research gives new insights to alternative strategic imperatives. Originality/value With increased awareness of organisational sustainability, academics have developed a number of tools, approaches and strategies to ensure commercial viability. However, few corporations have successfully institutionalised ongoing sustainability. OSMM is unique. Its wider application to embrace additional industry sectors and countries will bring new insight to strategic intent

    Le Centro de Fortaleza : flux urbains itinérants et construction intersubjective des altérités / O Centro de Fortaleza: Fluxos Urbanos Itinerantes e Construção Intersubjetiva de Alteridades.

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    Initiée par Abdelhafid Hammouche (Professeur de sociologie à l’université de Lille, chercheur au CLERSE-CNRS) lors de son accueil en délégation au CNRS à Fortaleza en 2015, la recherche [Gentrification et recomposition des rapports d’altérité à Iracema-Centro (Fortaleza/Brésil) et à Wazemmes (Lille/France)] sur laquelle se fonde cet article s’est nourrie d’une enquête réalisée, ensemble ou séparément, par les trois auteurs. Elle a été effectué pour une grande partie entre septembre 2015 et fin janvier 2016 auprès d’usagers de la place Ferreira soit par José Olinda Braga (Professeur de psychologie, UFC, Fortaleza) et Abdelhafid Hammouche, soit par ce dernier avec Julien Zeppetella (Anthropologue, Fortaleza) 1 . Outre les observations, il s’agissait de recueillir des informations par entretiens semi-directifs en questionnant sur la socialisation aux espaces urbains, sur le parcours résidentiel et sur la pratique contemporaine du Centro. Il constitue une première analyse partagée au prisme de la pluridisciplinarité. Cette mouture est évidemment marquée des difficultés inhérentes à une double contextualisation de la recherche, autre manière de dire la différence de socialisation à la recherche de participants formés dans plusieurs contextes nationaux et au principe de cette recherche internationale. Les observations sur cette réalité sont issues de la psychologie, la sociologie et la philosophie, dans le but de dévoiler des éléments pour initier une réflexion fructueuse sur les modes d’articulation de l’intersubjectivité et de la production de l’altérité. Cette mouture est évidemment marquée des difficultés inhérentes à une double contextualisation de la recherche, autre manière de dire la différence de socialisation à la recherche de participants formés dans plusieurs contextes nationaux et au principe de cette recherche internationale

    Синтез цеолитсодержащих материалов

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