25 research outputs found
Penggunaan Model Sinektik Untuk Meningkatkan Pemahaman Konsep Sistem Peredaran Darah Manusia Pada Siswa Kelas XI Sman
Proses pembelajaran biologi di SMA Negeri 12 Banjarmasin saat ini belum begitu berpusat kepada siswa sehingga keterampilan proses siswanya masih kurang. Salah satu cara yang dapat digunakan untuk mencapai tujuan ini dengan menggunakan model Sinektik. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian tindakan kelas (PTK) yang bertujuan mengetahui peningkatan pemahaman siswa, aktivitas siswa, aktivitas guru serta respon siswa. Penelitian terbagi menjadi 3 siklus, masing-masing siklus terdiri dari 1 kali pertemuan. Subjek dalam penelitian ini adalah semua siswa kelas XI IPA SMA Negeri 12 Banjarmasin yang berjumlah 23 orang siswa. Data hasil penelitian dianalisis secara deskriptif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa masih ada beberapa indikator yang belum tercapai dalam penelitian tentang penggunaan model Sinektik pada siswa kelas XI SMA Negeri 12 Banjarmasin pada konsep Sistem Peredaran Darah pada Manusia ini. Indikator keberhasilan proses belajar siswa ditunjukkan dari aktivitas siswa yang sudah terfokus pada kegiatan model sinektik sehingga hasil selama proses pembelajaran meningkat dari siklus 1 ke siklus 3 menjadi kategori baik. Hasil belajar siswa pada siklus 1 pada pre test 0% menjadi 13,63% pada post tes, pada siklus 2 hasil pre test 39,13% menjadi 91,30% pada post test dan pada siklus 3 hasil pre test 28,57% menjadi 57,14% pada post test. Hasil belajar dari siklus 1 ke siklus 2 mengalami peningkatan dan mencapai ketuntasan klasikal namun pada siklus 3 mengalami penurunan, tetapi setelah dilakukan analisis perbutir soal diketahui kalau penurunan tersebut bukan karena soal sinektik. Dari segi pengelolaan pembelajaran oleh guru sudah termasuk kategori baik walaupun guru masih belum bisa melepas dominansinya
The Effectivity of Medicinal Plant Based on Local Wisdom of Dayak Community Textbook Development on Improving Student Learning Outcome
Exploration of local plant germplasm as a source of biopharmaceuticals is a practice that has often been carried out by the Dayak community in Central Kalimantan, one of them is Diplazium esculentum which is believed to treat acne. Scientific testing of the effectiveness of Diplazium esculentum as an acne medication can be a source of learning in lecture activities as a medicinal plant based on local wisdom of Dayak community textbook development. This research aims to generate a local wisdom and laboratory experiment textbooks that are valid, practical and effective in Biotechnology courses, specifically on pharmaceutical biotechnology topic of biology education program, Islamic State University of Palangka Raya. This textbook development followed the model ADDIE. The results of this research showed that the textbooks that developed using ADDIE model are a) categorized very valid based on the results of an content expert (91,68%), media expert (83,58%) and practitioners' assessment (91.22%), b) practically based on limited testing of college student of biology education program in Islamic State University of Palangka Raya and c) effective based on the result of cognitive test on health biotechnology topics that had a significant effect with p-value 0.009 <α (α = 0,05). This research concluded that the textbooks based on local wisdom and laboratory experiment which were developed have been proved valid, practical, and effective to increase learning outÂcome
Cultural awareness on students' perceptions toward body’s spoken image used in greetings and introduction of Pondok Pesantren Darul Hijrah Putra Martapura
Students’ perceptions toward the body’s spoken image used in greeting and introduction of Pondok Pesantren Darul Hijrah Putra Martapura are supported to what the expert says that what is considered appropriate behavior in one culture is frequently inappropriate in another one. Based on an interview about that they said that students like and some students dislike English they like the Arabic language more. They only speak English in boarding school. Students cannot say in English if they don’t have an interesting topic and what they discuss. All of the students think most of the gestures are contradictive with local and Islamic religious values
Students’ problems in developing speaking skill at the eleventh grade SMA Darul Hijrah Putra Martapura
The objective of this research is describe the students’ problems in developing speaking skill at eleventh grade SMA Darul Hijrah Putra Martapura school year 2017/2018. In this research, the researcher uses descriptive qualitative as the research design. The population of this research is students at SMA Darul Hijrah Putra Martapura and the samples of this research are 36 students from class XI SMA. The samples are selected based on the problem formulation. This research uses questionnaire and interview as the instrument. The finding shows that students problem: nothing to say (58.33%), mother-tongue use (80.55%), difficult to express ideas verbally (58.33%), limited vocabulary (72.22%), limited ability of grammar (72.22%), focused on grammar (61.11%
Preventing negative effects of using technology in English teaching material by integrating local wisdom
Beginning 21st century, it means getting into globalization era. The information will be easy to access from home by using technology. What is happening in other side of the world, can be quickly known in other parts. Gates between nations are widely open with no barrier. The diversity of nation’s cultures is gradually melted. This is called by John Nesbit as Global Life Styles. English as an international language is an inseparable dimension of globalization using technology. The field of the ELT material has been deeply pervaded by the ICT (Information and Communication Technology) use. The easy access to technology has made information possible for enhancement of teaching and learning program and about 80% of it is in English (MC – Crum. R. et al., 1986). Some of the technology used in ELT classroom as suggested are Computer Mediated English, Computer Assisted Language Learning (CALL), Web Based Learning, E-mail, Blogs, Skype, Mobile Phones, I pods, Social Media, the media live streaming such as Google Chrome, etc. However, the use of technology itself has negative sides from the point of view of the native country from its local wisdom. Information that is not filtered properly, potentially causes the negative behavior change. The existence of local values which are threatened by the massive wave of global culture is the existence of local wisdom. Therefore, the use of technology in the ELT material as an open door of the massive wave needs the demand of the filter existence of integrating local wisdom
Student’s Perception Toward E-Learning During Covid-19
Currently, the condition of the world, including Indonesia, is facing the Corona Virus 19 pandemic that has hit the world since the beginning of 2020 causing a tremendous impact in all aspects of human life, including from the education sector where learning is carried out through online or e-learning. The purpose of this study was to determine students' perceptions of the English language education study program STKIP PGRI Banjarmasin towards online learning applied at STKIP PGRI Banjarmasin. Researchers get data for this study from questionnaires and interviews. The questionnaire contains students' perceptions of online lectures which are divided into several indicators. The results of the questionnaire were re-confirmed through interviews with several students and lecturers. This type of research is descriptive qualitative with a survey focus to describe student perceptions of online learning or e-learning in the future. The results of this study indicate that 71% of students agree with online lectures conducted by STKIP PGRI Banjarmasin and 29% of students disagree with online lectures conducted by STKIP PGRI Banjarmasin
Implementation of Character Education in Teaching and Learning English by the Students Practice Field Experience Activities Online during the Covid 19 Pandemic
It is revealed that the EFL teachers have inserted character education in classroom with various activities and frequencies. Most of them inserted character education with both explicit and implicit modes. The Students practice field experience in teaching and learning English course in their teaching practice faced obstacles in the implementation of character education using 2013 curriculum that has not been maximized during the online course of covid 19 pandemic. The practiced teachers with full awareness as future educators try to carry out activities that prioritize character education as characteristic of the Indonesian nation in every activity as an EFL teachers during the online course. The design of this study was a descriptive qualitative study through two students practice field experience among them in teaching and learning English activities online that consisted of verbal and nonverbal activities using google meet application, google classroom, WhatsApp media. The techniques for collecting the data were observation and document study from the lesson plans and were analyzed using Miles and Huberman model. The results of the study show that the students practice field experience have been able to implement 18 character values in the English teaching and learning activities integratedly as a whole procedure in two times observation, which are in pre- teaching, whilst-teaching, and post-teaching. The character values implemented are Honesty, Responsibility, Discipline, Curiosity, Friendly / Communicative, Tolerance, Independent, Religiosity, Work Hard, Creative, Rewarding Achievement, Joy of Reading, Environmental Care, Social Care, Democratic, Love the Country, The Spirit of Nationality and Love of Peace.
ABSTRAK Proses pembelajaran biologi di SMA Negeri 12 Banjarmasin saat ini belum begitu berpusat kepada siswa sehingga keterampilan proses siswanya masih kurang. Salah satu cara yang dapat digunakan untuk mencapai tujuan ini dengan menggunakan model Sinektik. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian tindakan kelas (PTK) yang bertujuan mengetahui peningkatan pemahaman siswa, aktivitas siswa, aktivitas guru serta respon siswa. Penelitian terbagi menjadi 3 siklus, masing-masing siklus terdiri dari 1 kali pertemuan. Subjek dalam penelitian ini adalah semua siswa kelas XI IPA SMA Negeri 12 Banjarmasin yang berjumlah 23 orang siswa. Data hasil penelitian dianalisis secara deskriptif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa masih ada beberapa indikator yang belum tercapai dalam penelitian tentang penggunaan model Sinektik pada siswa kelas XI SMA Negeri 12 Banjarmasin pada konsep Sistem Peredaran Darah pada Manusia ini. Indikator keberhasilan proses belajar siswa ditunjukkan dari aktivitas siswa yang sudah terfokus pada kegiatan model sinektik sehingga hasil selama proses pembelajaran meningkat dari siklus 1 ke siklus 3 menjadi kategori baik. Hasil belajar siswa pada siklus 1 pada pre test 0% menjadi 13,63% pada post tes, pada siklus 2 hasil pre test 39,13% menjadi 91,30% pada post test dan pada siklus 3 hasil pre test 28,57% menjadi 57,14% pada post test. Hasil belajar dari siklus 1 ke siklus 2 mengalami peningkatan dan mencapai ketuntasan klasikal namun pada siklus 3 mengalami penurunan, tetapi setelah dilakukan analisis perbutir soal diketahui kalau penurunan tersebut bukan karena soal sinektik. Dari segi pengelolaan pembelajaran oleh guru sudah termasuk kategori baik walaupun guru masih belum bisa melepas dominansinya.Kata kunci: Model Sinektik, Sistem Peredaran Darah pada Manusia, PemahamanSiswa
Hasil Belajar dan Kinerja Siswa SMA pada Pembelajaran Konsep Protista Melalui Pendekatan Inquiri Terbimbing
Learning activities in SMAN 2 Banjarbaru has led to the observation of activities, but not optimal guided inquiry approach in detail. This resulted in performance students have not been honed, which is indispensable in biology education. This study aims to: test the significance of student learning outcomes in the form of a product between treatment classes and control classes, test the significance of the process of student learning outcomes between treatment classes and control classes, measure student performance. The study was designed with a quasi-experimental The Nonequivalent Control Group Design. Sample of this study is class grade students X5 and X4 as a class treatment and X1 as a control classes. There are differences of the average of learning product treatment classes with control classes in 3 times learning (29.5 to 28.21; 51.2 to 28.93; 70.2 to 27.14). This difference was significant sequential (Fo = 16.76, P = 0.0001, Fo = 43.60, P = 0.0001, Fo = 140.47, P = 0.0001), there are differences in the average learning in the class of treatment with a class of learning control in 3 times learning (53.8 to 30.36; 60 to 37.5: 72.1 to 31.43). This difference was significant sequential (Fo = 88.77, P = 0.0001, Fo = 98.76, P = 0.0001, Fo = 245.92, P = 0.0001, the performance of students, characterized by behavioral skills, social and psychomotor skills assessment has increased