9 research outputs found

    Control intervention design for preclinical and clinical trials: consensus-based core recommendations from the third Stroke Recovery and Rehabilitation Roundtable

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    Control comparator selection is a critical trial design issue. Preclinical and clinical investigators who are doing trials of stroke recovery and rehabilitation interventions must carefully consider the appropriateness and relevance of their chosen control comparator as the benefit of an experimental intervention is established relative to a comparator. Establishing a strong rationale for a selected comparator improves the integrity of the trial and validity of its findings. This Stroke Recovery and Rehabilitation Roundtable (SRRR) taskforce used a graph theory voting system to rank the importance and ease of addressing challenges during control comparator design. "Identifying appropriate type of control" was ranked easy to address and very important, "variability in usual care" was ranked hard to address and of low importance, and "understanding the content of the control and how it differs from the experimental intervention" was ranked very important but not easy to address. The CONtrol DeSIGN (CONSIGN) decision support tool was developed to address the identified challenges and enhance comparator selection, description, and reporting. CONSIGN is a web-based tool inclusive of seven steps that guide the user through control comparator design. The tool was refined through multiple rounds of pilot testing that included more than 130 people working in neurorehabilitation research. Four hypothetical exemplar trials, which span preclinical, mood, aphasia, and motor recovery, demonstrate how the tool can be applied in practice. Six consensus recommendations are defined that span research domains, professional disciplines, and international borders.</p

    Control intervention design for preclinical and clinical trials: Consensus-based core recommendations from the third Stroke Recovery and Rehabilitation Roundtable

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    Control comparator selection is a critical trial design issue. Preclinical and clinical investigators who are doing trials of stroke recovery and rehabilitation interventions must carefully consider the appropriateness and relevance of their chosen control comparator as the benefit of an experimental intervention is established relative to a comparator. Establishing a strong rationale for a selected comparator improves the integrity of the trial and validity of its findings. This Stroke Recovery and Rehabilitation Roundtable (SRRR) taskforce used a graph theory voting system to rank the importance and ease of addressing challenges during control comparator design. “Identifying appropriate type of control” was ranked easy to address and very important, “variability in usual care” was ranked hard to address and of low importance, and “understanding the content of the control and how it differs from the experimental intervention” was ranked very important but not easy to address. The CONtrol DeSIGN (CONSIGN) decision support tool was developed to address the identified challenges and enhance comparator selection, description, and reporting. CONSIGN is a web-based tool inclusive of seven steps that guide the user through control comparator design. The tool was refined through multiple rounds of pilot testing that included more than 130 people working in neurorehabilitation research. Four hypothetical exemplar trials, which span preclinical, mood, aphasia, and motor recovery, demonstrate how the tool can be applied in practice. Six consensus recommendations are defined that span research domains, professional disciplines, and international borders

    sj-docx-1-wso-10.1177_17474930231199336 – Supplemental material for Control intervention design for preclinical and clinical trials: Consensus-based core recommendations from the third Stroke Recovery and Rehabilitation Roundtable

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    Supplemental material, sj-docx-1-wso-10.1177_17474930231199336 for Control intervention design for preclinical and clinical trials: Consensus-based core recommendations from the third Stroke Recovery and Rehabilitation Roundtable by Kathryn S Hayward, Emily J Dalton, Jessica Barth, Marian Brady, Leora R Cherney, Leonid Churilov, Andrew N Clarkson, Jesse Dawson, Sean P Dukelow, Peter Feys, Maree Hackett, Steve R Zeiler and Catherine E Lang in International Journal of Stroke</p

    sj-pdf-2-wso-10.1177_17474930231199336 – Supplemental material for Control intervention design for preclinical and clinical trials: Consensus-based core recommendations from the third Stroke Recovery and Rehabilitation Roundtable

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    Supplemental material, sj-pdf-2-wso-10.1177_17474930231199336 for Control intervention design for preclinical and clinical trials: Consensus-based core recommendations from the third Stroke Recovery and Rehabilitation Roundtable by Kathryn S Hayward, Emily J Dalton, Jessica Barth, Marian Brady, Leora R Cherney, Leonid Churilov, Andrew N Clarkson, Jesse Dawson, Sean P Dukelow, Peter Feys, Maree Hackett, Steve R Zeiler and Catherine E Lang in International Journal of Stroke</p

    Instituições e política comercial nos Estados Unidos: política internacional, demandas domésticas e design institucional

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    Abstract The article addresses the institutionalization of the United State&#8217;s trade policy from a historical perspective, with particular emphasis on developments that have occurred since the mid-40s until the 1980s. To accomplish this task, we build a narrative that takes into account developments in the international system and American domestic politics. We seek to understand how these two structures have led to changes in the trade policy formulation process as well as the influence of these changes on trade policy itself, which became less internationalist and more focused on the notion of fair trade.Resumo O artigo aborda a institucionalização da política comercial dos Estados Unidos a partir de uma perspectiva histórica, dando ênfase especial aos desenvolvimentos que ocorreram a partir de meados da década de 40 até os anos 80. Para realizarmos esta tarefa, construímos uma narrativa que leva em conta os desenvolvimentos do sistema internacional e da política doméstica norte-americana. Buscamos entender como essas duas estruturas levaram a mudanças no processo de formulação de política comercial, bem como a influência dessas mudanças na política comercial em si, que se tornou menos internacionalista e mais focada na noção de fair trade

    State Incentives to Promote Organ Donation: Honoring the Principles of Reciprocity and Solidarity Inherent in the Gift Relationship

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    Disease Modification in Epilepsy: From Animal Models to Clinical Applications

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