1,519 research outputs found
Letter from a New York Supporter to John Zaccaro
Letter from a New York supporter to John Zaccaro, congratulating Geraldine Ferraro. Includes data entry sheet.https://ir.lawnet.fordham.edu/vice_presidential_campaign_correspondence_1984_new_york/1121/thumbnail.jp
Brexit reaction from across the pond
For months now I’ve watched the surging debate surrounding Brexit. And dismissed it as ridiculous. Economists advised against it. Experts advised against it. President Obama flew his ass to London to advise against it. Even John Oliver threw his hat into the ring in the final stretch. Every single person I’ve spoken to about the prospect here in London laughed it off
Scholars in management sometimes use metaphors referred to biological theories in their studies and research works. Among those metaphors, the one about heredity is often used to investigate on organizational and business strategy issues. We aim at further investigating on the extent to which the characteristics of legacy helps in explaining subsequent development of spin-offs. In order to shed a light on the tension between inherited patterns and the new trajectory that may characterize spawned ventures’ development we propose a model aimed at investigating which blueprints elements might exert an enduring effect on business model at birth and to which extent their persistence (or abandonment) determines subsequent business model innovation. Under the assumption that academic and corporate institutions transmit different genes to their spin-offs, we hence expect to have heterogeneity in elements that affect business model and its subsequent evolution. This is the reason why we carry on a twofold analysis in the biotech (meta)industry. Under a multiple-case research design, we thoroughly analyse business model construct; especially we focus on fundamental design elements and themes which scholars individuated to decompose business model construct. The purpose we have is to isolate the dimensions of business model that may have been the object of legacy and the ones along which an experimentation and learning process is more likely to happen
Scholars in management sometimes use metaphors referred to biological theories in their studies and research works. Among those metaphors, the one about heredity is often used to investigate on organizational and business strategy issues. We aim at further investigating on the extent to which the characteristics of legacy helps in explaining subsequent development of spin-offs. In order to shed a light on the tension between inherited patterns and the new trajectory that may characterize spawned ventures’ development we propose a model aimed at investigating which blueprints elements might exert an enduring effect on business model at birth and to which extent their persistence (or abandonment) determines subsequent business model innovation. Under the assumption that academic and corporate institutions transmit different genes to their spin-offs, we hence expect to have heterogeneity in elements that affect business model and its subsequent evolution. This is the reason why we carry on a twofold analysis in the biotech (meta)industry. Under a multiple-case research design, we thoroughly analyse business model construct; especially we focus on fundamental design elements and themes which scholars individuated to decompose business model construct. The purpose we have is to isolate the dimensions of business model that may have been the object of legacy and the ones along which an experimentation and learning process is more likely to happen
Dicamba Translocation and Metabolism in Susceptible Soybean and Evaluation of Factors Contributing to Volatilization
The expansion of dicamba-resistant technology increased the use of dicamba in season and relocated the off-target movement towards the growing season, negatively affecting susceptible vegetation, such as soybean. This research aimed to understand different aspects of the off-target movement of dicamba and impact on susceptible soybean. A study determined the accumulation of dicamba in soybean seed (grain) when parental plants at the pod-filling stage were treated with 1/200 of a labeled rate of dicamba at 560 g ae ha-1 and radiolabeled herbicide used as a tracer. This research found that 44% of the total herbicide absorbed by the parent plants was transported toward seeds, and at least 99% of the total remained active, potentially impacting seed quality. Off-target movement investigations conducted by state regulatory officials include collecting and analyzing plant tissue for pesticide content and photos of the alleged damage. The second experiment assessed the persistence of dicamba and 2,4-D in Palmer amaranth and 2,4-D- and dicamba-resistant soybean. The findings revealed that the likelihood of detecting either herbicide in plant samples decreased rapidly following exposure; therefore, early sampling is critical to recovering potential herbicides in plant tissue. A third experiment evaluated the influence of volatilization and suspension of physical particles on the off-target movement of dicamba plus glyphosate with imazethapyr, a non-volatile herbicide added as a tracer. Results showed that the ratio of dicamba to imazethapyr detected in air samples was at least 50:1, several orders of magnitude more than the ratio of herbicide applied to the field (5.3:1), indicating that volatility contributed to most of the off-target movement that occurred. The fourth study established relationships between soybean responses, including visible injury and height reduction and concentration of volatilized dicamba. A predicted dicamba concentration of 1.60 ng m-3 per day resulted in 10% visible soybean injury The fifth study investigated differences in the off-target movement of dicamba impacted by herbicide and adjuvant mixtures or types of surfaces treated, using low tunnel trials. These experiments focused on causes of enhanced dicamba volatility where it was found that both glufosinate and glyphosate increase detection of the dicamba in air. Dicamba volatility was reduced by 70% when a volatility reduction agent was added to dicamba treatments, an adjuvant currently required for any in-crop application with the herbicide
Dicamba Translocation and Metabolism in Susceptible Soybean and Evaluation of Factors Contributing to Volatilization
The expansion of dicamba-resistant technology increased the use of dicamba in season and relocated the off-target movement towards the growing season, negatively affecting susceptible vegetation, such as soybean. This research aimed to understand different aspects of the off-target movement of dicamba and impact on susceptible soybean. A study determined the accumulation of dicamba in soybean seed (grain) when parental plants at the pod-filling stage were treated with 1/200 of a labeled rate of dicamba at 560 g ae ha-1 and radiolabeled herbicide used as a tracer. This research found that 44% of the total herbicide absorbed by the parent plants was transported toward seeds, and at least 99% of the total remained active, potentially impacting seed quality. Off-target movement investigations conducted by state regulatory officials include collecting and analyzing plant tissue for pesticide content and photos of the alleged damage. The second experiment assessed the persistence of dicamba and 2,4-D in Palmer amaranth and 2,4-D- and dicamba-resistant soybean. The findings revealed that the likelihood of detecting either herbicide in plant samples decreased rapidly following exposure; therefore, early sampling is critical to recovering potential herbicides in plant tissue. A third experiment evaluated the influence of volatilization and suspension of physical particles on the off-target movement of dicamba plus glyphosate with imazethapyr, a non-volatile herbicide added as a tracer. Results showed that the ratio of dicamba to imazethapyr detected in air samples was at least 50:1, several orders of magnitude more than the ratio of herbicide applied to the field (5.3:1), indicating that volatility contributed to most of the off-target movement that occurred. The fourth study established relationships between soybean responses, including visible injury and height reduction and concentration of volatilized dicamba. A predicted dicamba concentration of 1.60 ng m-3 per day resulted in 10% visible soybean injury The fifth study investigated differences in the off-target movement of dicamba impacted by herbicide and adjuvant mixtures or types of surfaces treated, using low tunnel trials. These experiments focused on causes of enhanced dicamba volatility where it was found that both glufosinate and glyphosate increase detection of the dicamba in air. Dicamba volatility was reduced by 70% when a volatility reduction agent was added to dicamba treatments, an adjuvant currently required for any in-crop application with the herbicide
Valutazione dell'incertezza di misura nella stima dell'indice di isolamento acustico di facciata con metodo Monte Carlo
L’obiettivo di questa tesi è stato quello di proporre un metodo statistico di valutazione dell’incertezza di misura da associare al calcolo dell’indice di isolamento acustico di facciata applicando il metodo della propagazione delle distribuzioni di probabilità . Nella prima fase del lavoro sono state effettuate delle misure in situ su di un edificio scolastico di prova, seguendo quanto prescritto dalla norma tecnica (UNI EN ISO 140-5:1998), per la raccolta dei dati che sono stati utilizzati nel calcolo dell’isolamento acustico di facciata, D2m,nT. Successivamente è stata affrontata l’analisi dell’incertezza da associare alle grandezze misurate; per la valutazione dell’incertezza sono state considerate le specifiche tecniche della strumentazione impiegata nelle misure e le condizioni ambientali maggiormente rilevanti ai fini dello studio. Il calcolo dell’incertezza è stato effettuato utilizzando il metodo standard della propagazione dell’incertezza come riportato nella guida all’espressione dell’incertezza di misura (UNI CEI ENV 13005:2000 (GUM)). L’idea principale della tesi è stata quella di applicare un secondo metodo di calcolo dell’incertezza, alternativo a quello classico, basato sulla propagazione delle distribuzioni di probabilità attraverso la simulazione Monte Carlo; tale metodo è stato applicato alla funzione-modello isolamento acustico di facciata, D2m,nT, seguendo le indicazioni riportate nel Supplemento 1 della GUM, per una valutazione dell’incertezza tipo e del relativo intervallo di copertura da associare al valore d’aspettazione della distribuzione d’uscita del modello simulato. Il metodo numerico, implementato con l’utilizzo di MATLAB®, è stato adattato alle distribuzioni di probabilità delle grandezze in ingresso al modello ed ha consentito di ottenere in output, per ciascuna banda di frequenza, una distribuzione di valori associati al D2m,nT. L’analisi statistica sulle distribuzioni del D2m,nT generate dal modello è stata utilizzata per ricavare l’incertezza sul valore d’aspettazione di ciascuna distribuzione simulata del D2m,nT ed è stato così possibile effettuare un confronto diretto dei risultati ottenuti dall’applicazione dei due distinti metodi al calcolo dell’incertezza. Lo studio comparativo dell’incertezza ha consentito la validazione del metodo della propagazione delle distribuzioni di probabilità e i dati ricavati dalla simulazione sono stati utilizzati nel calcolo dell’indice di isolamento acustico di facciata standardizzato, D2m,nT,w (UNI EN ISO 717-1:1997). L’algoritmo di calcolo del D2m,nT,w prevede una comparazione tra la curva del D2m,nT sperimentale e la curva dell’isolamento standardizzata dal quale si ottiene un singolo valore numerico dell’indice; con un processo iterativo di calcolo dell’indice, ideato in questa tesi e basato sui dati simulati con la tecnica Monte Carlo, è stato possibile ottenere una distribuzione di valori della grandezza D2m,nT,w da cui è stato così possibile ricavare una stima dell’incertezza da poter associare allo stesso indice. Nell’ultima parte del lavoro di tesi si è cercato di implementare una procedura di calcolo dell’incertezza composta da associare all’indice D2m,nT,w basata sulla valutazione numerica dei coefficienti di sensibilità associati alle tre grandezze di input dell’isolamento acustico al variare della frequenza; dunque, è stato possibile fare un raffronto tra i risultati ottenuti nell’applicazione delle due distinte procedure di calcolo dell’incertezza ed effettuare le relative valutazioni
Letter from a New York Supporter to Geraldine Ferraro
Letter from a New York supporter to Mr. & Mrs. Zaccaro. Includes data entry sheet.https://ir.lawnet.fordham.edu/vice_presidential_campaign_correspondence_1984_new_york/1099/thumbnail.jp
Letter from a New York Supporter to Geraldine Ferraro
Letter from a New York supporter to John Zaccaro, congratulating Geraldine Ferraro. Includes data entry sheet.https://ir.lawnet.fordham.edu/vice_presidential_campaign_correspondence_1984_new_york/1082/thumbnail.jp
Cogongrass [Imperata cylindrica (L.) Beauv.] Control using Chemical Treatment with Cover Cropping Systems
Cogongrass management generally requires multiple herbicide applications, however, success is limited if not integrated with other methods. Experiments were conducted to evaluate the use of cover cropping systems with herbicides on cogongrass control. Field studies determined that sequential glyphosate applications in the summer were necessary to achieve 80% or greater control, but a single application could be effective if weather conditions allowed early planting and good cover crop establishment of Roundup Ready soybeans. Studies also indicated that the use of ALS-resistant Italian ryegrass and white clover crop combinations showed no effect, but imazapyr applications made in May or June provided 80% or higher control by October. Greenhouse experiments showed that delayed planting at least 1 month after imazapyr preemergence applications from 70 to 280 g ae ha-1, significantly reduced emergence failure, height and biomass reductions of legumes used for revegetation
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