290 research outputs found

    Postcolonialism in Africa Based on Colonialism Analysis in Chinua Achebe's Things Fall Apart

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    AbstractOne of the interesting things in the study of literary works is to explore the representation of a literary work itself to the culture of real life. More specifically, when it is related to the history – in this case, the condition of precolonial, colonial, and postcolonial times. This article discusses postcolonialism analysis on Things fall Apart by Achebe. The method used in this study is descriptive qualitative. It is found that the novel represents “precolonial tribal” life in Africa: earning a living by farming land and keeping the cattle, diverse cultural backgrounds including belief of traditional religion. Then, the things lost as a result of colonial contact are “religious practice and government”. Then, Colonizers’ strategies in indoctrinating the native population to their way of thinking  include building a school, convincing the society of the importance of education for the future generation, and building the court for judgement and protection. There are some reasons that make colonizers’ successful, they are: they make mutual benefit of trading, use a soft way to spread the belief, and use an innovative way to link the religion and the education. Furthermore, after colonialism, Africa experiences mixed reaction of religious practice, education becomes the key to get success in career, two ways of healers: the traditional African healers i.e. “using ritual and herbal remedies and modern cures, hospital, and the establishment of Courts of Justice and Human Rights”.Keywords: precolonial life, positive effects, negative effects, postcolonialism.  AbstrakSalah satu hal yang menarik dalam studi karya sastra ialah mengeksplorasi representasi  karya sastra itu sendiri dengan budaya kehidupan nyata, lebih khusus lagi, ketika dikaitkan dengan sejarah - dalam hal ini, kondisi pada saat pra-kolonial, kolonial, dan postkolonial. Artikel ini bertujuan untuk membahas tentang  postkolonialisme pada novel Things Fall Apart oleh Achebe. Metode yang digunakan dalam studi ini adalah deskriptif qualitative. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa novel tersebut merepresentasikan kehidupan suku “precolonial di Afrika”: mencari nafkah dengan bertani dan memelihara binatang ternak, latar belakang budaya yang beragam termasuk keyakinan agama tradisional. Hal-hal yang hilang/ negatif  akibat dari kontak kolonial pada penduduk asli yaitu “praktik agama dan pemerintahan”. Ada tiga strategi yang dilakukan oleh penjajah dalam mengindoktrinir penduduk asli terhadap cara berpikir mereka antara lain:   “membangun sebuah sekolah, meyakinkan masyarakat akan pentingnya pendidikan bagi generasi masa depan, dan membangun pengadilan untuk mencari keadilan dan perlindungan”. Penjajah sukses karena mereka mengadakan “perdagangan yang saling menguntungkan, menggunakan cara yang lembut untuk menyebarkan keyakinan, dan menggunakan cara yang inovatif untuk menghubungkan antara agama dan pendidikan”.  Beberapa efek dari kolonialisme tersebut antara lain: (1) terdapat beberapa agama di Afrika, (2) pendidikan menjadi kunci untuk mendapatkan kesuksesan dalam karir, (3) ada dua cara penyembuhan: (1.penyembuhan tradisional Afrika yaitu menggunakan ritual dan herbal, dan 2. obat modern, rumah sakit), dan (4) pendirian Pengadilan Hukum dan Hak Asasi Manusia.Kata Kunci: kehidupan prekolonial, efek negatif, efek positif, postkolonia


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    Adi Yusuf University of Pesantren Tinggi Darul Ulum Jombang [email protected] Abstract Besides the influence of first language (L1), learners’ poor knowledge of second language (L2) often leads to mistakes (errors). The phenomenon of second language acquisition errors (L2) caused by the second language (L2) is called overgeneralization (negative intralingual transfer). This study describes grammatical overgeneralization often made by Level 1 students' of Paradise English Course (FEC) Patianrowo, Nganjuk and the factors causing them. The errors at least can be categorized into twelve kinds of errors: tense-related errors, modal-related errors, infinitive-related errors, gerund-related errors, present participle-related errors, noun clause-related errors, pronoun-related errors, article-related errors, preposition-related errors, singular and plural-related errors, and word order-related errors. Those errors are caused by two aspects, they are inductive and deductive reasoning. Keywords: transfer, intralingual transfer (overgeneralization), level 1 students   Abstrak Selain bahasa pertama (L1), pengetahuan pembelajar yang buruk tentang bahasa kedua (L2) sering menyebabkan mistakes (errors). Fenomena kesalahan akuisisi bahasa kedua (L2) yang disebabkan oleh bahasa kedua (L2) disebut overgeneralization (transfer intralingual negatif). Studi ini menggambarkan tata bahasa overgeneralization yang sering dilakukan oleh para siswa tingkat 1 di Firdaus English Course (FEC) Patianrowo, Nganjuk dan faktor-faktor penyebabnya. Errors setidaknya dapat dikategorikan menjadi dua belas jenis: tense-related errors, modal-related errors, infinitive-related errors, gerund-related errors, present participle-related errors, noun clause-related errors, pronoun-related errors, article-related errors, preposition-related errors, singular and plural-related errors, and word order-related errors. Kesalahan-kesalahan disebabkan oleh dua aspek, yaitu penalaran induktif dan deduktif.   Kata kunci: transfer, transfer intralingual (overgeneralisasi), siswa level


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    Teaching speaking is considered as the “interesting and challenging activity”. Indeed, it needs various ways in order to make students “active in speaking” during the class. This article would like to present the three phases, namely a PPP (Presentation, Practice, and Production) method in “teaching speaking to university students”. The fundamental principles of using this method is that the “students are smart and creative”. Eventhough, they are considered as “intelligent and creative”, teachers still need to guide or control them to anticipate any errors made by the students. Furthermore, it is important for teachers to know when to give “instant correction” in class. When the class is focused on accuracy, teachers can give an “instant correction”. On the other hand, when it is focused on “fluency”, it is not suggested that teachers give “instant correction” and this may interfere with the goals of activity. Keywords: Presentation, Practice, Production, accuracy, fluency Abstrak Mengajar kelas speaking bisa dianggap sebagai aktivitas yang menarik dan menantang. Berbagai cara benar-benar perlu dilakukan untuk membuat para siswa aktif dalam berbicara selama pelajaran. Artikel ini membahas tentang tiga tahapan, yaitu sebuah metode PPP (Presentation, Practice, and Production) yang diterapkan dalam “mengajar speaking” pada mahasiswa. Landasan dalam menggunakan metode ini adalah bahwa mahasiswa pandai dan kreatif. Meskipun, demikian pengajar masih perlu “membimbing atau mengontrol” mereka untuk mengantisipasi adanya kesalahan. Di samping itu, pengajar harus tahu kapan waktu yang tepat untuk memberikan “koreksi langsung” di kelas. Ketika kelas sedang difokuskan pada “ketepatan”, pengajar bisa memberikan “koreksi langsung”. Sebaliknya, ketika kelas sedang difokuskan pada “kepasihan/ kelancaran”, sebaiknya pengajar tidak memberikan “koreksi langsung” dan hal ini bisa mengganggu tujuan aktifitas kelas. Kata kunci: Presentation, Practice, Production, accuracy, fluenc


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    Brand identity is one very important variable for a companies as an effort to survive in the increasingly complex market competition. Brand identity also play a major role as a differentiator for a brand in today’s generalized market condition. A brand which able to deliver and communicate it’s identity will have a good level of brand perceive value among the consumers, this good level of brand perceive value indicate that the brand able to accommodate expectations of consumers, this will creates consumer satisfaction. Satisfied consumers tend to be loyal to the brand, this thing called brand loyalty. This study aims to 1). analyze the influence of the Starbucks brand identity to consumer satisfaction, 2). analyze the influence of consumer satisfaction to brand loyalty of Starbucks, 3). analyze the influence of the Starbucks brand identity to it’s brand loyalty, 4). analyze the influence of the Starbucks brand identity to it’s brand loyalty through consumer satisfaction. This research is explanatory research, and the types of data in this study are primary data which obtained directly from the 119 Starbucks consumers in Surabaya, which is determined by purposive sampling. The analysis technique used in this research is Structural Equation Modeling (SEM). The results showed that variable of brand identity did not significantly influence the variable of consumer satisfaction, and variable of consumer satisfaction significantly influence the variable of brand loyalty, and variable of brand identity did not significantly influence the variable of brand loyalty, and variable of brand identity did not significantly influence the variable of brand loyalty through the variable of customer satisfaction


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    Dice Board Game is a type of modified board game that aims to encourage students to have interactive communication while learning through games. It is suggested that teaching materials should meet the needs of students. However, the suitability of teaching materials is often not considered. Therefore, it is necessary to design a media that can provide more opportunities for students to build their interactions as they need to acquire speaking skills. The design of this study is based on design-based research as proposed by Akker et al. In this study, in-depth interviews with teachers were conducted to find out the needs of students. In addition, observations were made on the syllabus and materials for media development. In addition, media implementation and interviews with English teachers were observed to assess the implementation and quality of the Dice Board Game. The results showed that the Dice Board Game media could motivate students to speak more. In addition, it was found that the activity met the practicality of speaking learning.Dice Board Game is a type of modified board game that aims to encourage students to have interactive communication while learning through games. It is suggested that teaching materials should meet the needs of students. However, the suitability of teaching materials is often not considered. Therefore, it is necessary to design a media that can provide more opportunities for students to build their interactions as they need to acquire speaking skills. The design of this study is based on design-based research as proposed by Akker et al. In this study, in-depth interviews with teachers were conducted to find out the needs of students. In addition, observations were made on the syllabus and materials for media development. In addition, media implementation and interviews with English teachers were observed to assess the implementation and quality of the Dice Board Game. The results showed that the Dice Board Game media could motivate students to speak more. In addition, it was found that the activity met the practicality of speaking learning

    Researching L2 Motivation and Identity in the Indonesian Islamic School Context: an Insight into Research Opportunities

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    Motivation is one of the most important factors affecting foreign language learning. Some studies suggest that motivation has a robust impact on foreign language learning outcomes regardless of learners’ language talent (Wigfield & Wentzel, 2007; Rehman & Haider, 2013; Islam et al., 2013). This is why motivation becomes the most ‘complex and challenging’ problem faced by teachers (Scheidecker and Freeman, 1999). Motivation can shape learners’ attitude, objective (Maehr & Meyer, 1997), increase learners’ learning effort (Pintrich, et al., 1993), and improve learners’ achievement. However, motivation becomes a more intricate issue in the context of pesantren school in Indonesia  (Farid and Lamb, 2020). That is because pesantren consists of learners from various socio-economic backgrounds. While pesantren students’ main aim is to learn religious knowledge, some of them perceive learning English irrelevant to their future. Based on contemporary theories on L2 motivation and identity and utilising the authors’ years of experience as they work as English instructors in the pesantren environment, this paper attempts to shed light on possible topics that can be explored by future L2 motivation researchers in Indonesia, especially in the pesantren context.Motivation is one of the most important factors affecting foreign language learning. Some studies suggest that motivation has a robust impact on foreign language learning outcomes regardless of learners’ language talent (Wigfield & Wentzel, 2007; Rehman & Haider, 2013; Islam et al., 2013). This is why motivation becomes the most ‘complex and challenging’ problem faced by teachers (Scheidecker and Freeman, 1999). Motivation can shape learners’ attitude, objective (Maehr & Meyer, 1997), increase learners’ learning effort (Pintrich, et al., 1993), and improve learners’ achievement. However, motivation becomes a more intricate issue in the context of pesantren school in Indonesia  (Farid and Lamb, 2020). That is because pesantren consists of learners from various socio-economic backgrounds. While pesantren students’ main aim is to learn religious knowledge, some of them perceive learning English irrelevant to their future. Based on contemporary theories on L2 motivation and identity and utilising the authors’ years of experience as they work as English instructors in the pesantren environment, this paper attempts to shed light on possible topics that can be explored by future L2 motivation researchers in Indonesia, especially in the pesantren context


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    Articles are one of the most difficult parts in writing, especially for EFL students. Different use of articles often leads the students to make errors. This study is  intended to know the types of article errors made by students in writing report text and to explain why the errors occur. This study used a descriptive qualitative method. The subjects of this study were the students of class nine at X Junior High School in Jombang. Based on the analysis, it had been found that there were 3 types of article errors: the definite article, the indefinite article, and no article. The results of this study indicated that the students made errors on all types of articles. The errors happened because of  both interlingual transfer and intralingual transfer. Finally, it can be concluded that the students had a lack of knowledge in English articles

    Unburnt Analysis Terhadap Proses Pembakaran Ketel Uap Jenis Water Tube Boiler Kapasitas 15 TPH Berbahan Bakar Serat dan Cangkang Kelapa Sawit

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    Ketel uap merupakan salah satu komponen utama dalam sistem pembangkit daya. Proses pembakaran pada ketel uap berlangsung secara kontinyu di dalam ruang bakar dengan mengalirkan bahan bakar dan udara dengan bantuan blower. Pada Boiler di pabrik kelapa sawit, bahan bakar yang umumnya digunakan adalah serat dan cangkang kelapa sawit. Energi panas yang dihasilkan pada pembakaran bahan bakar digunakan untuk memanaskan fluida. Energi panas dari fluida tersebut selanjutnya digunakan untuk berbagai macam keperluan, seperti untuk turbin uap, pemanas ruangan, mesin uap, dan lain sebagainya. Proses pembakaran pada water tube boiler di pabrik kelapa sawit menghasilkan abu sisa pembakaran yang dikeluarkan melalui beberapa bagian. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui kadar bahan bakar yang tidak terbakar (unburnt fuel) pada ketel uap jenis water tube boiler berkapasitas 15 T/H. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan menguji kadar air dan kadar abu dari abu sisa pembakaran pada boiler. Pengambilan sampel abu sisa pembakaran boiler dilakukan pada tiga titik yaitu: (i) ruang bakar boiler, (ii) hopper lower drum dan (iii) dust collector. Pengambilan sampel dilakukan saat boiler beroperasi pada tekanan kerja maksimum yakni pada tekanan 20 bar. Pengujian kadar air dilakukan dengan menggunakan alat Moisture Analyzer. Sampel sebesar 5 gr akan dipanaskan sampai temperatur tertentu sehingga kelembaban menjadi hilang ketika proses pemanasan berlangsung. Proses pengujian kadar abu menggunakan furnace jenis Chamber Furnace tipe Carbolite Gero dengan temperatur pengujian 800˚ C dengan waktu tinggal selama 10 menit. Setelah dilakukan analisa, diperoleh persentase bahan bakar yang tidak terbakar (Unburnt Fuel) selama proses pembakaran yang terdapat di ruang bakar boiler adalah 8,09%, pada Hopper Lower Drum 3,6%, dan pada Dust Collector 3,76%

    Unburnt Analysis Terhadap Proses Pembakaran Ketel Uap Jenis Water Tube Boiler Kapasitas 15 TPH Berbahan Bakar Serat dan Cangkang Kelapa Sawit

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    Ketel uap merupakan salah satu komponen utama dalam sistem pembangkit daya. Proses pembakaran pada ketel uap berlangsung secara kontinyu di dalam ruang bakar dengan mengalirkan bahan bakar dan udara dengan bantuan blower. Pada Boiler di pabrik kelapa sawit, bahan bakar yang umumnya digunakan adalah serat dan cangkang kelapa sawit. Energi panas yang dihasilkan pada pembakaran bahan bakar digunakan untuk memanaskan fluida. Energi panas dari fluida tersebut selanjutnya digunakan untuk berbagai macam keperluan, seperti untuk turbin uap, pemanas ruangan, mesin uap, dan lain sebagainya. Proses pembakaran pada water tube boiler di pabrik kelapa sawit menghasilkan abu sisa pembakaran yang dikeluarkan melalui beberapa bagian. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui kadar bahan bakar yang tidak terbakar (unburnt fuel) pada ketel uap jenis water tube boiler berkapasitas 15 T/H. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan menguji kadar air dan kadar abu dari abu sisa pembakaran pada boiler. Pengambilan sampel abu sisa pembakaran boiler dilakukan pada tiga titik yaitu: (i) ruang bakar boiler, (ii) hopper lower drum dan (iii) dust collector. Pengambilan sampel dilakukan saat boiler beroperasi pada tekanan kerja maksimum yakni pada tekanan 20 bar. Pengujian kadar air dilakukan dengan menggunakan alat Moisture Analyzer. Sampel sebesar 5 gr akan dipanaskan sampai temperatur tertentu sehingga kelembaban menjadi hilang ketika proses pemanasan berlangsung. Proses pengujian kadar abu menggunakan furnace jenis Chamber Furnace tipe Carbolite Gero dengan temperatur pengujian 800˚ C dengan waktu tinggal selama 10 menit. Setelah dilakukan analisa, diperoleh persentase bahan bakar yang tidak terbakar (Unburnt Fuel) selama proses pembakaran yang terdapat di ruang bakar boiler adalah 8,09%, pada Hopper Lower Drum 3,6%, dan pada Dust Collector 3,76%


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    In learning process, a good teacher indeed needs a strategy to create a conducive learning environment in order that it runs smoothly. The Ron Clark Story Movie depicts how a teacher uses various strategies to create a conducive classroom environment so that the learning process can run well. The purposes of this research are to identify what strategies used by the teacher, Mr. Clark, to create a conducive learning environment in The Ron Clark Story Movie and to describe how the strategies  are implemented by the teacher to create a condusive learning environment in the Movie. This study was designed qualitatively. The data of this study were scenes on the teacher’s strategies to create a conducive learning environment  in the movie. The source of data in this study was a movie entitled The Ron Clark Story.It was found that Mr. Clark used 5 types of teacher’s strategies to create a conducive classroom environment: physical design of the classroom, rules and routines, relationship, engaging and motivation, and discipline. Each of the strategies has several classifications. By applying these strategies, the students of Mr. Clark finally succeeded in passing the exam with satisfactory grades
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