4,278 research outputs found
Quantum Phase Transition from a Spin-liquid State to a Spin-glass State in the Quasi-1D Spin-1 System Sr1-xCaxNi2V2O8
We report a quantum phase transition from a spin-liquid state to a spin-glass
state in the quasi-one dimensional (1D) spin-1 system Sr1-xCaxNi2V2O8, induced
by a small amount of Ca-substitution at Sr site. The ground state of the parent
compound (x = 0) is found to be a spin-liquid type with a finite energy gap of
26.6 K between singlet ground state and triplet excited state. Both
dc-magnetization and ac-susceptibility studies on the highest Ca-substituted
compound (x = 0.05) indicate a spin-glass type magnetic ground state. With
increasing Ca-concentration, the spin-glass ordering temperature increases from
4.5 K (for the x = 0.015 compound) to 6.25 K (for the x = 0.05 compound). The
observed results are discussed in the light of the earlier experimental reports
and the theoretical predictions for a quasi-1D spin-1 system.Comment: 26 pages, 8 figures, 3 table
Two-dimensional Induced Ferromagnetism
Magnetic properties of materials confined to nanometer length scales are
providing important information regarding low dimensional physics. Using
gadolinium based Langmuir-Blodgett films, we demonstrate that two-dimensional
ferromagnetic order can be induced by applying magnetic field along the
in-plane (perpendicular to growth) direction. Field dependent exchange coupling
is evident in the in-plane magnetization data that exhibit absence of
hysteresis loop and show reduction in field required to obtain saturation in
measured moment with decreasing temperature.Comment: 4 pages, 3 postscript figures, corrected paper forma
Magnetocaloric effect and critical behavior near the paramagnetic to ferrimagnetic phase transition temperature in TbCo2-xFex
Magnetocaloric effect (MCE) in TbCo2-xFex has been studied by dc
magnetization measurements.On substituting Fe in TbCo2, not only the magnetic
transition temperature is tuned to room temperature, but also the operating
temperature range for MCE is increased from 50 K for TbCo2 to 95 K for
TbCo1.9Fe0.1. The maximum magnetic entropy change (-{\Delta}SM) for
TbCo1.9Fe0.1 is found to be 3.7 J kg-1 K-1 for a 5 T field change, making it a
promising candidate for magnetic refrigeration near room temperature. The
temperature dependent neutron diffraction study shows a structural phase
transition (from cubic to rhombohedral phase with lowering of temperature)
which is associated with the magnetic phase transition and these transitions
broaden on Fe substitution. To investigate the nature of the paramagnetic to
ferrimagnetic phase transition, we performed a critical exponent study. From
the derived values of critical exponents, we conclude that TbCo2 belongs to the
3D Heisenberg class with short-range interaction, while on Fe substitution it
tends towards mean-field with long-range interaction. The derived values of
critical exponents represent the phenomenological universal curve for the field
dependence of {\Delta}SM, indicating that TbCo2 and TbCo1.9Fe0.1 belong to two
different universality classes.Comment: 12 figure
Long-range and short-range magnetic correlations, and microscopic origin of net magnetization in the spin-1 trimer chain compound CaNi3P4O14
Spin-spin correlations and microscopic origin of net magnetization in the
spin-1 trimer chain compound CaNi3P4O14 have been investigated by powder
neutron diffraction. The present study reveals a 3D long-range magnetic
ordering below 16 K where the magnetic structure consists of ferromagnetic
trimers that are coupled ferromagnetically along the spin-chain. The moment
components along the a and c axes arrange antiferromagnetically. Our study
establishes that the uncompensated moment components along the b axis result in
a net magnetization per unit cell. The magnetic structure, determined in the
present study, is in agreement with the results of recent first principles
calculation; however, it is in contrast to a fascinating experimental
prediction of ferrimagnetic ordering based on the periodicity of the exchange
interactions in CaNi3P4O14. Our study also confirms the presence of broad
diffuse magnetic scattering, due to 1D short-range spin-spin correlations, over
a wide temperature range below ~50 K down to a temperature well below the Tc.
Total neutron scattering analysis by the RMC method reveals that the dominating
spin-spin correlation above Tc is ferromagnetic and along the b axis. The
nearest neighbour spin-spin correlations along the a and c axes are found to be
weakly antiferromagnetic. The nature of the trimer spin structure of the
short-range state is similar to that of the 3D long-range ordered state. The
present investigation of microscopic nature of the magnetic ground state also
explains the condition required for the 1/3 magnetization plateau to be
observed in the trimer spin-chains. In spite of the S=1 trimer chain system,
the present compound CaNi3P4O14 is found to be a good realization of 3D magnet
below the Tc=16 K with full ordered moment values of ~2 mu_B/Ni2+ (1.98 and
1.96 mu_B/Ni2+ for two Ni sites, respectively) at 1.5 K.Comment: 10 pages, 8 figure
Pengaruh Bahasa Terhadap Perbedaan Pendapat Para Imam Mujtahid Dalam Menafsirkan Ayat-ayat Hukum
: The Linguistic Influence on the Divergence of Jurisprudents Opinion in Interpreting Qur'anic Legal Verses. At certain level, the jurisprudents disputed and disagreed on a number of legal issues. Such disagreement stems from various aspects, one of which is linguistic problem. This article studies how the jurisprudents are different in interpreting legal verses, which according to the author consists of six aspects, namely identifying hurûf jâr (preposition) and hurûf ‘athf (conjuntion); determining the meaning of fi‘l (verb) and ism (noun); deciding the object to which ism isyârah and pronoun refers to; deciding quantity and quality of the meaning of a word and sentence; and identifying ma'na haqîqy (definite or real meaning) of a word and sentence and its ma‘na majâzy (metaphor). The author argues that as a consequence of these differences, Muslim scholars have different understanding of Islamic legal verses, which in turn lead to divergence of implementation of Islamic laws within the Muslim community both in the ritual and social dealings
Concept of Financial Management in Islamic Perspective
Financial management, also known as financing management, is a money arrangement that involves the source, allocation, usage, and responsibility of funds utilized to meet the organization's or institution's goals. Financial performance will be more efficient if the organization/institution has good financial management. The goal of this research was to look at the notion of financial management from an Islamic standpoint. This is a form of research that takes place at a library. The researchers in this study took a literature review and analytical technique. The researcher uses the descriptive analytical approach to acquire data that has been analyzed. Meanwhile, to achieve adequate study outcomes, the validity of the examination employs analytical persistence procedures. The findings show that the verses of the Koran that are relevant to the concept of financial management are found in the letter Al-Furqon verse 67, which discusses everything related to financial management, including being frugal, not luxurious, efficient, and appropriate, as well as being open and transparent. Surah As-Al-Hasyr verse 18 talks about paying attention to what has already been done in order to plan for the future. Because all laws essentially return to the Al-Quran and As-Sunnah, Al-Quran verses that are important to financial management are utilized as a reference in their implementation and can overcome challenges in the financial administration of companies or institution
Enhanced grain surface effect on magnetic properties of nanometric La0.7Ca0.3MnO3 manganite : Evidence of surface spin freezing of manganite nanoparticles
We have investigated the effect of nanometric grain size on magnetic
properties of single phase, nanocrystalline, granular La0.7Ca0.3MnO3 (LCMO)
sample. We have considered core-shell structure of our LCMO nanoparticles,
which can explain its magnetic properties. From the temperature dependence of
field cooled (FC) and zero-field cooled (ZFC) dc magnetization (DCM), the
magnetic properties could be distinguished into two regimes: a relatively high
temperature regime T > 40 K where the broad maximum of ZFC curve (at T = Tmax)
is associated with the blocking of core particle moments, whereas the sharp
maximum (at T = TS) is related to the freezing of surface (shell) spins. The
unusual shape of M (H) loop at T = 1.5 K, temperature dependent feature of
coercive field and remanent magnetization give a strong support of surface spin
freezing that are occurring at lower temperature regime (T < 40 K) in this LCMO
nanoparticles. Additionally, waiting time (tw) dependence of ZFC relaxation
measurements at T = 50 K show weak dependence of relaxation rate [S(t)] on tw
and dM/dln(t) following a logarithmic variation on time. Both of these features
strongly support the high temperature regime to be associated with the blocking
of core moments. At T = 20 K, ZFC relaxation measurements indicates the
existence of two different types of relaxation processes in the sample with
S(t) attaining a maximum at the elapsed time very close to the wait time tw =
1000 sec, which is an unequivocal sign of glassy behavior. This age-dependent
effect convincingly establish the surface spin freezing of our LCMO
nanoparticles associated with a background of superparamagnetic (SPM) phase of
core moments.Comment: 41 pages, 10 figure
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