34 research outputs found
Optical MEMS
Optical microelectromechanical systems (MEMS), microoptoelectromechanical systems (MOEMS), or optical microsystems are devices or systems that interact with light through actuation or sensing at a micro- or millimeter scale. Optical MEMS have had enormous commercial success in projectors, displays, and fiberoptic communications. The best-known example is Texas Instruments’ digital micromirror devices (DMDs). The development of optical MEMS was impeded seriously by the Telecom Bubble in 2000. Fortunately, DMDs grew their market size even in that economy downturn. Meanwhile, in the last one and half decade, the optical MEMS market has been slowly but steadily recovering. During this time, the major technological change was the shift of thin-film polysilicon microstructures to single-crystal–silicon microsructures. Especially in the last few years, cloud data centers are demanding large-port optical cross connects (OXCs) and autonomous driving looks for miniature LiDAR, and virtual reality/augmented reality (VR/AR) demands tiny optical scanners. This is a new wave of opportunities for optical MEMS. Furthermore, several research institutes around the world have been developing MOEMS devices for extreme applications (very fine tailoring of light beam in terms of phase, intensity, or wavelength) and/or extreme environments (vacuum, cryogenic temperatures) for many years. Accordingly, this Special Issue seeks to showcase research papers, short communications, and review articles that focus on (1) novel design, fabrication, control, and modeling of optical MEMS devices based on all kinds of actuation/sensing mechanisms; and (2) new developments of applying optical MEMS devices of any kind in consumer electronics, optical communications, industry, biology, medicine, agriculture, physics, astronomy, space, or defense
FALCON: a concept to extend adaptive optics corrections to cosmological fields
FALCON is an original concept for a next generation spectrograph at ESO VLT
or at future ELTs. It is a spectrograph including multiple small integral field
units (IFUs) which can be deployed within a large field of view such as that of
VLT/GIRAFFE. In FALCON, each IFU features an adaptive optics correction using
off-axis natural reference stars in order to combine, in the 0.8-1.8 \mu m
wavelength range, spatial and spectral resolutions (0.1-0.15 arcsec and
R=10000+/-5000). These conditions are ideally suited for distant galaxy
studies, which should be done within fields of view larger than the galaxy
clustering scales (4-9 Mpc), i.e. foV > 100 arcmin2. Instead of compensating
the whole field, the adaptive correction will be performed locally on each IFU.
This implies to use small miniaturized devices both for adaptive optics
correction and wavefront sensing. Applications to high latitude fields imply to
use atmospheric tomography because the stars required for wavefront sensing
will be in most of the cases far outside the isoplanatic patch.Comment: To appear in the Backaskog "Second Workshop on ELT" SPIE proceeding
MOEMS deformable mirror testing in cryo for future optical instrumentation
MOEMS Deformable Mirrors (DM) are key components for next generation
instruments with innovative adaptive optics systems, in existing telescopes and
in the future ELTs. These DMs must perform at room temperature as well as in
cryogenic and vacuum environment. Ideally, the MOEMS-DMs must be designed to
operate in such environment. We present some major rules for designing /
operating DMs in cryo and vacuum. We chose to use interferometry for the full
characterization of these devices, including surface quality measurement in
static and dynamical modes, at ambient and in vacuum/cryo. Thanks to our
previous set-up developments, we placed a compact cryo-vacuum chamber designed
for reaching 10-6 mbar and 160K, in front of our custom Michelson
interferometer, able to measure performances of the DM at actuator/segment
level as well as whole mirror level, with a lateral resolution of 2{\mu}m and a
sub-nanometric z-resolution. Using this interferometric bench, we tested the
Iris AO PTT111 DM: this unique and robust design uses an array of single
crystalline silicon hexagonal mirrors with a pitch of 606{\mu}m, able to move
in tip, tilt and piston with strokes from 5 to 7{\mu}m, and tilt angle in the
range of +/-5mrad. They exhibit typically an open-loop flat surface figure as
good as <20nm rms. A specific mount including electronic and opto-mechanical
interfaces has been designed for fitting in the test chamber. Segment
deformation, mirror shaping, open-loop operation are tested at room and cryo
temperature and results are compared. The device could be operated successfully
at 160K. An additional, mainly focus-like, 500 nm deformation is measured at
160K; we were able to recover the best flat in cryo by correcting the focus and
local tip-tilts on some segments. Tests on DM with different mirror thicknesses
(25{\mu}m and 50{\mu}m) and different coatings (silver and gold) are currently
under way.Comment: 11 pages, 12 Figure
Batman and Robin: next generation spectro-imagers for space observation
In Earth Observation, Universe Observation and Planet Exploration, scientific return of the instruments must be optimized in future space missions
Operation of a MOEMS Deformable Mirror in Cryo: Challenges and Results
Micro-opto-electro-mechanical systems (MOEMS) Deformable Mirrors (DM) are key components for next generation optical instruments implementing innovative adaptive optics systems, both in existing telescopes and in the future ELTs. Characterizing these components well is critical for next generation instruments. This is done by interferometry, including surface quality measurement in static and dynamical modes, at ambient and in vacuum/cryo. We use a compact cryo-vacuum chamber designed for reaching 10–6 mbar and 160 K in front of our custom Michelson interferometer, which is able to measure performance of the DM at actuator/segment level and at the entire mirror level, with a lateral resolution of 2 µm and a sub-nanometer z-resolution. We tested the PTT 111 DM from Iris AO: an array of single crystalline silicon hexagonal mirrors with a pitch of 606 µm, able to move in tip, tilt, and piston (stroke 5–7 µm, tilt ±5 mrad). The device could be operated successfully from ambient to 160 K. An additional, mainly focus-like, 500 nm deformation of the entire mirror is measured at 160 K; we were able to recover the best flat in cryo by correcting the focus and local tip-tilts on all segments, reaching 12 nm rms. Finally, the goal of these studies is to test DMs in cryo and vacuum conditions as well as to improve their architecture for stable operation in harsh environments
Editorial for the Special Issue on Optical MEMS
International audienc
Large micromirror array designed and tested for Multi-Object Spectroscopy
MEMS-based programmable slit masks are developed for multi-object spectroscopy in astronomy. Devices with 2048 tiltable micromirrors were fabricated and tested, exhibiting very good surface flatness, high contrast and cryogenic operation ability
Optical device dedicated to the non-destructive observation and characterization of the solidification of bulk transparent alloys in situ and in real time
International audienceAn optical system has been developed to characterize transparent organic alloys during their directional solidification in situ and in real time inside bulk samples with a high aspect ratio. Standard solidification experiments are performed within thin glass slides where solidification behaviour is modified compared with bulk solidification due to the space constraint. On the other hand, the interface can be easily observed via a microscope. For bulk samples, a more complex system had to be implemented. We designed a specific glass observation cell and an adapted solidification furnace. Optical elements were integrated inside the glass observation cell containing the solidifying alloy. The resulting glass observation cell can be easily used as a tool for many optical characterization methods. Here we use the system to generate live images of the solid-liquid interface. These images, recorded on video, provided very interesting and fruitful information on the dynamic phenomena appearing at the interface. The whole interface as well as specific details of the interface could be observed. The images showed a resolution of a few micrometres, suitable to characterize interface features, as well as a high contrast and a constant magnification. As a consequence, further image processing to quantitatively characterize the solid-liquid interface could be easily performed. A method to determine the average radius of curvature of a cellular array was also implemented and is presented here
Large micro-mirror arrays: key components in future space instruments for Universe and Earth Observation
In future space missions for Universe and Earth Observation, scientific return could be optimized using MOEMS devices. Micro-mirror arrays are used for designing new generation of instruments, multi-object spectrographs in Universe Observation and programmable wide field spectrographs in Earth Observation. Mock-ups have been designed and built for both applications and they show very promising results
Segmented wavefront metrology using multicolor PISTIL interferometry
International audiencePISTIL (Piston and Tilt) is a recent interferometric system that computes the absolute piston and tip/tilt map of a segmented wavefront. Its high precision makes it usable as a metrology tool for wavefront sensing of coherently-combined laser arrays for example. This interferometer needs to correctly address high dynamic piston sensing, while dealing with fringes wrapping that leads to ambiguous phase estimations. We derived a mathematical combination for two measurements at different wavelengths and did a technical demonstration of it, using a IRIS-AO PTT111 Deformable Mirror as a segmented wavefront generator. We have verified that the loss of accuracy is slightly increased for a larger piston compared to a previous study, and we got a standard error of λ/160 with a Peak-to-valley of λ/50. This technique could be extended to a broader spectrum