798 research outputs found
Modelling and Analysis Using GROOVE
In this paper we present case studies that describe how the graph transformation tool GROOVE has been used to model problems from a wide variety of domains. These case studies highlight the wide applicability of GROOVE in particular, and of graph transformation in general. They also give concrete templates for using GROOVE in practice. Furthermore, we use the case studies to analyse the main strong and weak points of GROOVE
Population Dynamics, Agglomeration Economies and Municipal Size: a Long-Term Analysis
Under the hypothesis that modifications in municipal boundaries and creation (or
suppression) of new administrative units reflect a progressive adjustment toward a more
balanced distribution of population over space, the present study investigates the long-term
relationship (1928-2012) between urban expansion, population dynamics and municipal
area in a growing metropolitan region (Athens, Greece). In expanding regions, municipal
size is a key variable outlining the amount and spatial concentration of services and
infrastructures, resulting to be functionally related to population density, agglomeration
factors, land availability to building and characteristic socioeconomic profiles of local
communities. A statistical analysis of the relationship between population density and
municipal area provides basic knowledge to policy and planning adjustments toward a
more balanced spatial distribution of population and land among the local government
units. Descriptive statistics, mapping, correlation analysis and linear regressions were used
to assess the evolution of such relationship over a sufficiently long time period. The
average municipal area in Athens decreased moderately over time, with a slight increase in
spatial heterogeneity. Conversely, the average population density per municipality
increased more rapidly, with a considerable reduction in spatial heterogeneity. The
observed goodness-of-fit of the linear relationship between population density and
municipal area increased significantly over time. The empirical results of our study indicate
that municipal size has progressively adjusted to population density across metropolitan
areas, determining a more balanced spatial distribution of the resident population, which
was consolidated by the recent administrative reform of the local authorities in Greece (the
so called ‘Kallikratis’ law). Such conditions represent a base for the informed analysis of
the spatial structure of local administrative units and they contribute to the debate on the
optimal size of municipalities and other administrative districts with relevant impact on both
urban and metropolitan scales of governance
A alternativa da aplicação dos conceitos de marketing e de vendas na gestão hoteleira: um estudo multicaso nas pousadas da Ilha de Santa Catarina
Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro Sócio-Econômico. Programa de Pós-Graduação em Administração.O objetivo geral desta dissertação é avaliar em que nível o processo de gestão das pousadas na Ilha de Santa Catarina foi orientado pelo conceito de marketing e de vendas, considerado o segundo semestre de 2004. Como objetivos específicos, foram definidos: construir uma cadeia de valores particularizada para o setor das pousadas, a partir do modelo genérico de Porter; caracterizar as pousadas objeto de estudo; identificar as cadeias de valores dos referidos empreendimentos; avaliar a presença do conceito de marketing e de vendas nas atividades que compõem a cadeia de valores de cada pousada; e propor diretrizes que contribuam para a melhoria da administração das organizações em estudo, com foco na obtenção de vantagem competitiva e com base no conceito de marketing. Quanto aos procedimentos metodológicos, trata-se de uma pesquisa de caráter qualitativo, classificada como exploratória e descritiva, configurando um estudo de caso múltiplo, em que foram utilizadas, como principais instrumentos de coleta de dados, a pesquisa bibliográfica, a pesquisa documental, entrevistas semi-estruturadas e a observação. A concretização dos objetivos da dissertação foi proporcionada pela identificação das cadeias de valores de cada empreendimento e pela verificação da incidência, tanto do conceito de vendas, quanto do conceito de marketing, no processo de gestão de cada um deles, constatando-se que nenhuma das pousadas investigadas adota, de forma completa e pura, os conceitos acima referidos. Em seus processos de gestão existem características tanto de um como de outro conceito, embora se verifique que, em algumas delas, traços de um dos conceitos sejam mais numerosos e importantes do que em outras. Assim, o enquadramento de cada um dos empreendimentos relativamente à orientação de seus processos de gestão pelos conceitos de marketing ou de vendas melhor se apresenta com a utilização de um eixo horizontal, cujas posições extremas são cada um dos conceitos, configurando um continuum, em que cada uma das pousadas é posicionada segundo a incidência dos traços peculiares aos conceitos citados no processo de gestão de cada uma. O trabalho ainda apresenta diretrizes para a melhoria do processo de gestão das pousadas, com foco na obtenção da vantagem competitiva e com base no conceito de marketing
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Author's response: influenza-associated mortality oseltamivir: beware of misstepping into stepwise procedures.
We thank Lytras et al. [1] for the comments on our recent article assessing risk factors for mortality in inpatients with influenza and the effect of oseltamivir [2]. For this study, the authors are confident that the identification and adjustment for confounding variables have been done in a systematic and objective manner using stepwise logistic regression. We note the concerns on the methods we have used, but we do not see how these concerns are specific to our work. Rather the concerns relate in general to the application of these methods.Addenbrooke's Charitable Trus
Seat belt use among rear passengers: validity of self-reported versus observational measures
<p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The effects of seat belt laws and public education campaigns on seat belt use are assessed on the basis of observational or self-reported data on seat belt use.</p> <p>Previous studies focusing on front seat occupants have shown that self-reports indicate a greater seat belt usage than observational findings.</p> <p>Whether this over-reporting in self reports applies to rear seat belt usage, and to what extent, have yet to be investigated.</p> <p>We aimed to evaluate the over-reporting factor for rear seat passengers and whether this varies by gender and under different compulsory seat belt use conditions.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>The study was conducted in the Veneto Region, an area in the North-East of Italy with a population of 4.7 million.</p> <p>The prevalence of seat belt use among rear seat passengers was determined by means of a cross-sectional self-report survey and an observational study.</p> <p>Both investigations were performed in two time periods: in 2003, when rear seat belt use was not enforced by primary legislation, and in 2005, after rear seat belt use had become compulsory (June 2003).</p> <p>Overall, 8138 observations and 7902 interviews were recorded.</p> <p>Gender differences in the prevalence of rear seat belt use were examined using the chi-square test. The over-reporting factor, defined as the ratio of the self-reported to the observed prevalence of rear seat belt use, was calculated by gender before and after the rear seat belt legislation came into effect.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Among rear seat passengers, self-reported rates were always higher than the observational findings, with an overall over-reporting factor of 1.4.</p> <p>We registered no statistically significant changes over time in the over-reporting factor, nor any major differences between genders.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Self-reported seat belt usage by rear passengers represents an efficient alternative to observational studies for tracking changes in actual behavior, although the reported figures need to be adjusted using an appropriate over-reporting factor in order to gain an idea of genuine seat belt use.</p
Human Metapneumovirus as a Cause of Community-Acquired Respiratory Illness1
Human metapneumovirus (HMPV) is a recently identified Paramyxovirus first isolated from hospitalized children with acute respiratory tract infections (ARTI). We sought evidence of HMPV infection in patients who had visited general practitioners, had influenzalike illnesses (ILI), and had negative tests for influenza and Human respiratory syncytial virus (HRSV). As part of national virologic surveillance, sentinel general practices in England and Wales collected samples from patients of all ages with ILI during winter 2000–01. Reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction (PCR) for HMPV, influenza A (H1 and H3), influenza B, and HRSV was used to screen combined nose and throat swabs. PCR products from the HMPV-positive samples were sequenced to confirm identity and construct phylogenetic trees. Of 711 swabs submitted, 408 (57.3%) were negative for influenza and HRSV; HMPV was identified in 9 (2.2%) patients. HMPV appears to be associated with community-acquired ARTI. The extent of illness and possible complications related to this new human virus need to be clarifie
Micromorphology and Relaxation Processes of Low Density Polyethylene Probed by Fluorescence Spectroscopys
Fluorescence spectra of molecular guests at several temperatures are useful technique to study several types of polymer properties. In particular, it has been often employed to study polymer relaxation processes either in static or in dynamic conditions. In this work some applications of the steady-state fluorescence spectroscopy of different guests in polyethylene and in particular reports the photophysical behavior of 1,3-di(1-pyrenyl)propane (1Py(3)1Py) sorbed in low density polyethylene are shown. This molecular probe differs of pyrene by its ability to form intramolecular excimer species and we discuss the temperature dependence of this formation. In this study we recorded simultaneously the fluorescence spectra and the differential scanning calorimetry (dsc) traces. The relative dependence of fluorescence intensities on temperature of the higher energy vibronic band at 367 nm, of the isolated choromophore emission and of the excimer emission were discussed and associated with the polyethylene polymer relaxation processes. The influence of the macroscopic stretching upon the polymer relaxation processes and the fluorescence emission was also investigated and compared with previous results.J. B. thanks Brite EuRam/EU (BE97-4472) and to CICYT (MAT2000-0391-P4-02) for financial support. T. D. Z. A. thanks FAPESP and CNPq (Brazil) for financial support and a fellowship. S. B. Y. thanks FAPESP (Brazil) for a fellowship. The authors thank Prof. Carol Collins for useful discussions
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