812 research outputs found
Holistic Nursing in Mental Health Disorder
The Surabaya, East Java is very densily populated city, so all of the population is in the stressfull contidition. The territory in East Java is containing land, coastal, sea, forrest, rural, urban and there are many diversity in cultural and religion. This is a higly risk to conflics and disaster.
There are many kinds of dissaster that can occur in Surabaya, East Java and all of area in Indonesia is; vulcano erruption, earthquake, flood, landslide, hurricane, people conflics,terrorism, environment populations, disease outbreak, storm, drought, industrial accident, tsunami and the transpotation accident.
Indonesia is the Nation with full hazard, many kind and the of type disaster can occure in all of area with the emergency condition. Transportation accidents mostly occure in all of area. Some are highly risk to conflic and terrorism, landslide and flood. This stuation, make a population in Surabaya, East Java and Indonesia must be strongly vision to get positive feeling, acitivity and work hard to be intens in every people. If there are not condition, the population will full stress, anxiety and hopeless.
Revers to result for the basic research on health condition in Indonesia (Ministry of Health, 2013) there are two kind of Mental disorder; (1) severe mental ilness like a psychosis, and (2) mental emotional problem. The patient with psychosis, average 14,3 % have stocks by their family. There is 10,7 % in the City and 18,02 in the village
Indonesian Free of Stocks for Mental Illness the Family – Care Giver, Need of Support
Mental disorder is still become a stigma in society, even until now. Problems emerge is due to maladaptive thought and behavior. Family who have family member with mental disorder can experience serious conflict, become an objective and subjective burden, blame each other, get involved in hostility among family members. Various negative effect faces by family can cause serious stress, ineffective family coping and failure of taking care of patient with mental disorder at home.
Family with one of their family member have a Schizophrenic desease, the family will appear of burden. There are two kind burden for falimy, related to subjective and objective burden. Objective burden related to sign and symptom of Schizophrenic desease that attack in patient, low of motivation, mood, afect and psychomotor. The patient not fullfillness in activity daily living routine, deficit in personal hygiene, required too long time to sleep, not working activity and other. The patient require to eat but not clean in plate after eat, bowl and urinary in any place, sleep a long time in any place and other. This condition make the family member feeling in objective burden with the patinet condition.
The subjective burden related to shame there are a family members with Schiziphrenia, stigma in group and community, and not positive progress in treatment. That ways make a family and ther family members shame, have a negative perception about Schizophrenia, negative health beleive, impairment of supports and interaction between family members. All of this conditions, make increasly stress in family, not support to the patient, wrong way to health seeking behaviors and give the patient miss treatment. This is the objective conditions in some of people in Indonesia with family member have a Schizophrenic desease
The Factors Related to Family Heath Seeking Behavior on Clients Mental Disorders based on Plan Behavior Theory
Mental disorders is a brain damage
which characterized by disturbance
of emotions, thought processes,
behaviors, and perceptions that cause
suffering for patients and their
families. The right treatment is
needed to prevent the worse condition
of mental disorders. Health seeking
behavior can be predicted by using
Theory of Planned Behavior approach.
The purpose of this study was to
analyze factors related to behavior of
family in seeking treatment o
Return Migration of Nurses: A Concept Analysis
is not well understood. A concept analysis would help to clarify what is meant by return migration. This
paper aims to report on an analysis of the concept of return migration of nurses.
Data Sources:
nurse, return as human right, resource mobilisation, reintegration and return itineraries. Antecedents of
return migration include the economic, social, geographical, political, family and life cycle that comprise the
depend on the point of view migrant nurses, source country, receiving country, nursing profession and
research on return migration.
migration concept. It recognises the centrality of return as a component in migration stage that needs a
comprehensive approach
Family mem bers' perspective of family Resilience's risk factors in taking care of schizophrenia patients
Objectives: The study was conducted to illustrate the risk factors of family resilience when taking care of
patients with schizophrenia.
Methods: The research used qualitative design with an interpretive phenomenology approach, with indepth interviews. The subjects were 15 family members who cared for patients with schizophrenia at the
Menur Mental Hospital, Surabaya, Indonesia. The samples were obtained by purposive sampling technique. The data was collected by interview and using field notes, then analyzed by Collaizi technique.
Results: This research produced two themes, they were care burden and stigma. Care burdens felt by
families were confusion about the illness, emotional, physical, time, financial and social burdens, which
leads to decrease in family quality of life. Families also experienced stigma called labeling, stereotyping,
separation and discrimination. Stigmas meant that families faced psychological, social and intrapersonal
consequences. This decreased the family quality of life and functionality of the family, and there were
opportunities for negative results to family resilience. Health workers, especially psychiatric nurses,
should review care burdens and stigma to develop nursing interventions so families are able to achieve
Conclusions: This research explained how care burden and stigma are risk factors that must be managed
by families to survive, rise up, and become better in caring for patients with schizophrenia. Nurses have a
central role in assessing the level of care burdens and stigma in order to help families achieve resilience.
Further research may focus on family-based nursing interventions to lower care burden, and communitybased interventions to reduce stigma
Inflence of Picture and Picture Method Against Moral Development of Children
Misbehaviour phenomenon in elementary school children can be caused by lack of moral development of
children. The number of children with negative moral behaviour increases year by year both in quantity and
quality. Internal and external factors can be the main effects of inadequate moral development of children.
The aim of this study is to explain the effect of picture and picture method against moral development
of children aged 10-11 years. Pre-experimental research with one-group pre-post test. Population of the
research consisted of 165 children in Tanah Kalikedinding IV Elementary School. Sampling was conducted
by using purposive sampling technique (n=117 respondents). The independent variable is the picture
and picture method, while the dependent variable is the moral development. Collecting samples using
observatory sheet and analysis using Wilcoxon Signed Rank Test with signifiant level of α = 0,05. There
was an increasing percentage from pre test and post test. Picture and picture method can be used as an
alternative for developing children behaviour. For the future research, it is expected to use control group to
examine which factors inflence moral development of children
Factors Associated to Infant Vaccination in Madurese, Indonesia
In Madura, a lot of infants have incomplete immunization status in which one of the areas with low
immunization coverage is Burneh sub-district. The coverage of complete basic immunization in Burneh
only 64% in 2015. The aim of this study was to analyze factors related to vaccination in Madurese, using
cross sectional design. The sample were 97 mothers with babies 0-1 years old in Burneh sub-district. Data
were collected using questionnaires, then analyzed using Chi square test. The results showed the correlation
between knowledge (p = 0.027), confience (p = 0.000), attitude (p = 0.003), culture (p = 0.000), access to
health care (p = 0.013), family support (p = 0.034), and support of health professionals (p = 0.021) with the
basic immunization status. Meanwhile, the support of community leaders (p = 0.054) had no correlation
with the basic immunization status
Predictors of Family Stress in Taking Care of Patients with Schizophrenia
Introduction: Taking care of schizophrenia patients is challenging and causes
stress for the family involved. The study was conducted to identify the predictors of
family stress present when taking care of a patient with schizophrenia. The ABCX
Stress Theory of Hill was used as the theoretical framework.
Methods: This study used a correlational design. The sample was 137 families who
were caring for patients with schizophrenia at the Menur Mental Hospital,
Surabaya, Indonesia. The sample was obtained by way of purposive sampling. The
data was collected by a questionnaire and analysed by multiple regression to
determine the relationship of the family’s structure, family knowledge, the burden
of care, stigma, social support, the patient's illness duration, the patient’s frequency
of relapse and the patient's severity level with family stress.
Results: The results showed that the family’s stress was predicted by the family’s
structure (p=0.029), stigma (p=0.000), the burden of care (p=0.000), and the
patient’s frequency of relapse (p=0.005). The burden of care was the strongest
predictor of family stress (Beta= 0.619).
Conclusion: The patient's frequency of relapse and stigma were other kinds of
family stressor. The stressors stimulated a negative perception, called the care
burden. Limited adequacy of the family structure-function will inhibit the family in
using other resources, creating family stress. Nurses may develop an assessment
format that consists of the family stress predictors in order to create a nursing care
plan specific to reframing the techniques of family stress management
The Effect of Individual, Family and Environmental Factors on Family Stigma with leprosy
Stigma is assigning a sign or label of a negative
undesirable characteristic which is not appropriate for the
society. In addition, stigma in the family is resulted from the loss
of family support in patients with leprosy(leprosy sufferer), by
excluding and hiding them until the cessation of the treatment
process. This condition will aggravate the process of early
detection of patients with leprosy, self-stigma in patients with
leprosy, disability and quality of life of patients and family
members. The aim of this study is to analyze the patient, family
and environmental factors that influence the family stigma on
This study applied cross-sectional design while the study
population was families of leprosy patients at six health centers
for endemic leprosy in Jombang East Java and represent 49
families of leprosy patients. These samples included 39 families
and sampling was with Multi-Stage Random Sampling. The
hypotheses were tested by using Chi-Square with p value<0.05.
The results found that there were 29 (74.4%) family stigmas
occurred, while hypotheses tests obtained from the individual
factors included stigma individual, self-concept and disability
level of leprosy patient influence on family stigma (P = 0.000).
Family factors include family support, family coping
mechanisms, knowledge and family perception towards leprosy
affecting the family stigma (P = 0.000), whereas there was no
effect of economic status on family stigma (P = 0.07) and
environmental factors affects the family stigma only as a social
stigma (P = 0.007) and there is no stigma attached by healthcare
The conclusion is that the individual, family and environmental
factors influence the occurrence of family stigma; therefore, the
researchers recommend intervention in an attempt to overcome
the family stigma attention on individuals, families and the
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