16 research outputs found

    Penguatan Adat dan Revitalisasi Dakwah Penelitian di Muara Lingkat, Kerinci-Jambi

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    This article is derived from a fieldwork carried out in Muara Lingkat, Kerinci- Jambi. The people of Kerinci are ethnically classified as Malay sub-ethnic. Like other Malay people in Sumatra, the people of Kerinci incorporate the religion of Islam or Islamic Shari’a into their customary norms (adat). Customary norms have for centuries played pivotal roles in governing the communities in Muara Lingkat. Yet, the role of customary norms gradually decline in line with the rise of formal institutions in modern society. By analyzing some cases discovered in the field, such as communal conflicts, disputes in the communities, tensions within family members, and the like, the author assumes that that the roles of customary norms become increasingly marginalized and consequently, the role of religion in resolving the problems of the communities decreases. In order to revitalize the roles of customary laws in resolving the problems that the communities in Muara Lingkat face, the author proposes some steps: exploring and reformulating the essence of local customary norms; strengthening local adat institutions; and providing assistance for the communities in establishing adat institutions. Keywords: Islamic dakwah, customary norms, social harmony, kerinci

    Analysis of Self-Regulation in the Rencong Telang Islamic Society Perspective of Social Cognitive Theory

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    The Rencong Telang Islamic society reflects distinctive cultural characteristics and unique values, particularly in the self-regulation system involving religious norms and local traditions. The individual's ability to control behavior and adapt to societal values is a key element in understanding behavior, especially in social and religious contexts. This research aims primarily to delve into and comprehensively analyze the phenomenon of self-regulation in the Rencong Telang Islamic society. Specific objectives include exploring the concepts and practices of self-regulation, involving religious norms, local traditions, and cultural values that shape self-regulation. This article also aims to analyze the role of self-regulation in various aspects of community life, ranging from worship to marriage customs and communal land management. Focus is also given to the social challenges and changes faced by the Rencong Telang Islamic society to understand how self-regulation can uphold traditional values. The method used is literature review, encompassing an analysis of relevant literature on self-regulation, Islamic society, and the specific context of the Rencong Telang Islamic society. The research findings indicate that self-regulation in this society encompasses various aspects of daily life, involving customs, Islamic principles, and governance. The ability to control behavior in worship, marriage customs, and communal land management is an integral part of self-regulation. The community employs self-regulation to preserve traditional values, adapt to changes, address social challenges, and manage social interactions. In the context of Social Cognitive Theory, self-regulation is explained as the result of behavioral control in customs and Islamic beliefs, embodied in Undang as the daily norm reflecting the influence of nature, Islamic teachings, and local traditions. Overall, self-regulation in this society is not solely individual but reflects social dynamics involving the entire community, with significant impacts on aspects of life, customs, Islam, and governance, playing a crucial role in preserving cultural values and identity

    Sky Parenting on Children's Prayer Discipline Education: A Case Study of a Family Living Around the Great Mosque of Balaibaru Kuranji Padang, West Sumatra

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    This study aims to analyze the influence of sky parenting on children's prayer discipline education, focusing on case studies of families living around the Balaibaru Kuranji Grand Mosque, Padang, West Sumatra. The sky parenting approach is essential to improve children's prayer discipline because it provides consistent support, guidance, and example in religious practice. The research method uses a qualitative approach with a case study approach. In addition, this study used qualitative methods such as in-depth interviews with parents and children to gain deeper insight into their experiences in applying the sky parenting approach. After collecting the data, the research analysis stage begins with data categorization and coding to identify emerging patterns and themes related to sky parenting practices and children's prayer disciplines. Furthermore, this study uses a thematic analysis approach to explore the relationship between sky parenting practices and children's prayer disciplines. Finally, the study compiles the findings into a coherent narrative and produces conclusions that support or reject the research hypothesis. This study provides deep insight into the importance of sky parenting in shaping children's prayer discipline in the mosque environment. The implications of this research could be helpful for communities, religious institutions, and education practitioners to develop more effective strategies in guiding children to vital spiritual obedience through sky parenting

    AGAMA DALAM PROSES KEBANGKITAN ADAT DI INDONESIA: Studi Masyarakat Rencong Telang Kerinci Jambi

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    After the fall of the New Order, Indonesia witnessed a political revival of traditions. Four factors have been identified as that lead to the revival: first, orchestrated campaigns by local and international NGOs to protect traditional communities’ access to lands and natural resources; second, as efforts by local elites to fill the power vacuum after the centralist new order government ended; third, struggles by local groups that suffered marginalization during the previous regime to reclaim their rights; finally, efforts by local groups to adopt alternative social norms in organizing their communities.  However, a more detailed description on how these revivals carried out is difficult to find. This article put forward such a description, in the case of the Rencong Telang community in Kerinci, Jambi. After almost two decades of decline, the authority of Adat can finally be restored after the corrupt elites have been replaced. Interestingly, it was personal religiosity that served as the criterion to replace them, while leadership accountability always failed to do so. This finding will also enrich the discussion on the relationship between adat and religion beyond conflict and harmony.Pasca runtuhnya Orde Baru, peran adat mengalami kebangkitan politik di berbagai daerah. Paling tidak ada empat faktor yang dianggap mempengaruhi kebangkitan tersebut: pertama, kampanye LSM internasional yang mendorong hak-hak masyarakat adat; kedua, sebagai upaya mengisi kekosongan otoritas lokal pasca runtuhnya rezim Orde Baru; ketiga, sebagai upaya kelompok minoritas yang merasa tertindas selama Orde Baru; dan terakhir, adat sebagai alternatif membangkitkan idealisme tatanan sosial--namun tidak banyak penjelasan bagaimana proses kebangkitan tersebut terjadi. Kebangkitan otoritas adat di kalangan masyarakat Rencong Telang, Kerinci, Jambi menjadi kasus yang menarik. Setelah hampir dua dekade mengalami kemerosotan--seiring dengan kemerosotan ekonomi yang diiringi perubahan politik akibat desentralisasi--Adat kehilangan otoritasnya karena tokoh adat terjebak pragmatisme politik dan instrumentalisasi adat untuk pragmatisme politik berujung pada saling pecat. Berbagai upaya konsolidasi dilakukan, dan baru berhasil setelah dilakukan penegakan sanksi adat secara tegas. Menariknya, yang menjadi kriteria penegakan sanksi adalah ketaatan beragama. Sehingga agama menjadi kriteria kredibilitas lembaga Adat. Ini sekaligus menjadi tambahan pengayaan bagi kajian relasi adat dan agama yang selama lebih banyak memperdebatkan konflik dan harmoni

    Sudirman: Muhammadiyah dan Mobilitas Sosial Pribumi

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    The research was intended to describe the character general Sudirman as a person educated in Muhammadiyah, and how Muhammadiyah as an Islamic organization became a bridge in General Sudirman's social mobility. From a farmer's son to a general during the years of the end of the colonization and the beginning of Indonesia’s freedom, where social stratification systems were reckoned. It uses historical research methods, using the three stages of heuristic, historical criticism, and presentation or narration. Studies have shown that Sudirman is the most influential figure in defending Indonesia's freedom. Sudirman became one of only three Indonesian soldiers to earn the honorary title of a great general. His career began with his activity in the Muhammadiyah organization as Hizbul Wathan and the young Muhammadiyah. Character shaped during membership and leadership in the organization led Sudirman into a respected and trusted figure to become a war leader of the Indonesian’s army

    Estetika Struktural Sastra Dakwah Dalam Bidadari Untuk Dewa Karya Asma Nadia

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    This study discusses Nadia's Asma da'wah messages in the Bidadari Untuk Dewa novel and how the delivery of da'wah messages in the story. This research is a study that uses a qualitative approach and discourse analysis of the Van Dijk model. The source of this research is in the form of library literature.  The results of this study state that the preaching message contained in this novel covers aspects of aqeedah, sharia, and morality. Aspects of aqeedah include tawakkal, piety and istiqomah values. Sharia aspects include sholat, mu'amalah, and prayer. Then the moral aspects include patience, sincerity, grateful gratitude, humility and honesty. From the thematic side, it was found that the title of Bidadari untuk Dewa was taken from a true story. This story illustrates the story of the journey of a young man who decides to do business and get married at a relatively young age and has to face various life problems ranging from financial, debt, business studies, female exams, friendship, and even almost losing his life at the age of 5 years. In the storyline, this novel is the longest novel Asma Nadia that she has written during her career in the world of writing. That is all due to the "complexity" of the life journey of a young businessman who is adopted. Keywords: da'wah messages; discourse analysis; novelsStudi ini bertujuan untuk Mendeskripsikan Pesan–Pesan Dakwah dalam Novel Asma Nadia Bidadari Untuk Dewa. Kemudian Mengetahui bagaimana penyampaian pesan pesan dakwah tersebut disampaikan oleh Asma nadia di dalam novel ini. Metode penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif. Dengan metode analisis wacana kritis model Teun A. Van Dijk Alasan penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif. Yaitu, bertujuan   menganalisa secara mendalam dimanakah kalimat atau kata-kata yang terkandung unsur dakwah. Sumber penelitian ini berupa literatur kepustakaan. Sumber yang digunakan pun berasal dari buku, jurnal, majalah yang berkaitan erat dengan penelitian  ini  Hasil penelitian ini menyatakan, bahwa pesan dakwah yang ada dalam novel ini mencangkup aspek Aqidah, Syariah dan Akhlak. Dalam penyampaian pesan dakwahnya, ketika menggunakan model analisis wacana Van Dijk. Ditemukan bahwa  Bidadari Untuk Dewa diangkat dari True story. Menggambarkan kisah tentang perjalanan seorang pemuda yang memutuskan untuk berbisnis dan menikah di usia yang relatif sangat muda dan harus menghadapi berbagai problema kehidupan. Mulai dari masalah keuangan, hutang, pelajaran bisnis, ujian wanita, persahabatan, bahkan nyaris kehilangan nyawa di usia 5 tahun awal pernikahannya. Secara Alur cerita novel ini merupakan novel Asma Nadia yang terpanjang, yang pernah dia tulis selama karirnya di dunia kepenulisan. Itu semua disebabkan “rumit”nya perjalanan kehidupan dari pebisnis muda yang di angkat.   Kata kunci : Pesan Dakwah, Novel, Analisis wacan

    Implementation of Sky Parenting in Educating Children to Increase Interest in Reading: A Case Study of A Muslim Family in Balai Baru Kuranji Padang West Sumatra

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    This study examines parental care's impact on implementing child prayer discipline. The discipline of prayer includes technical aspects of worship and a strong understanding and commitment to religious values. Through a qualitative approach, this study highlights the positive role of sky parenting in stimulating children's interest in reading through the introduction of religious reading materials and examples of parents who love spiritual literature. This research is located in Balai Baru Kuranji, Padang, West Sumatra. After collecting the data, the research analysis stage begins with data categorization and coding to identify emerging patterns and themes related to sky parenting practices and educate children to incrase interest in reading. Furthermore, this study uses a thematic analysis approach to explore the relationship between sky parenting practices and educating children to incrase interest in reading. Finally, the study compiles the findings into a coherent narrative and produces conclusions. The scope of this research includes several key aspects: (1) Identification of Sky Parenting strategies and techniques applied by the family in educating children, (2) Analysis of the impact of the application of Sky Parenting on children's interest in reading, (3) Factors that support and hinder the success of this method, and (4) The role of Islamic values in the implementation of Sky Parenting. The conclusion of this study reinforces that sky parenting, with a focus on spiritual education, can be an effective strategy in increasing children's interest in reading, opening opportunities for better religious literacy development in the future. The practical implications of this research can provide valuable guidance for educators, parents, and communities to strengthen children's literacy by applying sky-parenting principles

    Dinamika Konflik dan Integrasi Antara Etnis Dayak dan Etnis Madura (Studi Kasus di Yogyakarta Malang dan Sampit)

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    Indonesia is one of the most pluralistic societies in the world consisting of various social groups, ethnics, tribes, languages and religious diversities. However, the social, political, and cultural diversities among people have frequently been resulting conflicts or tensions. Using conflict and integration approach, therefore, this article observes the dynamics relation between ethnic groups, Madura and Dayak ethnic in particular, in certain plural regions in term of ethnic diversities; those are Yogyakarta, Malang and Sampit. After describing an extensive theoretical description, the writers proposed hypothesis and then analyze them quantitatively. Such hypothesis consist of the different integration quality between both Dayak and Madura ethnic groups; the different integration quality between Muslim and Christians; the different integration quality between majority and minority groups; the positive correlation between educational level of people and the integration quality; and the negative correlation between social- economic status and the integration quality, etc. In short, the empirical data perform that religious variables have a crucial role in determining the quality of conflict and integration in term of the relation between both Dayak and Madura ethnic.

    Pengaruh Pemikiran Kemal Attaturk Terhadap Pergulatan Tokoh Muhammadiyah Dan Nasionalis Tentang Hubungan Agama Dan Negara

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    Perebutan bentuk dasar negara dan agama antara kaum nasionalis sekuler yang diwakili oleh Soekarno yang menganut pemikiran Kemal AtTaturk dan kaum nasionalis Islam yang tetap bersikukuh memproklamirkan adnaya hukum Islam dalam dasar Negara. Tujuan: bagaimana pemikiran Kemal AtTaturk tentang hubungan agama dan negara serta bagaimana sikap dan peran politik tokoh Muhammadiyah dalam pembentukan hubungan agama dan negara di Indonesia. Metode Penelitian: Heuristik, Kualitatif Pustaka Penelitian Pustaka. Hasil Diskusi: Sekularisme berupa pemisahan agama dan negara yang dicanangkan Kemal ATaturk di Turki menimbulkan kekaguman para intelektual muda Indonesia akibat politik etis Belanda. Munculnya kaum nasionalis dan Islamis sekuler yang memperjuangkan agama sebagai dasar negara yang tercermin dalam sila Pancasila dalam Piagam Jakarta. Tokoh Muhammadiyah yang memperjuangkan kemerdekaan, Mas Mansur, Ki Bagus Hadikusumo, Kasman Singodimejo, adalah tokoh sejarah yang lahir dari rahim Muhammadiyah. Senantiasa berjuang menjadikan Islam sebagai dasar negara sebagaimana termaktub dalam Pancasila dan Muqaddimah Undang-Undang Dasar Negara Republik Indonesia Tahun 1945. penindasan terhadap Masyumi, penonaktifan organisasi Hizbul Wathan Muhammadiyah sejak 1966 dan fitnah terhadap Muhammadiyah sebagai penerima suap dari Belanda dan pemerintah, hingga penghapusan semua partai Islam dan dilebur menjadi satu dalam PPP dan sikap Muhammadiyah diwakili oleh AR Fakhrudin pada masa orde baru menjadikan Pancasila sebagai satu-satunya dasar negara dengan sikap menerimanya sebagai keamanan seperti helm saat bepergian, menunjukkan bahwa Muhammadiyah selalu berjuang untuk menjadikan agama sebagai salah satu dasar negara


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    Purpose of the study: This study aims to describe the behavior of playing gadgets on Budi Mulia Dua Junior High School students in Yogyakarta, Indonesia, find the score of gadget playing behavior on Budi Mulia Dua Junior High School students in Yogyakarta, Indonesia, and find the dominant factor of gadget playing behavior on Budi Mulia Dua Junior High School Yogyakarta, Indonesia. Methodology: The method used in this study mix method research design with an exploratory mix method approach. The research subjects were students of Budi Mulia Dua Junior High School in Yogyakarta, Indonesia with a sample of 151 students, 7 teachers, 3 educational staff, and the head of Budi Mulia Dua Junior High School Yogyakarta, Indonesia. Research data were collected through observation, interview, questionnaire, and documentation. Main Findings: The results of this study indicate that the gadgets playing behavior of students in Budi Mulia Dua Yogyakarta, Indonesia are included in the good category, which is in the range of scores between 379-492. The score of the gadgets playing behavior was 484.3. Applications of this study: The students still have emotionally stable and controlled when using gadgets, have self-control over the use of gadgets, still pay attention to personal health in the use of gadgets, and discipline in the selection of gadget usage. Novelty/Originality of this study: The novelty of this research confirms that the physical-motor condition in gadget playing behavior is the most dominant factor for creating good behavior for students in playing gadgets because the physical-motor becomes a reference in playing gadget behavior because physical-motor can reflect in a complex way how Student cognitive knowledge about gadgets. and their use, as well as how students are social-emotional when using gadgets