3,924 research outputs found
Standard Solar models in the Light of New Helioseismic Constraints II. Mixing Below the Convective Zone
In previous work, we have shown that recent updated standard solar models
cannot reproduce the radial profile of the sound speed at the base of the
convective zone (CZ) and fail to predict the Li7 depletion. In parallel,
helioseismology has shown that the transition from differential rotation in the
CZ to almost uniform rotation in the radiative solar interior occurs in a
shallow layer called the tachocline. This layer is presumably the seat of large
scale circulation and of turbulent motions. Here, we introduce a macroscopic
transport term in the structure equations, which is based on a hydrodynamical
description of the tachocline proposed by Spiegel and Zahn, and we calculate
the mixing induced within this layer. We discuss the influence of different
parameters that represent the tachocline thickness, the Brunt-Vaissala
frequency at the base of the CZ, and the time dependence of this mixing process
along the Sun's evolution. We show that the introduction of such a process
inhibits the microscopic diffusion by about 25%. Starting from models including
a pre-main sequence evolution, we obtain: a) a good agreement with the observed
photospheric chemical abundance of light elements such as He3, He4, Li7 and
Be9, b) a smooth composition gradient at the base of the CZ, and c) a
significant improvement of the sound speed square difference between the
seismic sun and the models in this transition region, when we allow the
phostospheric heavy element abundance to adjust, within the observational
incertitude, due to the action of this mixing process. The impact on neutrino
predictions is also discussed.Comment: 15 pages, 7 figures, to be published in ApJ (used emulateapj style
for latex2e). New email for A. S. Brun: [email protected]
Dynamical Tide in Solar-Type Binaries
Circularization of late-type main-sequence binaries is usually attributed to
turbulent convection, while that of early-type binaries is explained by
resonant excitation of g modes. We show that the latter mechanism operates in
solar-type stars also and is at least as effective as convection, despite
inefficient damping of g modes in the radiative core. The maximum period at
which this mechanism can circularize a binary composed of solar-type stars in
10 Gyr is as low as 3 days, if the modes are damped by radiative diffusion only
and g-mode resonances are fixed; or as high as 6 days, if one allows for
evolution of the resonances and for nonlinear damping near inner turning
points. Even the larger theoretical period falls short of the observed
transition period by a factor two.Comment: 17 pages, 2 postscript figures, uses aaspp4.sty. Submitted to Ap
Whispering Spirits : Reverie
Polar confinement of the Sun's interior magnetic field by laminar magnetostrophic flow
The global-scale interior magnetic field needed to account for the Sun's
observed differential rotation can be effective only if confined below the
convection zone in all latitudes, including the polar caps. Axisymmetric
nonlinear MHD solutions are obtained showing that such confinement can be
brought about by a very weak downwelling flow U~10^{-5}cm/s over each pole.
Such downwelling is consistent with the helioseismic evidence. All three
components of the magnetic field decay exponentially with altitude across a
thin "magnetic confinement layer" located at the bottom of the tachocline. With
realistic parameter values, the thickness of the confinement layer ~10^{-3} of
the Sun's radius. Alongside baroclinic effects and stable thermal
stratification, the solutions take into account the stable compositional
stratification of the helium settling layer, if present as in today's Sun, and
the small diffusivity of helium through hydrogen, chi. The small value of chi
relative to magnetic diffusivity produces a double boundary-layer structure in
which a "helium sublayer" of smaller vertical scale is sandwiched between the
top of the helium settling layer and the rest of the confinement layer.
Solutions are obtained using both semi-analytical and purely numerical,
finite-difference techniques. The confinement-layer flows are magnetostrophic
to excellent approximation. More precisely, the principal force balances are
between Lorentz, Coriolis, pressure-gradient and buoyancy forces, with relative
accelerations and viscous forces negligible. This is despite the kinematic
viscosity being somewhat greater than chi. We discuss how the confinement
layers at each pole might fit into a global dynamical picture of the solar
tachocline. That picture, in turn, suggests a new insight into the early Sun
and into the longstanding enigma of solar lithium depletion.Comment: Accepted by JFM. 36 pages, 10 figure
CP and related phenomena in the context of Stellar Evolution
We review the interaction in intermediate and high mass stars between their
evolution and magnetic and chemical properties. We describe the theory of
Ap-star `fossil' fields, before touching on the expected secular diffusive
processes which give rise to evolution of the field. We then present recent
results from a spectropolarimetric survey of Herbig Ae/Be stars, showing that
magnetic fields of the kind seen on the main-sequence already exist during the
pre-main sequence phase, in agreement with fossil field theory, and that the
origin of the slow rotation of Ap/Bp stars also lies early in the pre-main
sequence evolution; we also present results confirming a lack of stars with
fields below a few hundred gauss. We then seek which macroscopic motions
compete with atomic diffusion in determining the surface abundances of AmFm
stars. While turbulent transport and mass loss, in competition with atomic
diffusion, are both able to explain observed surface abundances, the interior
abundance distribution is different enough to potentially lead to a test using
asterosismology. Finally we review progress on the turbulence-driving and
mixing processes in stellar radiative zones.Comment: Proceedings of IAU GA in Rio, JD4 on Ap stars; 10 pages, 7 figure
Angular momentum extraction by gravity waves in the Sun
We review the behavior of the oscillating shear layer produced by gravity
waves below the surface convection zone of the Sun. We show that, under
asymmetric filtering produced by this layer, gravity waves of low spherical
order, which are stochastically excited at the base of the convection zone of
late type stars, can extract angular momentum from their radiative interior.
The time-scale for this momentum extraction in a Sun-like star is of the order
of 10^7 years. The process is particularly efficient in the central region, and
it could produce there a slowly rotating core.Comment: 9 pages, 3 figues, accepted by Astrophysical Journal Letter, 26 June
Core-Collapse Simulations of Rotating Stars
We present the results from a series of two-dimensional core-collapse
simulations using a rotating progenitor star. We find that the convection in
these simulations is less vigorous because a) rotation weakens the core bounce
which seeds the neutrino-driven convection and b) the angular momentum profile
in the rotating core stabilizes against convection. The limited convection
leads to explosions which occur later and are weaker than the explosions
produced from the collapse of non-rotating cores. However, because the
convection is constrained to the polar regions, when the explosion occurs, it
is stronger along the polar axis. This asymmetric explosion can explain the
polarization measurements of core-collapse supernovae. These asymmetries also
provide a natural mechanism to mix the products of nucleosynthesis out into the
helium and hydrogen layers of the star. We also discuss the role the collapse
of these rotating stars play on the generation of magnetic fields and neutron
star kicks. Given a range of progenitor rotation periods, we predict a range of
supernova energies for the same progenitor mass. The critical mass for black
hole formation also depends upon the rotation speed of the progenitor.Comment: 16 pages text + 13 figures, submitted to Ap
Detecting the Rise and Fall of 21 cm Fluctuations with the Murchison Widefield Array
We forecast the sensitivity with which the Murchison Widefield Array (MWA)
can measure the 21 cm power spectrum of cosmic hydrogen, using radiative
transfer simulations to model reionization and the 21 cm signal. The MWA is
sensitive to roughly a decade in scale (wavenumbers of k ~ 0.1 - 1 h Mpc^{-1}),
with foreground contamination precluding measurements on larger scales, and
thermal detector noise limiting the small scale sensitivity. This amounts
primarily to constraints on two numbers: the amplitude and slope of the 21 cm
power spectrum on the scales probed. We find, however, that the redshift
evolution in these quantities can yield important information about
reionization. Although the power spectrum differs substantially across
plausible models, a generic prediction is that the amplitude of the 21 cm power
spectrum on MWA scales peaks near the epoch when the intergalactic medium (IGM)
is ~ 50% ionized. Moreover, the slope of the 21 cm power spectrum on MWA scales
flattens as the ionization fraction increases and the sizes of the HII regions
grow. Considering detection sensitivity, we show that the optimal MWA antenna
configuration for power spectrum measurements would pack all 500 antenna tiles
as close as possible in a compact core. The MWA is sensitive enough in its
optimal configuration to measure redshift evolution in the slope and amplitude
of the 21 cm power spectrum. Detecting the characteristic redshift evolution of
our models will confirm that observed 21 cm fluctuations originate from the
IGM, and not from foregrounds, and provide an indirect constraint on the
volume-filling factor of HII regions during reionization. After two years of
observations under favorable conditions, the MWA can constrain the filling
factor at an epoch when ~ 0.5 to within roughly +/- 0.1 at 2-sigma.Comment: 14 pages, 9 figures, submitted to Ap
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