Let f(x) be a degree (2g+1) monic polynomial with coefficients in an algebraically closed field K with char(K)=2 and without repeated roots. Let R⊂K be the (2g+1)-element set of roots of f(x). Let C:y2=f(x) be an odd degree genus g hyperelliptic curve over K. Let J be the jacobian of C and J[2]⊂J(K) the (sub)group of its points of order dividing 2. We identify C with the image of its canonical embedding into J (the infinite point of C goes to the identity element of J). Let P=(a,b)∈C(K)⊂J(K) and M1/2,P⊂J(K) the set of halves of P in J(K), which is J[2]-torsor. In a previous work we established an explicit bijection between M1/2,P and the set of collections of square roots R1/2,P:={r:R→K∣r(α)2=a−α∀α∈R;α∈R∏r(α)=−b}. The aim of this paper is to describe the induced action of J[2] on R1/2,P (i.e., how signs of square roots r(α)=a−α should change)
Let K be a field of characteristic different from 2, Kˉ its algebraic closure. Let n≥3 be an odd prime such that 2 is a primitive root modulo n. Let f(x) and h(x) be degree n polynomials with coefficients in K and without repeated roots. Let us consider genus (n−1)/2 hyperelliptic curves Cf:y2=f(x) and Ch:y2=h(x), and their jacobians J(Cf) and J(Ch), which are (n−1)/2-dimensional abelian varieties defined over K. Suppose that one of the polynomials is irreducible and the other reducible. We prove that if J(Cf) and J(Ch) are isogenous over Kˉ then both jacobians are abelian varieties of CM type with multiplication by the field of nth roots of 1. We also discuss the case when both polynomials are irreducible while their splitting fields are linearly disjoint. In particular, we prove that if char(K)=0, the Galois group of one of the polynomials is doubly transitive and the Galois group of the other is a cyclic group of order n, then J(Cf) and J(Ch) are not isogenous over Kˉ