32 research outputs found

    Lifting 1/4-BPS States on K3 and Mathieu Moonshine

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    The elliptic genus of K3 is an index for the 1/4-BPS states of its sigma model. At the torus orbifold point there is an accidental degeneracy of such states. We blow up the orbifold fixed points using conformal perturbation theory, and find that this fully lifts the accidental degeneracy of the 1/4-BPS states with h=1. At a generic point near the Kummer surface the elliptic genus thus measures not just their index, but counts the actual number of these BPS states. We comment on the implication of this for symmetry surfing and Mathieu moonshine.Comment: 29+5 pp, a sign mistake corrected in eqs. (3.14) and (4.20), footnote 6 added to clarify this point, references adde

    Lifting of D1-D5-P states

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    We consider states of the D1-D5 CFT where only the left-moving sector is excited. As we deform away from the orbifold point, some of these states will remain BPS while others can `lift'. We compute this lifting for a particular family of D1-D5-P states, at second order in the deformation off the orbifold point. We note that the maximally twisted sector of the CFT is special: the covering surface appearing in the correlator can only be genus one while for other sectors there is always a genus zero contribution. We use the results to argue that fuzzball configurations should be studied for the full class including both extremal and near-extremal states; many extremal configurations may be best seen as special limits of near extremal configurations.Comment: 51 pages, 6 figure

    Higgsing the stringy higher spin symmetry

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    It has recently been argued that the symmetric orbifold theory of T4 is dual to string theory on AdS3 x S3 x T4 at the tensionless point. At this point in moduli space, the theory possesses a very large symmetry algebra that includes, in particular, a W∞W_\infty algebra capturing the gauge fields of a dual higher spin theory. Using conformal perturbation theory, we study the behaviour of the symmetry generators of the symmetric orbifold theory under the deformation that corresponds to switching on the string tension. We show that the generators fall nicely into Regge trajectories, with the higher spin fields corresponding to the leading Regge trajectory. We also estimate the form of the Regge trajectories for large spin, and find evidence for the familiar logarithmic behaviour, thereby suggesting that the symmetric orbifold theory is dual to an AdS background with pure RR flux.Comment: 27 pages, 1 figure, note added in version

    Genus Two Partition Functions and Renyi Entropies of Large c CFTs

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    We compute genus two partition functions in two dimensional conformal field theories at large central charge, focusing on surfaces that give the third Renyi entropy of two intervals. We compute this for generalized free theories and for symmetric orbifolds, and compare it to the result in pure gravity. We find a new phase transition if the theory contains a light operator of dimension Δ≀0.19\Delta\leq0.19. This means in particular that unlike the second Renyi entropy, the third one is no longer universal.Comment: 28 pages + Appendice

    Renyi Entropies, the Analytic Bootstrap, and 3D Quantum Gravity at Higher Genus

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    We compute the contribution of the vacuum Virasoro representation to the genus-two partition function of an arbitrary CFT with central charge c>1c>1. This is the perturbative pure gravity partition function in three dimensions. We employ a sewing construction, in which the partition function is expressed as a sum of sphere four-point functions of Virasoro vacuum descendants. For this purpose, we develop techniques to efficiently compute correlation functions of holomorphic operators, which by crossing symmetry are determined exactly by a finite number of OPE coefficients; this is an analytic implementation of the conformal bootstrap. Expanding the results in 1/c1/c, corresponding to the semiclassical bulk gravity expansion, we find that---unlike at genus one---the result does not truncate at finite loop order. Our results also allow us to extend earlier work on multiple-interval Renyi entropies and on the partition function in the separating degeneration limit.Comment: 63 pages + ref