61 research outputs found

    Flow equation approach to the linear response theory of superconductors

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    We apply the flow equation method for studying the current-current response function of electron systems with the pairing instability. To illustrate the specific scheme in which the flow equation procedure determines the two-particle Green's functions we reproduce the standard response kernel of the BCS superconductor. We next generalize this non-perturbative treatment considering the pairing field fluctuations. Our study indicates that the residual diamagnetic behavior detected above the transition temperature in the cuprate superconductors can originate from the noncondensed preformed pairs.Comment: 12 pages, 4 figure

    Evaluating PET-CT in the detection and management of recurrent cervical cancer: Systematic reviews of diagnostic accuracy and subjective elicitation

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    Background: Positron emission tomography-computed tomography (PET-CT) is recommended to triage women for exenterative surgery and surveillance after treatment for advanced cervical cancer. Objective: To evaluate diagnostic accuracy of additional whole body PET-CT compared with CT/magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) alone in women with suspected recurrent/persistent cervical cancer and in asymptomatic women as surveillance. Design: Systematic reviews. Subjective elicitation to supplement diagnostic information. Search strategy/Selection criteria/Data collection and analysis: Searches of electronic databases were performed to June 2013. Studies in women with suspected recurrent/persistent cervical cancer and in asymptomatic women undergoing follow up with sufficient numeric data were included. We calculated sensitivity, specificity and corresponding 95% confidence intervals. Meta-analyses employed a bivariate model that included a random-effects term for between-study variations (CT studies) and univariate random effects meta-analyses (PET-CT studies) for sensitivity and specificity separately. Subjective elicitation: Prevalence of recurrence and the accuracy of imaging elicited using the allocation of points technique. Coherence of elicited subjective probabilities with estimates in the literature examined. Results: We identified 15 relevant studies; none directly compared additional PET-CT with MRI or CT separately. Most CT and MRI studies used older protocols and the majority did not distinguish between asymptomatic and symptomatic women. Meta-analysis of nine PET-CT studies in mostly symptomatic women showed sensitivity of 94.8 (95% CI 91.2-96.9), and specificity of 86.9% (95% CI 82.2-90.5). The summary estimate of the sensitivity of CT for detection of recurrence was 89.64% (95% CI 81.59-94.41) and specificity was 76% (95% CI 43.68-92.82). Meta-analysis for MRI test accuracy studies was not possible because of clinical heterogeneity. The sensitivity and specificity of MRI in pelvic recurrence varied between 82 and 100% and between 78 and 100%, respectively. Formal statistical comparisons of the accuracy of index tests were not possible. Subjective elicitation provided estimates comparable to the literature. Subjective estimates of the increase in accuracy from the addition of PET-CT were less than elicited increases required to justify the use in PET-CT for surveillance. Conclusion: Evidence to support additional PET-CT is scarce, of average quality and does not distinguish between application for surveillance and diagnosis. Guidelines recommending PET-CT in recurrent cervical cancer need to be reconsidered in the light of the existing evidence base

    Positron emission tomography/computerised tomography imaging in detecting and managing recurrent cervical cancer: systematic review of evidence, elicitation of subjective probabilities and economic modelling.

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    © Queen’s Printer and Controller of HMSO 2013. This work was produced by Meads et al. under the terms of a commissioning contract issued by the Secretary of State for Health. This issue may be freely reproduced for the purposes of private research and study and extracts (or indeed, the full report) may be included in professional journals provided that suitable acknowledgement is made and the reproduction is not associated with any form of advertising.Cancer of the uterine cervix is a common cause of mortality in women. After initial treatment women may be symptom free, but the cancer may recur within a few years. It is uncertain whether it is more clinically effective to survey asymptomatic women for signs of recurrence or to await symptoms or signs before using imaging.National Institute for Health Research Health Technology Assessment programm

    Linear response within the projection-based renormalization method: Many-body corrections beyond the random phase approximation

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    The explicit evaluation of linear response coefficients for interacting many-particle systems still poses a considerable challenge to theoreticians. In this work we use a novel many-particle renormalization technique, the so-called projector-based renormalization method, to show how such coefficients can systematically be evaluated. To demonstrate the prospects and power of our approach we consider the dynamical wave-vector dependent spin susceptibility of the two-dimensional Hubbard model and also determine the subsequent magnetic phase diagram close to half-filling. We show that the superior treatment of (Coulomb) correlation and fluctuation effects within the projector-based renormalization method significantly improves the standard random phase approximation results.Comment: 17 pages, 7 figures, revised versio

    Financing micro-entrepreneurs for poverty alleviation: a performance analysis of microfinance services offered by BRAC, ASA, and Proshika from Bangladesh

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    Microfinance services have emerged as an effective tool for financing microentrepreneurs to alleviate poverty. Since the 1970s, development theorists have considered non-governmental microfinance institutions (MFIs) as the leading practitioners of sustainable development through financing micro-entrepreneurial activities. This study evaluates the impact of micro-finance services provided by MFIs on poverty alleviation. In this vein, we examine whether microfinance services contribute to poverty alleviation, and also identify bottlenecks in micro-finance programs and operations. The results indicate that the micro-loans have a statistically significant positive impact on the poverty alleviation index and consequently improve the living standard of borrowers by increasing their level of income

    Gender, microcredit, and poverty alleviation in a developing country: the case of women entrepreneurs in Pakistan

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    The paper explores the impact of financial exclusion on financial and human poverty amongst women in Pakistan. The findings suggest that persistent financial exclusion, gender discrimination, and conservative religious values adversely impact women’s empowerment. There is an inverse correlation between the size of microcredit and women’s financial poverty, which is not the case for human poverty. Larger families experienced higher rates of poverty reduction than smaller families. The study offers evidence, and supports theories on the impact of microcredit upon poverty alleviation. These findings inform policy makers, women entrepreneurs, and microfinance institutions

    Manufacturing capability and organizational performance: The role of entrepreneurial orientation

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    To date there have been mixed findings about the impact of various manufacturing capabilities on organizational performance. This study investigates entrepreneurial orientation (EO) from the perspective of the Contingency Theory as a potential explanatory variable. The findings are that EO moderates the relationship between capabilities in flexibility and cost and organizational performance. Further, without a sufficient level of EO, there are no benefits to organizational performance and as such EO is positioned as a strategic resource to cultivate and nurture. This study provides insight into the connection between operational capabilities and firm level strategy. Specifically, it appears that EO may be the mechanism whereby manufacturing capabilities are linked to market needs

    Comparison of the DNA extraction methods efficiency from needles and wood of European larch (Larix decidua Mill.)

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    Izolacja DNA jest często pierwszym etapem w analizach molekularnych drzew. Celem pracy było porównanie wydajności sześciu wybranych metod izolacji DNA z materiału wyjściowego, który stanowiły igły modrzewia europejskiego zebrane na początku oraz pod koniec okresu wegetacyjnego (w kwietniu i we wrześniu), a także drewno bielaste i twardzielowe. Stężenie i czystość wyizolowanych preparatów DNA poddano ocenie spektrofotometrycznej. Po przeanalizowaniu wyników wybrano najlepsze (spośród testowanych) metody do izolacji DNA z igieł modrzewia oraz drewna bielastego. Testowane metody nie pozwoliły na wyizolowanie dobrze oczyszczonego DNA z drewna twardzielowego