45 research outputs found


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    Dari hasil penelitian Studi Perbandingan Kadar dan Profil Kromatogram Minyak Atsiri dari Curcuma aeroginosa Roxb. dapat ditarik kesimpulan bahwa: 1. Pada kondisi bah an segar kadar minyak atsiri yang dihasilkan dari bagian yang tumbuh di atas tanah sebesar 0,20%, bagian cabang rimpang 0,63% sedangkan bagian empu rimpang 1,48%. 2. Pada kondisi bahan kering kadar minyak atsiri yang dihasilkan dari bagian yang tumbuh di atas tanah sebesar 0,42%, bagian cabang rimpang 0,72% sedangkan bagian empu rim pang 1,69%. 3. Profil kromatogram minyak atsiri dengan Kromatografi Lapis Tipis untuk masing-masing bag ian tanaman menghasilkan noda yang sama yaitu biru kehijauan, kuning dan ungu. 4. Profil kromatogram minyak atsiri dengan kromatografi Gas menunjukkan jumlah puncak yang terdeteksi sebagai berikut; bagian yang tumbuh di atas tanah segar sebanyak 45 puncak sedang yang kering 48 puncak, untuk cabang rimpang segar 33 puncak sedang yang kering 44 puncak, untuk empu rimpang segar 26 puncak sedangkan yang kering 40 puncak

    Bersama Apoteker, Pelajar Sekolah Menengah Atas Bijak dan Cermat dalam Menggunakan Obat

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    Hidup sehat perlu diterapkan bagi setiap orang dalam kehidupan sehari-hari termasuk kepada siswa SMA. Hidup sehat salah satunya dengan cara mengetahui penggunaan obat yang benar. Selain itu siswa SMA merupakan calon mahasiswa. Penting bagi siswa tersebut untuk mengetahui tentang jurusan yang ada di suatu universitas serta salah satu profesi yang akan menjadi minat mereka bekerja, misalnya apoteker. Oleh karena itu kegiatan edukasi dilakukan untuk 109 siswa SMAN 1 Surabaya tentang Universitas Airlangga, profesi apoteker dan penggunaan obat yang benar. Pemberian materi diselingi sesi tanya jawab dan permainan yang melibatkan peserta untuk memudahkan pemahaman peserta. Kunjungan ke laboratorium di Fakultas Farmasi juga dilakukan untuk menambah wawasan siswa. Pretest dan posttest dilakukan untuk mengetahui efektifitas kegiatan ini. Hasil pretest tentang penggunaan obat bernilai rata-rata 3,4 dan nilai rata-rata posttest meningkat menjadi hampir 2 kali lipat yaitu menjadi 6,3 (dengan nilai maksimal 8). Pengetahuan siswa tentang profesi apoteker dan jurusan di Unair juga terjadi perbaikan yang bermakna. Selain itu 103 dari 109 peserta menyatakan bahwa kegiatan ini sangat bermanfaat untuk diberika kepada siswa SMA dan seharusnya dilakukan secara rutin. Dari hasil tersebut dapat disimpulkan bahwa pengabdian masyarakat yang ditujukan kepada siswa SMA perlu dilakukan agar apoteker dapat berkontribusi meningkatkan pemahaman penggunaan obat yang benar dan juga mengenalkan profesi apoteker ke masyarakat khususnya ke siswa SMA

    Beliefs about medicines in pregnancy: a survey using the beliefs about medicines questionnaire in Indonesia

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    Background Many studies examine the use of medicines among pregnant women, however few studies report the pregnant women’s belief for taking medication during pregnancy. Individual factors such as patients’ beliefs about their medications have been known to influence medication adherence. Objective This study aimed to examine beliefs about medicines among pregnant women in Indonesia and how these varied across pregnancy trimesters. Setting We conducted a cross-sectional survey of pregnant women who had regular visits at 63 community health centres in Surabaya, Indonesia. Methods Participants were approached while they were in the waiting room and were asked to complete the questionnaire. The survey package contained information about the study, an informed consent form, and the Beliefs about Medicines Questionnaire (BMQ). Main outcome measure Beliefs about medicines were assessed using the BMQ, which comprises four subscales: general-overuse, general-harm, specific-necessity, and specific-concern. Differences in medication beliefs between pregnancy trimesters were assessed using suitable statistical tests according to data normality. Results A total of 492 pregnant women completed the survey. The majority were aged 21–30 years (57.1%), housemakers (68.7%), and educated to high-school level (51.4%); 92.9% did not have any chronic diseases, and more than 90% took vitamins and/or supplements. The difference between Specific-Concern and Specific-Necessity scores was calculated for each participant, and more than half of the participants (59.6%) were thus classified as having negative beliefs about medications. In the first trimester of pregnancy, women’s beliefs about medication necessity were stronger than in the third trimester (p = 0.033). Conclusion Medication beliefs of pregnant women regarding their concerns and the necessity of medication taken in different trimesters of pregnancy were varied. The results of this study highlight the difference in medication beliefs during trimesters in pregnancy

    Validitas dan Reliabilitas Kuesioner Kepatuhan Pengobatan Pasien Lansia dengan Hipertensi berdasarkan Teori Health Belief Model

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    Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengukur validitas dan reliabilitas kuesioner kepatuhan penggunaan obat pada lansia dengan hipertensi berdasarkan teori Health Belief Model (HBM). Kuesioner dibuat berdasarkan studi literatur dan diskusi dengan para ahli. Dikarenakan pandemi COVID-19, penyebaran kuesioner dilakukan secara daring di media sosial dan secara luring pada pasien hipertensi yang berkunjung di Puskesmas Pekauman, Kota Banjarmasin. Kuesioner terdiri dari enam dimensi untuk mengukur HBM, yaitu kerentanan, keparahan, manfaat, hambatan, dan kepercayaan diri yang dirasakan, serta isyarat untuk bertindak. Sejumlah 30 peserta berumur 60–79 tahun & sedang mengonsumsi obat kaptopril dan/atau amlodipin minimal dalam 3 bulan terakhir terlibat dalam penelitian ini. Pada uji validitas, hasilnya menunjukkan bahwa dari 45 item pertanyaan dalam kuesioner, terdapat 8 item yang tidak valid sedangkan 37 item lainnya dinyatakan valid berdasarkan nilai Pearson Correlation (> r tabel 0,361; p 0,7, dengan skor keseluruhan 0,927 yang menunjukkan bahwa semua dimensi dalam kuesioner reliabel. Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa kuesioner berdasarkan teori Health Belief Model merupakan instrumen yang valid dan reliabel untuk mengukur kepatuhan penggunaan obat pada lansia dengan hipertensi

    Factors affecting community pharmacist’s service for women with chronic diseases during pregnancy and breastfeeding: application of the Health Belief Model

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    Background Pharmacists are known as health care professionals who are responsible for the safety and efficacy of medicine to achieve optimal therapeutic results. Community pharmacists have an opportunity to provide direct services including giving an active medication information service in women during pregnancy and breastfeeding. This study aimed to determine the factors associated with the practice of community pharmacists for actively giving the drug information service for women with chronic diseases during pregnancy and breastfeeding based on the Health Belief Model. Methods About 300 community pharmacists were randomly chosen to participate in the study. All participants were asked to complete questionnaires that were designed based on the theory of the Health Belief Models. The questionnaires measured the community pharmacists’ knowledge, beliefs, cues to action, and practice for actively giving medication information services. Results About 267 pharmacists in the community agreed to participate in this study. Nearly 80% of the participants were female pharmacists (n = 213). The results show that pharmacists’ knowledge had significant influences towards perceived threat (p = 0.009), perceived benefit (p = 0.011), and pharmacists’ self-efficacy (p < 0.001). The self-efficacy factor was the most influential factor in the practice of pharmacists to give medication information service actively (p < 0.001). Conclusions The findings of the study indicate that self-efficacy is the most important factor for pharmacist to be able to provide the medication information services successfully particularly in women during pregnancy and breastfeeding. Providing continuous learning programs through seminars and training related to medication use during pregnancy and breastfeeding to pharmacists is needed to optimise the confidence and the ability of pharmacists in providing the services

    The implementation of a chronic disease management program (Prolanis) in Indonesia: a literature review

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    Background The Chronic Disease Management Program or Program Pengelolaan Penyakit Kronis (Prolanis) is a program initiated by the Social Insurance Administration Organization or Badan Penyelenggara Jaminan Social (BPJS) in Indonesia. Prolanis aim to provide a proactive healthcare service approach for patients with chronic diseases particularly those with diabetes mellitus and hypertension. Prolanis also aims to achieve the optimal quality of life in patients with chronic disease through effective and efficient healthcare services including cost. All primary healthcare centers and a few of the private clinics in Indonesia have implemented Prolanis, however, the impact of the program has not been reviewed. This review aimed to see the implementation of Prolanis in healthcare facilities in Indonesia. Methods A literature review was conducted by searching articles through Google Scholar and PubMed databases up to August 2019. The following keywords or terms were used: Prolanis, BPJS indexed with terms related to blood pressure or hypertension in Indonesia. The references, citations and similar articles from the identified articles were used to identify additional sources. Results Twenty-four articles were identified through the first search using the key terms although only eight articles met the inclusion criteria. This review showed that the implementation of Prolanis in the healthcare facilities in Indonesia was varied in terms of the activities and services provided. The healthcare professional involved in the implementation of Prolanis were also varied. There were some barriers faced by the healthcare facilities including the availability of funding, the healthcare facilities and infrastructures, the unavailability of standard operating orocedures (SOPs) as well as the limitation of human resources involved in Prolanis. Conclusions The implementation of Prolanis in Indonesia has not been optimized, as there were some barriers during its implementation in the healthcare facilities

    Linguistic Validation of Indonesian Version of the Audit of Diabetes-Dependent Quality of Life Questionnaire

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    Background: One of the impacts experienced by diabetes mellitus patients is a decrease in their quality of life. The Audit of Diabetes-Dependent Quality of Life (ADDQoL) is a widely used individualized diabetes-specific quality of life measure. However, there was no version available in the Indonesian language. Objective: This study is aimed to undertake linguistic validation, including a cultural adaptation of the ADDQoL questionnaire into the Indonesian language. Method: The original developer granted permission to use and modify the questionnaire. The international linguistic validation procedure developed by the Mapi Research Institute was used. There were six steps involved: forward translation, reconciliation, back translation, expert panel review by a psychologist and clinician, cognitive debriefing with diabetes patients, and proofreading. Result: Problems that arose during the linguistic validation process were resolved by finding conceptually equivalent alternatives and changing sentence structures to achieve equivalence in language, concept, and culture with the original version of the ADDQoL. The developer's team reviewed and discussed all actions taken. Cognitive debriefing interviews with five respondents showed that the ADDQoL questionnaire was simple to understand. Conclusion: The Indonesian version of the ADDQoL is linguistically and culturally validated. Further studies are needed to confirm the structure and reliability of the Indonesian ADDQoL

    Perencanaan dan Pengadaan obat di Puskesmas Surabaya Timur dan Selatan

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    Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mendapatkan gambaran tentang perencanaan dan pengadaan obat di puskesmas. Sampel adalah seluruh puskesmas di wilayah Surabaya Selatan dan Timur (n=26) dengan responden yaitu pengelola obat di setiap puskesmas. Pengambilan data menggunakan kuesioner dan check list yang telah divalidasi. Dari penelitian ini diketahui bahwa 57,7% pengelola obat di puskesmas adalah apoteker. Sebanyak 61,5% menyediakan obat generik non-DOEN dan obat paten selain obat generik DOEN yang dipersyaratkan. Metode campuran konsumsi dan epidemiologi digunakan oleh 61,5% pengelola dalam menghitung kebutuhan obat. Permintaan obat di luar jadwal pernah diajukan oleh 57,7% responden. “Penerimaan obat tidak selalu sama dengan permintaan” dilaporkan oleh 69,2% pengelola, namun hasil pengamatan dalam checklist menunjukkan seluruh puskesmas mengalami hal tersebut. Hanya 19,2% responden melakukan pengecekan nama obat, kekuatan, jumlah, bentuk sediaan, tanggal kadaluarsa, nomor lot dan kerusakan obat. Kesimpulan yang diperoleh adalah kebutuhan obat di puskesmas masih belum terpenuhi dengan baik terutama karena faktor pengadaan dan hanya sebagian kecil pengelola obat yang melakukan pengecekan obat secara lengkap


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    Factors related to barriers and medication adherence in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus: a cross-sectional study

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    Purpose Evidence has shown that 50% of patients, including type 2 diabetes mellitus (DM), are non-adherent to the prescribed antidiabetic medication regimen. Some barriers lead to nonadherence in people with DM type 2. The study aimed to identify factors related to adherence in patient with DM and to assess the correlation between barriers to adherence type 2 DM patients. Methods The cross-sectional study was conducted in 63 primary healthcare centers in Surabaya, Indonesia. Patients with DM type 2 were recruited between April and September 2019 using convenient sampling technique. Ethics approval was obtained (80/EA/KEPK/2019). Results A total of 266 patients with type 2 DM participated in this study. Of the respondents, 201 (75.2%) were female. Unwanted drug effects, changes in medication regimens, and refilling the prescription when the drugs run out were most reported factors that affected adherence. Spearman correlations and linear regression tests were used to examine the relationship between barriers to medication adherence, and education with medication adherence. A significant difference was observed between the level of education and adherence (p = 0.031). The results showed an association between barriers to medication and adherence to medication (r = 0.304; p < 0.001) which was confirmed in regression analysis (R = 0.309, R square = 0.095, p <0.001). Conclusions Barriers to adherence are common and affect adherence to therapy. It is essential to expand the roles of health care professionals in the community to include counseling, barrier-monitoring, education, and problem-solving to improve patient medication adherence