64 research outputs found


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    Large-scale mathematical models are very powerful tools in the efforts to provide more\ud information and more detailed information about the pollution levels, especially about pollution\ud levels which exceed certain critical values.. However, the model used must satisfy at\ud least two conditions: (i) it must be verified that the model results are reliable and (ii) it\ud should be possible to carry out different study by using the model. It is clear that comprehensive\ud studies about relationships between different input parameters and the model results\ud can only be carried out (a) if the numerical methods used in the model are sufficiently\ud fast and (b) if the code runs efficiently on the available high-speed computers.\ud Some results obtained recently by a new unified version of the Danish Eulerian Model will\ud be presented in this paper

    Application of Richardson extrapolation with the Crank-Nicolson scheme for multi-dimensional advection

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    summary:Multi-dimensional advection terms are an important part of many large-scale mathematical models which arise in different fields of science and engineering. After applying some kind of splitting, these terms can be handled separately from the remaining part of the mathematical model under consideration. It is important to treat the multi-dimensional advection in a sufficiently accurate manner. It is shown in this paper that high order of accuracy can be achieved when the well-known Crank-Nicolson numerical scheme is combined with the Richardson extrapolation

    Application of Richardson extrapolation for multi-dimensional advection equations

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    A Crank-Nicolson type scheme, which is of order two with respect to all independent variables, is used in the numerical solution of multi-dimensional advection equations. Normally, the order of accuracy of any numerical scheme can be increased by one when the well-known Richardson Extrapolation is used. It is proved that in this particular case the order of accuracy of the combined numerical method, the method consisting of the Crank-Nicolson scheme and the Richardson Extrapolation, is not three but four. (C) 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved

    Richardson Extrapolation

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    Fremtidig luftkvalitet i danske byer - effekter af skærpede emissionsnormer

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    Omfattende beregninger med en række luftkvalitetsmodeller udviklet af Danmarks Miljøundersøgelser viser, at den regionale baggrundsforurening uden for byerne, bybaggrundsforureningen over byerne og luftkvaliteten i gadeniveau bliver bedre i fremtiden. Dette skyldes især EU’s skærpede regulering af køretøjers emission. EU’s nye grænseværdier for kvælstofdioxid (NO2), kulilte (CO) og benzen gældende for 2010 forventes ikke at blive overskredet. Ozonniveauerne forventes at stige lidt, fordi begrænsningen i bilernes emission af kvælstofmonoxid (NO) betyder, at mindre ozon fjernes i reaktioner med NO i dannelsen af NO2. Det er endnu ikke muligt at modellere partikler. Ud fra foreløbige vurderinger er der usikkerhed om, hvorvidt EU’s grænseværdi for partikler kan overholdes i 2010. Grænseværdierne er opstillet for at beskytte befolkningens sundhed