2,480 research outputs found
Renormalizability of generalized quantum electrodynamics
In this work we present the study of the renormalizability of the Generalized
Quantum Electrodynamics (). We begin the article by reviewing the
on-shell renormalization scheme applied to . Thereafter, we calculate
the explicit expressions for all the counter-terms at one-loop approximation
and discuss the infrared behavior of the theory as well. Next, we explore some
properties of the effective coupling of the theory which would give an
indictment of the validity regime of theory: .
Afterwards, we make use of experimental data from the electron anomalous
magnetic moment to set possible values for the theory free parameter through
the one-loop contribution of Podolsky mass-dependent term to Pauli's form
factor .Comment: 9 page
Relativistic free-particle quantization on the light-front: New aspects
We use the light-front machinery to study the behavior of a relativistic free
particle and obtain the quantum commutation relations from the classical
Poisson brackets. We argue that the usual projection onto the light-front
coordinates for these from the covariant commutation ralations does not
reproduce the expected results.Comment: To appear in the proceedings "IX Hadron Physics and VII Relativistic
Aspects of Nuclear Physics: A Joint Meeting on QCD and QGP, Hadron
Physics-RANP,2004,Angra dos Reis, Rio de Janeiro,Brazi
Local quantum ergodic conjecture
The Quantum Ergodic Conjecture equates the Wigner function for a typical
eigenstate of a classically chaotic Hamiltonian with a delta-function on the
energy shell. This ensures the evaluation of classical ergodic expectations of
simple observables, in agreement with Shnirelman's theorem, but this putative
Wigner function violates several important requirements. Consequently, we
transfer the conjecture to the Fourier transform of the Wigner function, that
is, the chord function. We show that all the relevant consequences of the usual
conjecture require only information contained within a small (Planck) volume
around the origin of the phase space of chords: translations in ordinary phase
space. Loci of complete orthogonality between a given eigenstate and its nearby
translation are quite elusive for the Wigner function, but our local conjecture
stipulates that their pattern should be universal for ergodic eigenstates of
the same Hamiltonian lying within a classically narrow energy range. Our
findings are supported by numerical evidence in a Hamiltonian exhibiting soft
chaos. Heavily scarred eigenstates are remarkable counter-examples of the
ergodic universal pattern.Comment: 4 figure
Semiclassical theory for small displacements
Characteristic functions contain complete information about all the moments
of a classical distribution and the same holds for the Fourier transform of the
Wigner function: a quantum characteristic function, or the chord function.
However, knowledge of a finite number of moments does not allow for accurate
determination of the chord function. For pure states this provides the overlap
of the state with all its possible rigid translations (or displacements). We
here present a semiclassical approximation of the chord function for large
Bohr-quantized states, which is accurate right up to a caustic, beyond which
the chord function becomes evanescent. It is verified to pick out blind spots,
which are displacements for zero overlaps. These occur even for translations
within a Planck area of the origin. We derive a simple approximation for the
closest blind spots, depending on the Schroedinger covariance matrix, which is
verified for Bohr-quantized states.Comment: 16 pages, 4 figures
Surprises in the relativistic free-particle quantization on the light-front
We use the light front ``machinery'' to study the behavior of a relativistic
free particle and obtain the quantum commutation relations from the classical
Poisson brackets. We argue that their usual projection onto the light-front
coordinates from the covariant commutation relations show that there is an
inconsistency in the expected correlation between canonically conjugate
variables ``time'' and ``energy''. Moreover we show that this incompatibility
originates from the very definition of the Poisson brackets that is employed
and present a simple remedy to this problem and envisages a profound physical
implication on the whole process of quantization.Comment: 13 page
Temperature Dependent Surface Reconstruction of Freely Suspended Films of 4-n-heptyloxybenzylidene-4-n-heptylaniline
Surfaces of freely suspended thick films of 4-n-heptyloxybenzylidene-4-n-heptylaniline (7O.7) in the crystalline-B phase have been imaged using non-contact mode atomic force microscopy. Steps are observed on the surface of the film with a height of 3.0 +/- 0.1 nm corresponding to the upright molecular length of 7O.7. In addition, we find that the step width varies with temperature between 56 and 59 degrees C. The steps are many times wider than the molecular length, suggesting that the steps are not on the surface but instead originate from edge dislocations in the interior. Using a strain model for liquid crystalline layers above an edge dislocation to estimate the depth of the dislocation, we estimate that the number of reconstructed surface layers decreases from 50 to 4 layers as the temperature increases from 56 to 59 degrees C. This trend tracks the behavior of the phase boundary in the thickness dependent phase diagram of freely suspended films of 7O.7, suggesting that the surface may be reconstructed into a smectic-F phase
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