236 research outputs found
Open source microprocessor and on-chip-bus for system-on-chip
A System-On-Chip (SoC) is a complex integrated circuit that combines blocks of processor, memory and peripheral devices in one chip. SoCs often form the main or the only component of embedded systems. The advantages of the SoC include improvements in performance, size, reliability, power dissipation, cost, and design turn-around time. The hardware blocks – sometimes referred to as intellectual property cores or just IPs – are connected using a proprietary or open on-chip bus (OCB). The SoCs may be fabricated as application-specific integrated circuits (ASICs) or field-programmable gate arrays (FPGAs). The non-recurring engineering (NRE) costs for ASICs are much higher although the unit cost for the finished product is lower. For simpler designs and/or lower production runs, FPGAs are usually more cost-effective. One of the costs in implementing an SoC is acquiring the source code or designing the required cores. An approach for reducing costs is to use open source hardware. Open source cores have the advantages of zero license and royalty cost, ability to modify the cores at will, no limitation on supply and maintenance, portability and simplified prototyping. We discuss our implementation of a skeleton SoC incorporating a DLX processor, the Wishbone on-chip bus, and a memory system. The processor bus- memory combination forms a foundation to which a designer can add more cores such as memory and peripherals as long as they comply with the Wishbone protocol. The DLX processor and memory are described in VHDL, while the Wishbone module is in Verilog HDL. Quartus II software is used to synthesize, compile and verify the functionality of CPU and Wishbone by simulation and timing analysis. The partial SoC system is implemented in Altera APEX20KE200 FPGA board. Nios, which is the core processor in the FPGA board, is used as an intermediate processor which communicates with DLX and the rest of the system via Avalon Bus Protocol to verify system operation and functionality in real hardware environment
Sayyid Qutb’s Concept of Da’wah in His Fi Zilal al Quran
This research aims to describe concept and method of da’wah in Sayyid Qutb’s perspective specially in his work on tafsir, Fi Zilal al-Qur'an. The research was conducted by exploring the concept of da’wah theoretically and its implications in dealing with contemporary problem of da’wah. This study employs qualitative approach with content analysis technique and library study method. The result shows that according to Sayyid Qutb understanding, Da’wah is an effort of the believers to realize the Islamic teaching in daily life. Also, da’wah is interpreted as a believer's effort to strengthen Allah SWT's teachings in human life. Sayyid Qutb’s Da’wah method is based on the interpretation of normative sources and historical facts that refer to efforts to preach based on human nature through tenderness, compassion, and good morals. This kind of da’wah conception has impact at the individual, family, community, and community levels in achieving happiness in this world and the hereafter.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan konsep metode dakwah Sayyid Qutb dalam tafsir fī Zilāl al-Qur’an. Penelitian dilakukan dengan menggali konsep dakwah secara teoritik dan implikasinya dalam menjawab problematika dakwah kontemporer. Penelitian menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan metode analisis isi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Sayyid Qutb memahami dakwah sebagai usaha orang beriman untuk mewujudkan sistem ajaran Islam dalam kehidupan. Selain itu, dakwah dimaknai sebagai usaha orang beriman untuk mengokohkan ajaran Allah Swt dalam kehidupan. Metode dakwahnya didasarkan pada penafsiran terhadap sumber normatif dan fakta historis yang merujuk pada fitrah manusia melalui kelembutan, kasih sayang dan akhlakul karimah. Implikasi praktis dakwah Islam berlangsung baik pada level individu, keluarga, masyarakat dan umat untuk mencapai kebahagiaan di dunia dan akhirat
Mr volumetry of intracranial and brain volume in normal adult population aged 40 years old and above.
Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) has significantly accelerated many
studies involving the brain with more researchers looking into not only anatomy
and structural aspects of the brain, but also functional aspect due to excellent
soft tissue discrimination (Kennedy et al., 2003). MRI also enables researchers
to study the changes involving intracranial volume, brain volume and
compartmental volumes, giving valuable data regarding the normal human brain
morphological changes and in certain degenerative diseases or psychiatric
illnesses (Ohnishi et al., 2001; Peters, 2006)
Studi ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kualitas pelayanan wakaf dan upaya yang dilakukan untuk meningkatkan kualitas pelayanan wakaf di Kantor Urusan Agama (KUA) Cikarang Barat. Studi ini merupakan studi deskriptif dengan pendekatan kualitatif. Metode pengumpulan data menggunakan teknik observasi, wawancara serta dokumentasi. Hasil dari studi ini menunjukan bahwa mutu pelayanan wakaf di Kantor Urusan Agama (KUA) Cikarang Barat sudah cukup optimal dalam menyelenggarakan pelayanan wakaf berdasarkan dimensi reliability, assurance dan emphaty. Namun ada beberapa dimensi yang belum berjalan sesuai dengan harapan pengguna layanan yakni dimensi tangible dan responsiviness yang menghambat penyelenggaraan pelayanan wakaf. Hambatan yang ada dalam pelayanan wakaf adala kurangnya sosialisasi tentang wakaf kepada masyarakat, kurangnya sarana dan prasarana dan kurangnya sumber daya manusia. Saran perbaikan yang dilakukan adalah dengan meningkatkan sarana prasarana, memberikan edukasi kepada masyarakat dan meningkatkan kinerja pegawai
A study about drummer preference on traditional and matched stick grip toward professional and student of music school majoring in drum / Mohd Faizat Ahmad Zabidi
A number of new intakes for universities are increasing every year and this also experienced by UiTM Faculty of MUSIC. From my observation here, fresh student In this faculty always face a problem {0 find their basic fundamental on their technique or Virtuoso usually for student majoring In drums they always have a problem to find the right technique that they should learn firs‘ and develop their abilities to be a drummer One of the problems Is that In terms of the right techniques that appropriate to grip a stick. There is two basic style of holding a grip which is traditional grip and matched grip. Beginner‘s student always has a problem to play which grip first. This study is conducted to give a clear understanding for beginner's drummer and to give them the right technique to hold the stick for purpose of starting me learning lesson to be a good drummer thus (0 be one of the best drummer in Malaysia. This study is conducted in UiTM Shah Alam Faculty of Music and interview session with the professional who are the drum lecturer and also to a student who majoring m drum. They are the best person that can give their view and share their experience because they have gone through the situation and already master the technique The first technique that relates to the study is Traditional grip which also known as Orthodox grip It is a technique used to hold drum sticks while playing percussion Traditional grip IS almost exclusively used to play the snare drum, especially the marching snare drum, and often We drum kit The overhand grip most commonly used Is the American grip With ‘he underhand grip, there are several different techniques employed which Involve slight variations in finger positioning and usage
The world of education is the backbone in building well-being in human life. It covers three domains, namely cognitive, affective and psychomotor. The affective domain is the most important to be polished so that the value in hablum min al-Nas in the reality of human life can be tasted. Every human being who has various differences from various aspects including religion, race, culture and language, remains no exception in carrying out the role of maintaining this well-being. The four principles of hablum min al-Nas together with the five values of humanity are described in this article, to be taken into consideration in the world of education as a whole. As a result, the formation of 'Good People' through the emphasis on the aspect of manners must be done by making the Qur'an as the best 'humanitarian reference' even for non-Muslims. The universal values contained in the Qur'an as well as its conditions that are sure to be protected from any deviation are the starting point in this matter.
Dunia pendidikan adalah tulang belakang dalam membina kesejahteraan dalam kehidupan manusia. Ia meliputi tiga domain, iaitu kognitif, afektif dan psikomotor. Domain afektif adalah yang paling penting untuk digilap supaya nilai dalam hablum min al-Nas dalam realiti kehidupan kemanusiaan dapat dikecapi. Setiap manusia yang mempunyai pelbagai perbezaan dari pelbagai aspek meliputi agama, bangsa, budaya dan bahasa, tetap tidak terkecuali dalam menjalankan peranan untuk mengekalkan kesejahteraan ini. Empat prinsip hablum min al-Nas bersama-sama lima nilai kemanusiaan dihuraikan dalam artikel ini, supaya diambil perhatian dalam dunia pendidikan secara menyeluruh. Natijahnya, pembentukan ‘Insan Baik’ melalui penekanan aspek adab mestilah dilakukan dengan menjadikan al-Quran sebagai ‘rujukan kemanusiaan’ yang terunggul hatta bagi non-Muslim sekalipun. Nilai sejagat yang terkandung dalam al-Quran serta keadaannya yang pasti terpelihara daripada sebarang penyelewengan menjadi titik tolak dalam perkara ini
Halal Hazard Identification: Determination of Halal Hazard using Preliminary Halal Hazard Analysis
In risk management, the identification of halal hazard is very important to ensure all products or services comply to the standards set by the Islamic Sharia law. Preliminary Hazard Analysis is a systematic tool in risk management that identifies hazards in a system or production line. The halal hazard is defined as a source, situation, or act with potential harm or contamination. Harm refers to all elements that cause a product and service to be noncompliant with halal standards. On the other hand, contamination refers to something that causes impurity or unsuitability through the contact or mixture with something unclean or najs according to shariah. The Halal Hazard Identification classifies and lists data by gathering information from the JAKIM Manual Procedure for Malaysia Halal Certification (Third Revision) 2014, Jakim Manual Production Procedure for Slaughter Qualification 2014, and legal opinions concerning Islamic law (fatwa) issued by the National and State Fatwa Councils. There are six classifications of hazards: i) involving pig, boar and dog; ii) Shariah-noncompliance of slaughtering; iii) intoxication from wine, liquor or related drinks; iv) any source related to liquid or object coming from human or animal orifice; v) animals categorized as filthy, that inhabit both water and land; and vi) animals that hunt using fangs, nails, poison, and by snatching. This study has identified 63 halal hazards. The effects of haram contamination are discussed using the halal product fault tree
Immunosuppressive effects of benzo (a) pyrene on Newcastle disease vaccination in broilers
Newcastle disease (ND) vaccination was used as a model in assessing the role of benzo(a)pyrene (BaP) in inducing immunosuppression. Forty day-old chicks were divided into a control and BaP group comprising of 20 birds each. The control group was instilled with tricaprylin alone while that of BaP received 15 mg BaP/kg intratracheally for 5 consecutive days. Live ND vaccine was given on Day 7 and repeated again on Day 21 to all chickens. Prior to post mortem, blood was collected from five chickens from each group at Days 0, 7, 14, 21 and 35 for determination of HI titer. At necropsy, liver and lung samples were procured for the determination of glutathione transferase (GST), glutathione peroxidase (GPx) and malionaldehyde (MDA) activities. The BaP group gained a slower immune protective level compared to that of the control (21 versus 7 days). The hepatic and pulmonary GST activity and MDA level of the BaP group demonstrated an increment until Day 14 p.i. which then tapered towards the end of study. However, the GPX activity was only invoked towards that later stage of the experiment. Likewise, it was also shown that the GST and GPX activities were negatively correlated. Thus, this study unveiled that the metabolism of intra-tracheally instilled BaP brings about systemic oxidative stress which induces immunosuppression in broilers
Issues on Interbank Commodity Murabaha (CM) for liquidity management in Malaysia / Mohamad Zabidi Ahmad, Rosylin Mohd Yusof and Ahmad Rizal Mazlan
Purpose: The objective of this research is to highlight issues and review the Interbank Commodity Murabahah (CM) practice as a tool of liquidity requirement from both the Shariah and industry's operational perspectives. Accordingly, this study seeks to analyze the structure and mechanism of CM as an instrument to meet the liquidity need of Islamic financial institutions and provides an opportunity for investments. In doing so, the paper seeks to review issues related to Shariah and operations in Islamic banking.
Design/methodology/approach: By interviewing with Treasurers, Shariah Scholars and funding dealers of Islamic banks in Malaysia, the study evaluates reassessment on CM practices and operational issues concerning risk and compliance. The study focuses on the Islamic Treasury Division of Islamic banks in Malaysia.
Findings: The findings of the study suggest that the two most significant issues in Islamic liquidity management of Islamic banks in Malaysia are i) resembling interest ii) nature of trade-ability iii) structure of CM iv) the timing the transaction to be completed and v) the real brokerage cost involved in adopting the CM transactions.
Research limitations/implications: The research proposes risk mitigation and enhanced Shariah compliance frameworks such as straight-through processing (STP) and commodity broker's standard guideline for Islamic banks to adopt CM practices.
Practical implications: This study provides direction and guidance to the Islamic Commercial Banks, Commodity Brokers and regulator (BNM) involved in the banking system to reflect upon the importance to understand the issues and limitation of CM. By highlighting the importance of efficiency in terms of time and cost-saving together with Shariah issues, Islamic banks can design policies to enhance efficiency in order to either decide to maintain the adoption of CMP or to consider the proposed alternative.
Social implications: Understanding the Shariah compliance and operational issues will enhance the integrity of Islamic banks, which is consistent with the Key Economic Growth Area of making Malaysia as International Islamic Financial Hub 2.0
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