2,311 research outputs found

    Microscopic Black Hole Production in TeV-Scale Gravity

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    Models with extra spatial dimensions and TeV-scale gravity offer the first opportunity to test the conjecture of black hole formation in trans-Planckian energy scattering with small impact parameters. After a brief review of gravitational scattering at ultrahigh energies and scenarios of TeV-scale gravity, search strategies at the LHC, at the Pierre Auger (cosmic ray) Observatory and at the neutrino telescopes AMANDA/IceCube are illustrated with the simplest but nevertheless representative example: production of Schwarzschild black holes and their observation via Hawking radiation in the large extra dimension scenario. Some more general features of the production of higher-dimensional black holes and/or uncertainties in the estimates are also outlined.Comment: 18 pages, 5 figures; Talk presented at XXX ITEP Winter School of Physics, Moscow, Russia, February 2002, references adde

    "Exotic" quantum effects in the laboratory?

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    This Article provides a brief (non-exhaustive) review of some recent developments regarding the theoretical and possibly experimental study of "exotic" quantum effects in the laboratory with special emphasis on cosmological particle creation, Hawking radiation, and the Unruh effect.Comment: 5 page

    Astrophysical constraints on primordial black holes in Brans-Dicke theory

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    We consider cosmological evolution in Brans-Dicke theory with a population of primordial black holes. Hawking radiation from the primordial black holes impacts various astrophysical processes during the evolution of the Universe. The accretion of radiation by the black holes in the radiation dominated era may be effective in imparting them a longer lifetime. We present a detailed study of how this affects various standard astrophysical constraints coming from the evaporation of primordial black holes. We analyze constraints from the present density of the Universe, the present photon spectrum, the distortion of the cosmic microwave background spectrum and also from processes affecting light element abundances after nucleosynthesis. We find that the constraints on the initial primordial black hole mass fractions are tightened with increased accretion efficiency.Comment: 15 page

    Coherent control of population transfer between communicating defects

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    Population transfer between two identical, communicating defects in a one-dimensional tight-binding lattice can be systematically controlled by external time-periodic forcing. Employing a force with slowly changing amplitude, the time it takes to transfer a particle from one defect to the other can be altered over several orders of magnitude. An analytical expression is derived which shows how the forcing effectively changes the energy splitting between the defect states, and numerical model calculations illustrate the possibility of coherent control of the transfer.Comment: 7 pages, 6 figures, to appear in Phys. Rev.

    Continuum and Symmetry-Conserving Effects in Drip-line Nuclei Using Finite-range Forces

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    We report the first calculations of nuclear properties near the drip-lines using the spherical Hartree-Fock-Bogoliubov mean-field theory with a finite-range force supplemented by continuum and particle number projection effects. Calculations were carried out in a basis made of the eigenstates of a Woods-Saxon potential computed in a box, thereby garanteeing that continuum effects were properly taken into account. Projection of the self-consistent solutions on good particle number was carried out after variation, and an approximation of the variation after projection result was used. We give the position of the drip-lines and examine neutron densities in neutron-rich nuclei. We discuss the sensitivity of nuclear observables upon continuum and particle-number restoration effects.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures, Phys. Rev. C77, 011301(R) (2008

    Dark energy from quantum fluctuations

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    We have derived the quantum vacuum pressure P_vac as a primary entity, removing a trivial and a gauge terms from the cosmological constant-like part (the zeroth term) of the effective action for a free matter field. The quantum vacuum energy density G_vac appears a secondary entity, but both are of expected order. Moreover P_vac and G_vac are dynamical, and therefore they can be used in the Einstein equations. In particular, they could dynamically support holographic dark energy model as well as the `thermodynamic' one.Comment: 4 pages (in AdP style), 2 references added, prepared for the proceedings of the Grassmannian Conference in Fundamental Cosmology (Grasscosmofun'09), 14-19 September 2009, Szczecin, Polan

    Spectrum of Particles Created in Inhomogeneous Spacetimes

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    It is proved that the spectrum of scalar particles generated from the initial vacuum in inhomogeneous spacetime is nearly thermal in the limit of large momentum kk, if the momentum was defined as the variable of the Fourier transform of the coordinate in the scalar field

    Phase Transitions at Preheating

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    Symmetry restoration processes during the non-equilibrium stage of ``preheating'' after inflation is studied. It is shown that symmetry restoration is very efficient when the majority of created particles are concentrated at energies much smaller than the temperature TT in equilibrium. The strength of symmetry restoration measured in terms of the equivalent temperature can exceed TT by many orders of magnitude. In some models the effect can be equivalent to that if the temperature of instant reheating would be close to the Planck scale. This can have an important impact on GUT and axion models.Comment: Some statements are corrected. Also, comments of the referee of Phys. Lett. B are taken into account; 12 pages, no figures, LaTe

    Nuclear Halos and Drip Lines in Symmetry-Conserving Continuum HFB Theory

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    We review the properties of nuclear halos and nuclear skins in drip line nuclei in the framework of the spherical Hartree-Fock-Bogoliubov theory with continuum effects and projection on good particle number with the Gogny force. We first establish the position of the un-projected HFB drip lines for the two most employed parametrizations of the Gogny force and show that the use of finite-range interactions leads almost always to small-sized halos, even in the least bound nuclei, which is in agreement with most mean-field predictions. We also discuss the size of the neutron skin at the drip line and its relation to neutron asymmetry. The impact of particle-number projection and its conceptual consequences near the drip line are analyzed in detail. In particular, we discuss the role of the chemical potential in a projected theory and the criteria required to define the drip line. We show that including particle number projection can shift the latter, in particular near closed shells. We notice that, as a result, the size of the halo can be increased due to larger pairing correlations. However, combining the most realistic pairing interaction, a proper treatment of the continuum and particle number projection does not permit to reproduce the very large halos observed in very light nuclei.Comment: Re-submitted to Phys. Rev. C after Referee's review. Layout of figures changed to cope with editor's requirement

    Many Body Corrections to Nuclear Anapole Moment

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    The many body contributions to the nuclear anapole moment of 133^{133}Cs, 205^{205}Tl, 207,209^{207,209}PB, and 209^{209}Bi from the core polarization are calculated in the random-phase approximation with the effective residual interaction. Strong reduction of a valence nucleon contribution was found provided by the core polarization effects. The contribution of the core particles to the anapole moment compensates this reduction to large extent keeping the magnitude of nuclear anapole moment close to its initial single particle value.Comment: 14 pages, latex, no figures, ps-file available at http://www.inp.nsk.su/preprint/prep95.htm
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