46 research outputs found
Impact of rural infrastructure on rice productivity in Kano State, Nigeria
Rice is an essential food crop that has transitioned from a luxury to a staple food for the majority of Nigerians. Although rice consumption has increased due to an increase in income, taste, convenience, versatility, low cost, and ease of preparation, local rice production has remained unchanged. Rice scarcity in Nigeria is caused by low productivity as a result of poor road networks, low credit availability, underutilised irrigation facilities, insufficient communication networks and institutional infrastructure. Therefore, the primary goal of this research is to identify the factors that could improve the efficiency of rice farmers in Kano. In particular, the study sought to identify the respondents' socio-demographics, important infrastructure, productivity level, and the factors determining the differences in productivity levels among rice clusters. Data was collected using multistage, purposive, disproportionate, and random sampling techniques in nine of the 17 rice clusters. 740 respondents were selected and their responses analysed using the Cobb-Douglas Stochastic Frontier Model. According to the findings, the most important factor is institutional infrastructure, which has a positively relationship in six clusters and negatively related in two. Meanwhile, production input in the form of improved rice variety is positively related for all the clusters. The road networks infrastructure is negatively related since it reduces rice yield in six clusters. The cluster with the highest level of productivity is Garin Ali and the lowest is Doka Sati. The findings also indicate that the factors determining the difference in productivity level among the rice farmers are education, household size, age, and access to fertilizer. Thus, in Kano, Nigeria, there is a need for improved road networks, quality education, and access to institutional infrastructure, so that household members can efficiently maximise the adoption and use of improved rice variety and fertiliser to increase rice yield
Correlation Studies on the Yield and Yield Characters of Eggplant (Solanum melongena L.) in Anyigba, Kogi State Nigeria
Efforts are being made to increase its productivity by developing superior varieties. However, yield is a complex character, its direct improvement is difficult. Knowledge is respect of the nature and magnitude of associations of yield with various component characters is a pre-requisite to bring improvement in the desired direction. This research was conducted at Kogi State University Student Research and Demonstration Farm (Longitude 07°061 N; 43°E), Anyigba, Kogi State, to investigate the association of some yield characters with yield in eggplant (Solanum melongena L.). Two cultivars of eggplant NC-2 (green) and NC-1 (off-white) were laid out in a randomized complete block design (RCBD) with four replications. Yield component such as number of branches, fruit diameter, number of nodes, and number of fruits shows significant and positive association with yield. Correlation coefficient (r) for yield versus other growth and yield component: Plant height, number of branches, fruit diameter, number of nodes, and number of fruits were found to be 0.983, 0.962, 0.959, 0.906 and 0.891 respectively. Keywords: Correlation coefficient (r), Character association, Plant height; PH, Number of branches; NB, Fruit Diameter; FD, Number of nodes; NN, Number of Fruits; NF, Yield; Y
Influence of N-Fertilizer application on the yield and yield components of two varieties of eggplant (Solanum melongena L.) In Anyigba, Kogi State
There is a need to device a possible ways of improving necessary nutrients for better performance of eggplants. The use of mineral fertilizer in tropical soils can help solve the problem of low soil nutrients. So far, only N-level have been recommended in most of the region of Nigeria, the specific requirement for varieties have not or in most cases been overlooked, therefore determination of the interaction of N-level with variety is necessary as it will enable researchers determine specific level of N-fertilizer for specific variety. Thus research was conducted on Kogi State University Student Research and Demonstration Farm (Longitude 07°061 N; 43°E), Anyigba, Kogi State, to investigate the influence of N-fertilizer on the yield and yield components of eggplant (Solanum melongena L.) the experiment consisted of two varieties of eggplants green variety encoded as NC-2, the Off-white variety encoded as NC-1 and three urea fertilizer levels (0, 100, 200kgN/ha). Factorial combination of the treatments gave a total of six treatments which was laid in a Randomized Completed Block Design (RCBD) with four replications. Urea fertilizer was applied in 2-split doses first at 3weeks after planting and the second dose was applied at fruiting. Parameters measured include: plant height, number of leaves, stem girth, fruit diameter, number of nodes, number of branches, number of fruits per plant, number of flowers per plant, fruit weight. Fertilizer application significantly increased the yield of the two varieties. However, NC-2 (green variety) appears to respond more to higher N-application (up to 200kgN/ha) as compared to NC-1 (off-white variety). Also, fertilizer had significant effect on vegetative characters, yield and some yield components. The yield were found to be statistically at par. Key words: Eggplant, Number of branches, Number of fruits, Fruit diameter, Fruit yield, number of flowers, number of nodes, number of leaves, plant height
Effects of Lycopene on Liver Markers and Glucokinase Activity in Experimentally-induced Diabetes Mellitus Rat Model.
The study examined the effects of lycopene on markers of liver function and glucokinase activity in experimentally-induced diabetes mellitus rat model. To accomplish this, experimental diabetes were induced by single intra-peritoneal administration of streptozotocin (60 mg/kg b w) into animals. Diabetic and normal animals were randomized into the following groups: Group I: Normal control rats that received (0.5 mL) of olive oil; Group II: Diabetic control animals that received (0.5 mL) of olive oil); while Group III- VI received (10, 20 and 40 mg/kg of lycopene and 2 mg/kg b w glibenclamide) respectively. All treatments were given orally once daily for four weeks. There was a significant (P < 0.05) and progressive reduction on blood glucose concentration, with non- significant (P > 0.05) increase in serum insulin level when compared with diabetic control group. There was a significant (P < 0.05) increase in the activity of liver glucokinase enzyme as well as a significant (P < 0.05) decrease on the activities of serum liver enzymes (AST, ALT and ALP) in diabetic animals administered with lycopene when compared with those of diabetic control animals. Following available evidence from our findings, lycopene may be suggested as a promising dietary agent in the management of diabetes and hepato-cellular damage that usually occurs in diabetes mellitus
Undergraduate students' understanding of physiology subject, opinions and perception: the case of Bayero University, Kano, Nigeria
Summary: Human Physiology courses are compulsory in medical education but many students encounter challenges in studying them. This study investigates understandings, opinions and perceptions of students about physiology subject and the challenges they encounter in their study. Two hundred and eighty (280) students were interviewed using structured questionnaire. The data were analyzed using IBM SPSS statistics 22. The mean age of the students was 22.8 ± 4.1 years. Males constituted 174(62.1%), while females were 106 (37.9%). Majority of the respondents were in 300 level of study in the university 178(63.6%) as of the time of conducting this research. Most of the participants 257(91.8%) claimed to have good to excellent understanding of the physiology subjects. One hundred and nine (39.1%) alleged that academic staff had unfriendly attitude like rushing lectures, commencing lectures late and fixing tests and other continuous assessment close to examinations, and that lecturers have poor communication/ teaching skills. Less than one-third (28.7%) believed that the subjects have bulky course contents, and 56(20.1%) were of the opinion that the students' lack of seriousness or interest is among the reasons for failing physiology courses. On binary logistic regression, being of female sex, and in 300 level of study emerged as the independent predictors of the students' perception of physiology. Improving the pedagogy 102(36.4%), good attitude of staff towards students and teaching 73(26.1%), improving infrastructure and equipment 35(12.5%); and instituting guidance and counseling unit for both staff and student 31(11.1%) were the ways suggested by the students for improving performance in physiology subject. Most of the students had poor and negative perception about physiology subjects (83.2%). Guidance and counseling for students, through the level coordinators and the mentor-mentee program should be strengthened in all departments. Basic infrastructure and equipment, and teaching techniques should also be upgraded.Keywords: Undergraduate students, Understanding of Physiology Subject, Opinions, Perceptions, Kano-Nigeri
Leaf Area Determination for Sesame (Sesamum indicum), Wheat (Triticum aestivuma), Groundnut (Arechis hypogaea) and Bambaranut (Vigna subterrane) Crops Using Linear Measurements
This study was carried out within the green house environment of the Faculty of Agriculture, Kogi State University (Latitude 7°.61N and Longitude 7°.431E) Anyigba in the Southern Guinea Savannah agro ecological zone of Nigeria during 2016 raining season. The experiment was laid using Randomized complete block design with 8 replicates. The treatment consisted of sesame, groundnut, wheat and bambaranut. Each treatment was repeated eight times, the results reveal K-coefficient for determination of leaf area to be 0.43, 0.62, 0.53 and 0.64 for sesame, groundnut, wheat and bambaranut respectively. The use of multiple regression equation improves the prediction over linear measurement. Also, simple and multiple regression analysis was carried out in other to increase precision in use of leaf area in the four treatments which are; sesame (Y=1563.632 + 0.409x1, Y= 1563.632 + 0.409x1 -45.73x2), groundnut (Y = -3175.794 + 0.611x1, Y= 3175.794+0.611x1 +56.825x2), wheat (Y= 376.084+0.265x1, Y=376.084+ 0.265x1-4.559x2) and bambaranut (Y=162.603 + 0.615x1, Y=162.603 + 0.615x1 +15.677x2). The data on leaf area and leaf number value of all the four crops were fitted into linear regression analysis separately as well as combined data, it shows significant difference or improvement over the use of linear measurement. Keywords: K-Coefficient, Linear measurements, Simple and Multiple regression of Sesame, Wheat, Groundnut and Bambaranut. DOI: 10.7176/JBAH/10-12-04 Publication date:June 30th 202
Dyslipidaemic, oxidative stress and immunoinflammatory alterations in a rat model of late-night eating
Background: Modern-humans have adapted a 24/7 active and feeding lifestyles with consequential eating at odds with the circadian system that threatens to pose a pandemic of metabolic diseases. Since nocturnally restricted feeding promotes growth and metabolic fitness and that adlibitum feeding disturbs diurnal rhythms and metabolic health in rodents, the use of adlibitum controls in metabolic researches can have doubtful extrapolative conclusions. Here, we simulated human late-night eating using feed restricted controls with the primary aim of exploring possible dyslipidaemic, oxidative stress and immunoinflammatory alterations of Late-night eating in Wistar rats.
Methods: Sixteen (16) male Wistar rats (aged 8-10 weeks) were randomly assigned into control or late-night eating group (n=8). Fasting weight and blood glucose were obtained and Lipids were analyzed using their respective Randox kits. Malondialdehyde, catalase and superoxide dismutase activities were assayed while Full blood counts and CD 4+ Tcells were determined using automated analyzers. Data were analyzed using SPSS V20.0, compared using Student’s t-test and significance set at p≤ 0.05.
Results: Our findings have demonstrated that late-night eating is associated with an overall significant decrease in total feeds intake, Fasting blood glucose, High density lipoprotein, catalase, and CD4+ cell counts. On the other hand, Cardiac risk ratio and Atherogenic coefficient are marginally raised, while Platelet lymphocyte ratio, Monocyte lymphocyte ratio and Monocyte High density lipoprotein ratio are insignificantly higher among the late-night eating rats than in controls.
Conclusion: Although our finding could not demonstrate an elevated risk of obesity or diabetes, it has uncovered the dyslipidaemic, oxidative stress and immunoinflammatory alterations associated with late-night eating.
Keywords: CD4 lymphocyte count; Complete blood count; Late-night eating; Lipid ratios; Oxidative stress
Waist Circumference is a Better Predictor of Recurrent Pregnancy Loss When Compared to Body Mass Index among Nigerian Women
Recurrent Pregnancy loss is a common obstetrics condition with severe physical and psychological consequences to the patients and attending physicians as well. It affects 1-5% of women and up to 50% has no identifiable etiology. Obesity is one of the independent risk factor of this condition; however, the evidence of this association is conflicting. This study aims to further determine that obese women with higher visceral fat are at increased risk of Recurrent Pregnancy Loss. The study was a cross-sectional case-control at a public referral hospital in Kano state Nigeria where 116 women with recurrent pregnancy loss were compared to a comparison control group consisting of 116 normal women. In addition to their socio-demographics, weight, height, BMI, waist circumference, and Hip circumference were collected. It was discovered that Obese BMI range and High-risk value for WC were significantly higher odds of recurrent pregnancy loss (OR, 1.96; 95% CI, 1.37-2.46; OR, 4.61 95% CI, 3.458- 5.696 respectively) Logistic regression analysis showed that the most important factor predicting the occurrence of Recurrent pregnancy loss was waist circumference. The receiver operator characteristic (ROC) curve showed that WC has a considerably higher area under the curve (AUC) and BMI had the least AUC value. This study concludes that waist circumference may be superior to BMI as a risk factor of Recurrent Pregnancy Loss.
Keywords: Recurrent Pregancy Loss, BMI, Waist Circumferenc
Economic efficiency of farm size, fertilizer, and improve seeds on rice production in Kano State, Nigeria
Studies on the efficiency of rice production focused on the technical and allocative; thus, the literature on economic efficiency in Kano is absent. The objective of this study is to identify the economic efficiency of fertilizer, hybrids, and farmland on rice farming. Using the multistage and purposive sampling, questionnaires distributed to a random sample of 768 rice farmers. The result of the socioeconomic characteristics shows that
55.3% of the respondents are within the active population (30 to 49) years, 55.3% have a low level of education, 78.7% spent at least six years in rice farming, 61.9%, 76.7%, and 47.7% have access to nitrogen fertilizer, improved rice, and at least one extension visits respectively. Further, the stochastic frontier result shows that an average rice farmer could economically save inputs worth of 29.54% to meet the most efficient counterpart in the study area. The worst rice farmer could economically save the cost of inputs by 86.18% to meet the best counterpart. The study suggests that overhauling the educational system, guidelines for agricultural inputs usage should have a translated version into the three major Nigerian’s languages (Hausa, Igbo, and Yoruba). Collaboration between public and private to provide more extensions, construct rural link roads
The effect of rutin on lipid profile and liver function enzymes on alloxan induced hyperglycaemic wistar rats
The aim of this research was to investigate the effects of rutin on lipid profile and liver function enzymes on alloxan induced hyperglycaemia in Wistar rats. Hyperglycaemic was induced by intraperitoneal injection of 150 mg/kg alloxan monohydrate. The rats were grouped into five groups of five rats each. Group 1 served as the diabetic negative control, Group 2 served as positive control and was treated with 2 mg/kg glibenclamide, while Groups 3, 4 and 5 were treated with 50, 100 and 200 mg/kg body weight of rutin respectively. Rutin was administered to the animals orally for a period of four weeks. At the end of the experimental period, the rats from each experimental group were sacrificed using light chloroform and sera were collected for the determination of lipid profile and liver function enzymes. There was a significant (p<0.05) decreased in the total cholesterol, triglyceride and low density lipoprotein as compared to control. However, there was a significant (p<0.05) increased in the level of high density lipoprotein when compared to diabetic control. Furthermore, there was a significant (p<0.05) decreased in the serum liver enzymes; Aspartate transaminase (AST) Alanine transaminase (ALT) and Alkaline phosphates (ALP) as compared to control. As regards to the reference drug 2mg/kg glibenclamide there was a significant (p<0.05) increased in the liver enzymes function as compared to control. Conclusion, rutin has hypolipidemic effect and also decreased liver function enzymes activity on alloxan induced hyperglycaemic rats.Keywords: Rutin, Hyperglycaemia, Alloxan, Lipid profile, Liver enzyme