139 research outputs found
One-loop four-point function in noncommutative {\cal N}=4 Yang-Mills theory
We compute the one-loop four-point function in {\cal N}=4 supersymmetric
Yang-Mills theory with gauge group U(N). We perform the calculation in {\cal
N}=1 superspace using the background field method and obtain the complete
off-shell contributions to the effective action from planar and non planar
supergraphs. In the low-energy approximation the result simplifies and we can
study its properties under gauge transformations. It appears that the nonplanar
contributions do not maintain the gauge invariance of the classical action.Comment: LaTex, 14 pages, 2 figure
The nonminimal scalar multiplet coupled to supersymmetric Yang-Mills
We consider the coupling of nonminimal scalar multiplets to supersymmetric
Yang-Mills in four dimensions and compute the one-loop contribution to the
low-energy effective action in the abelian sector. We show that the resulting
theory realizes the dual version of the corresponding one from N=2
supersymmetric Yang-Mills.Comment: 10 pages, Latex, no figure
Two-point functions for N=4 Konishi-like operators
We compute the two-point function of Konishi-like operators up to one-loop
order, in N=4 supersymmetric Yang-Mills theory. We work perturbatively in N=1
superspace. We find the expression expected on the basis of superconformal
invariance and determine the normalization of the correlator and the anomalous
dimension of the operators to order g^2 in the coupling constant.Comment: 10 pages, 3 figures; added references and some clarifying comment
Recently approved recombinant factor VIII (rFVIII) for the replacement treatment in patients with hemophilia A in Italy
D-effects in Toroidally Compactified Type II String Theory
We review exact results obtained for R^4 couplings in maximally
supersymmetric type II string theories. These couplings offer a privileged
scene to understand the rules of semiclassical calculus in string theory. Upon
expansion in weak string coupling, they reveal an infinite sum of
non-perturbative e^{-1/g} effects that can be imputed to euclidean D-branes
wrapped on cycles of the compactification manifolds. They also shed light on
the relation between Dp-branes and D-(p-2)branes, D-strings and (p,q) strings,
instanton sums and soliton loops. The latter interpretation takes over in D<=6
in order to account for the e^{-1/g^2} effects, still mysterious from the point
of view of instanton calculus.
[To appear in the proceedings of the conference "Quantum Aspects of Gauge
Theories, Supersymmetry and Unification" held at Neuchatel University,
Switzerland, 18-23 September 1997.]Comment: 1+6 pages, neuchatel.sty include
The 0-brane action in a general D=4 supergravity background
We begin by presenting the superparticle action in the background of N=2, D=4
supergravity coupled to n vector multiplets interacting via an arbitrary
special Kahler geometry. Our construction is based on implementing
kappa-supersymmetry. In particular, our result can be interpreted as the source
term for N=2 BPS black holes with a finite horizon area. When the vector
multiplets can be associated to the complex structure moduli of a Calabi-Yau
manifold, then our 0-brane action can be derived by wrapping 3-branes around
3-cycles of the 3-fold. Our result can be extended to the case of higher
supersymmetry; we explicitly construct the kappa supersymmetric action for a
superparticle moving in an arbitrary N=8 supergravity background with 1/2, 1/4
or 1/8 residual supersymmetry.Comment: 29 pages, LaTex; v2 and v3: twice reference added and typos
corrected; v4: typos corrected for final version in Class.Quantum Gra
Exact anomalous dimensions of {\cal N}=4 Yang-Mills operators with large R charge
In a {\cal N}=1 superspace formulation of {\cal N}=4 Yang-Mills theory we
obtain the anomalous dimensions of chiral operators with large R charge J \to
\infty keeping g^2 N/J^2 finite, to all orders of perturbation theory in the
planar limit. Our result proves the conjecture that the anomalous dimensions
are indeed finite in the above limit. This amounts to an exact check of the
proposed duality between a sector of {\cal N}=4 Yang-Mills theory with large R
charge J and string theory in a pp-wave background.Comment: 6 pages, LaTex; v2: minor change
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