102 research outputs found

    Non-Gaussian Distributions in Extended Dynamical Systems

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    We propose a novel mechanism for the origin of non-Gaussian tails in the probability distribution functions (PDFs) of local variables in nonlinear, diffusive, dynamical systems including passive scalars advected by chaotic velocity fields. Intermittent fluctuations on appropriate time scales in the amplitude of the (chaotic) noise can lead to exponential tails. We provide numerical evidence for such behavior in deterministic, discrete-time passive scalar models. Different possibilities for PDFs are also outlined.Comment: 12 pages and 6 figs obtainable from the authors, LaTex file, OSU-preprint-

    Derivative moments in turbulent shear flows

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    We propose a generalized perspective on the behavior of high-order derivative moments in turbulent shear flows by taking account of the roles of small-scale intermittency and mean shear, in addition to the Reynolds number. Two asymptotic regimes are discussed with respect to shear effects. By these means, some existing disagreements on the Reynolds number dependence of derivative moments can be explained. That odd-order moments of transverse velocity derivatives tend not vanish as expected from elementary scaling considerations does not necessarily imply that small-scale anisotropy persists at all Reynolds numbers.Comment: 11 pages, 7 Postscript figure

    Efficient Mixing at low Reynolds numbers using polymer additives

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    Mixing in fluids is a rapidly developing field of fluid mechanics \cite{Sreen,Shr,War}, being an important industrial and environmental problem. The mixing of liquids at low Reynolds numbers is usually quite weak in simple flows, and it requires special devices to be efficient. Recently, the problem of mixing was solved analytically for a simple case of random flow, known as the Batchelor regime \cite{Bat,Kraich,Fal,Sig,Fouxon}. Here we demonstrate experimentally that very viscous liquids at low Reynolds number, ReRe. Here we show that very viscous liquids containing a small amount of high molecular weight polymers can be mixed quite efficiently at very low Reynolds numbers, for a simple flow in a curved channel. A polymer concentration of only 0.001% suffices. The presence of the polymers leads to an elastic instability \cite{LMS} and to irregular flow \cite{Ours}, with velocity spectra corresponding to the Batchelor regime \cite{Bat,Kraich,Fal,Sig,Fouxon}. Our detailed observations of the mixing in this regime enable us to confirm sevearl important theoretical predictions: the probability distributions of the concentration exhibit exponential tails \cite{Fal,Fouxon}, moments of the distribution decay exponentially along the flow \cite{Fouxon}, and the spatial correlation function of concentration decays logarithmically.Comment: 11 pages, 5 figure

    Anisotropic Homogeneous Turbulence: hierarchy and intermittency of scaling exponents in the anisotropic sectors

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    We present the first measurements of anisotropic statistical fluctuations in perfectly homogeneous turbulent flows. We address both problems of intermittency in anisotropic sectors and hierarchical ordering of anisotropies on a direct numerical simulation of a three dimensional random Kolmogorov flow. We achieved an homogeneous and anisotropic statistical ensemble by randomly shifting the forcing phases. We observe high intermittency as a function of the order of the velocity correlation within each fixed anisotropic sector and a hierarchical organization of scaling exponents at fixed order of the velocity correlation at changing the anisotropic sector.Comment: 6 pages, 3 eps figure

    Beyond scaling and locality in turbulence

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    An analytic perturbation theory is suggested in order to find finite-size corrections to the scaling power laws. In the frame of this theory it is shown that the first order finite-size correction to the scaling power laws has following form S(r)crα0[ln(r/η)]α1S(r) \cong cr^{\alpha_0}[\ln(r/\eta)]^{\alpha_1}, where η\eta is a finite-size scale (in particular for turbulence, it can be the Kolmogorov dissipation scale). Using data of laboratory experiments and numerical simulations it is shown shown that a degenerate case with α0=0\alpha_0 =0 can describe turbulence statistics in the near-dissipation range r>ηr > \eta, where the ordinary (power-law) scaling does not apply. For moderate Reynolds numbers the degenerate scaling range covers almost the entire range of scales of velocity structure functions (the log-corrections apply to finite Reynolds number). Interplay between local and non-local regimes has been considered as a possible hydrodynamic mechanism providing the basis for the degenerate scaling of structure functions and extended self-similarity. These results have been also expanded on passive scalar mixing in turbulence. Overlapping phenomenon between local and non-local regimes and a relation between position of maximum of the generalized energy input rate and the actual crossover scale between these regimes are briefly discussed.Comment: extended versio

    A non-hybrid method for the PDF equations of turbulent flows on unstructured grids

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    In probability density function (PDF) methods of turbulent flows, the joint PDF of several flow variables is computed by numerically integrating a system of stochastic differential equations for Lagrangian particles. A set of parallel algorithms is proposed to provide an efficient solution of the PDF transport equation, modeling the joint PDF of turbulent velocity, frequency and concentration of a passive scalar in geometrically complex configurations. An unstructured Eulerian grid is employed to extract Eulerian statistics, to solve for quantities represented at fixed locations of the domain (e.g. the mean pressure) and to track particles. All three aspects regarding the grid make use of the finite element method (FEM) employing the simplest linear FEM shape functions. To model the small-scale mixing of the transported scalar, the interaction by exchange with the conditional mean model is adopted. An adaptive algorithm that computes the velocity-conditioned scalar mean is proposed that homogenizes the statistical error over the sample space with no assumption on the shape of the underlying velocity PDF. Compared to other hybrid particle-in-cell approaches for the PDF equations, the current methodology is consistent without the need for consistency conditions. The algorithm is tested by computing the dispersion of passive scalars released from concentrated sources in two different turbulent flows: the fully developed turbulent channel flow and a street canyon (or cavity) flow. Algorithmic details on estimating conditional and unconditional statistics, particle tracking and particle-number control are presented in detail. Relevant aspects of performance and parallelism on cache-based shared memory machines are discussed.Comment: Accepted in Journal of Computational Physics, Feb. 20, 200

    Generation of Large-Scale Vorticity in a Homogeneous Turbulence with a Mean Velocity Shear

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    An effect of a mean velocity shear on a turbulence and on the effective force which is determined by the gradient of Reynolds stresses is studied. Generation of a mean vorticity in a homogeneous incompressible turbulent flow with an imposed mean velocity shear due to an excitation of a large-scale instability is found. The instability is caused by a combined effect of the large-scale shear motions (''skew-induced" deflection of equilibrium mean vorticity) and ''Reynolds stress-induced" generation of perturbations of mean vorticity. Spatial characteristics, such as the minimum size of the growing perturbations and the size of perturbations with the maximum growth rate, are determined. This instability and the dynamics of the mean vorticity are associated with the Prandtl's turbulent secondary flows. This instability is similar to the mean-field magnetic dynamo instability. Astrophysical applications of the obtained results are discussed.Comment: 8 pages, 3 figures, REVTEX4, submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Orientation cues for high-flying nocturnal insect migrants: do turbulence-induced temperature and velocity fluctuations indicate the mean wind flow?

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    Migratory insects flying at high altitude at night often show a degree of common alignment, sometimes with quite small angular dispersions around the mean. The observed orientation directions are often close to the downwind direction and this would seemingly be adaptive in that large insects could add their self-propelled speed to the wind speed, thus maximising their displacement in a given time. There are increasing indications that high-altitude orientation may be maintained by some intrinsic property of the wind rather than by visual perception of relative ground movement. Therefore, we first examined whether migrating insects could deduce the mean wind direction from the turbulent fluctuations in temperature. Within the atmospheric boundary-layer, temperature records show characteristic ramp-cliff structures, and insects flying downwind would move through these ramps whilst those flying crosswind would not. However, analysis of vertical-looking radar data on the common orientations of nocturnally migrating insects in the UK produced no evidence that the migrants actually use temperature ramps as orientation cues. This suggests that insects rely on turbulent velocity and acceleration cues, and refocuses attention on how these can be detected, especially as small-scale turbulence is usually held to be directionally invariant (isotropic). In the second part of the paper we present a theoretical analysis and simulations showing that velocity fluctuations and accelerations felt by an insect are predicted to be anisotropic even when the small-scale turbulence (measured at a fixed point or along the trajectory of a fluid-particle) is isotropic. Our results thus provide further evidence that insects do indeed use turbulent velocity and acceleration cues as indicators of the mean wind direction

    Kinetic Energy Decay Rates of Supersonic and Super-Alfvenic Turbulence in Star-Forming Clouds

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    We present numerical studies of compressible, decaying turbulence, with and without magnetic fields, with initial rms Alfven and Mach numbers ranging up to five, and apply the results to the question of the support of star-forming interstellar clouds of molecular gas. We find that, in 1D, magnetized turbulence actually decays faster than unmagnetized turbulence. In all the regimes that we have studied 3D turbulence-super-Alfvenic, supersonic, sub-Alfvenic, and subsonic-the kinetic energy decays as (t-t0)^(-x), with 0.85 < x < 1.2. We compared results from two entirely different algorithms in the unmagnetized case, and have performed extensive resolution studies in all cases, reaching resolutions of 256^3 zones or 350,000 particles. We conclude that the observed long lifetimes and supersonic motions in molecular clouds must be due to external driving, as undriven turbulence decays far too fast to explain the observations.Comment: Submitted to Phys. Rev. Letters, 29 Nov. 1997. 10 pages, 2 figures, also available from http://www.mpia-hd.mpg.de/theory/preprints.html#maclo

    Turbulence anisotropy and the SO(3) description

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    We study strongly turbulent windtunnel flows with controlled anisotropy. Using a recent formalism based on angular momentum and the irreducible representations of the SO(3) rotation group, we attempt to extract this anisotropy from the angular dependence of second-order structure functions. Our instrumentation allows a measurement of both the separation and the angle dependence of the structure function. In axisymmetric turbulence which has a weak anisotropy, this more extended information produces ambiguous results. In more strongly anisotropic shear turbulence, the SO(3) description enables one to find the anisotropy scaling exponent. The key quality of the SO(3) description is that structure functions are a mixture of algebraic functions of the scale with exponents ordered such that the contribution of anisotropies diminishes at small scales. However, we find that in third-order structure functions of homogeneous shear turbulence the anisotropic contribution is always large and of the same order of magnitude as the isotropic part. Our results concern the minimum instrumentation needed to determine the parameters of the SO(3) description, and raise several questions about its ability to describe the angle dependence of high-order structure functions