179 research outputs found

    Free Electricity – This Is Not Fiction

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    Overview of Electro-Generators Used in Wind Turbines

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    Perubahan Perilaku Tanah Ekspansif Akibat Stabilisasi Dengan Dsm Berpola Triangular Menggunakan Kapur Kadar 8%

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    Expansive clay has a high potential of shinkrage in case of changes in water contents. It can cause some damage to wall of building and cracks in the road. There are some methods of soil stabilisation that already known, such as Deep Soil Mixing. DSM is a method using coloumn which contain soil mixing with material, it use variety of configuration that includes space of coloumn (L) and depth of coloumn (Df). Purpose of this research is to increasing bearing capacity and reducing swelling potential with DSM method in Ngasem, Bojonegoro for purpose of pavement construction. This research using 8% lime with triangular configuration with diameter of coloumn (D) is 3,2 cm. It uses variety space of coloumn (L) which is 1D, 1,25D and 1,5D and uses variety depth of coloumn which is 10 cm, 15 cm and 20 cm. Some test are required to determine characteristic of soil sample, such as spesific gravity, atteberg limit, clasification of soil based on USCS and standar compaction. To determine bearing capacity of soil it use loading test, and for test to determine swelling potential is based on ASTM 4546-86. Sample of soil is clasified as CH (anorganic clay with high plastisity). Result of this research proved that 8% lime can improve bearing strength and reduce swelling. Ratio of stabilisation soil is a important factor that determine improvement of bearing strength and swelling. Changes of depth (Df) will slightly give a higher improvement of bearing strength than changes of spacing (L). Triangular configuration which using space of coloumn (L) 3,2 cm and depth of coloumn (Df) 20 cm will give the most high value of improvement with 243,077% and reducement of swelling with 94,098 %. This variety of configuration can be use for flexible pavement as subgrade layer

    Pengaruh Variasi Jumlah Lapis Dan Jarak Antar Lapis Perkuatan Anyaman Bambu Dua Arah Terhadap Daya Dukung Pondasi Menerus Pada Tanah Pasir Poorly Graded

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    Tanah pasir poorly graded merupakan tanah yang mudah termampatkan terutama dalam kondisi jenuh air. Sebagai dasar pondasi, ada kalanya jenis tanah ini tidak cukup kuat untuk menahan beban konstruksi yang terlalu besar diatasnya. Salah satu alternatif untuk meningkatkan daya dukung tanah yang dapat dilakukan adalah dengan penggunaan anyaman bambu. Anyaman bambu berinteraksi dengan tanah melalui gaya gesek untuk menahan gaya tarik, sehingga daya dukung tanah dapat meningkat. Hasil dari penggunaan anyaman bambu dalam penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa model tanah mengalami peningkatan daya dukung. Peningkatan daya dukung paling maksimum terjadi saat jumlah lapis 3 dan jarak antar lapis 3,6 cm. Berdasarkan pengujian ini dapat disimpulkan bahwa semakin banyak jumlah lapis anyaman bambu maka daya dukung semakin besar selama penambahan jumlah perkuatan masih dalam batas bidang runtuh tanah dibawah pondasi yaitu 1,5B. Penambahan jarak antar lapis perkuatan juga akan meningkatkan daya dukung tanah selama masih dalam batas bidang runtuh tanah dibawah pondasi dan penambahan jarak tersebut masih menjadikan perkuatan anyaman bambu dan tanah sebagai satu kesatuan elemen. Kata

    Peculiarities of Protection of Rights and Interests of Heirs: Theoretical Aspects

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    The relevance of this study is due to the necessity to ensure the proper exercise of subjective civil rights in the field of inheritance law. Protection in inheritance is related to the general right to protection. Due to the peculiarities of inheritance law as a sub-branch of civil law, it has its own specifics, which is manifested primarily in the definition of special ways to protect violated unrecognized or challenged rights. In addition, the protection of the rights of heirs takes place only within the inheritance relationship, which is characterized by a long nature. The purpose of the article is to identify the features of protection of subjective civil rights of heirs in the field of inheritance. This necessitates the use of special methodological approaches that will identify the characteristics of protection of the rights of heirs, as well as research methods such as dogmatic, formal-logical, systematic, comparative law. The article analyses the recognition of the right of ownership of inherited property in court and proves that this exceptional method of protection is used if there are obstacles to the notarization of inheritance rights. The most typical and widespread special ways to protect the rights of heirs are considered: removal from the right to inherit, invalidation of the will, change of the order of obtaining the right to inherit, reduction of the size of the obligatory share in the inheritance. The outlined issues were not widely covered in the legal literature, as the attention of scholars was mainly in the perspective of clarifying the legal nature of protection and defence, the ratio of forms and methods of protection of subjective civil rights, analysis of general methods of protection of subjective civil rights. That is why this work is an important contribution to outlining the issue of inheritance law and attracting due attention of the scientific community. Keywords: Inheritance, hereditary legal relations, Civil Code of Ukraine, method of protection, violation of rights

    Kinematical analysis of machine tool with two coordinate mechanism of parallel structure “bipode

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    Наведено запропоновану комбіновану структуру верстата на основі двокоординатного механізму паралельної структури. Виведено кінематичні залежності для механізму паралельної структури типу „біпод”, на основі яких розраховано переміщення приводів при виконанні кругових та лінійних траєкторій робочим органом верстата з інструментальним шпинделем.The offered combined structure of machine-tool is resulted on the basis of two coordinate mechanism of parallel structure. Kinematics dependences are shown out for the mechanism of parallel structure of type of „bipod” on the basis of which moving of occasions is expected at implementation of circular and linear trajectories by the working organ of machine-tool with instrumental spindel