135 research outputs found
Special Technical Ability of Pontianak Takraw Athletes
This study aims to provide a real description of the special skills of Pontianak athletes' sepaktakraw, namely service and smash skills which are special techniques that are very important in the game of sepaktakraw where this technique can make a maximum contribution to the acquisition of points when competing. The description of the results of this special skill can be used as input for athletes, coaches, coaches to always pay attention in the coaching and training process. The sepak takraw game itself is a game that has been competed at the regional, national, regional and international levels. PSTI is the parent organization of sepaktakraw, sepaktakraw achievements, especially in Pontianak, still need intensive coaching, athletes' achievements that have not been maximized at the national level need special attention for coaches, coaches, and athletes. Mastery of basic engineering skills and special techniques needs intensive attention. The preparation of an exercise program requires accurate data to be able to provide the right treatment in the training process. It is important that there is preliminary data related to the level of special skills mastered by Athlete sepak takraw Pontianak. This study presents service and smash skills data with a total of 30 research athletes conducted in Pontianak. From the measurement test results for service Athletes who got the very high category were 3 (22.5%), high category 6 (20%), medium category 11 (37%), low category 8 (27%), and very low category 2 (7%). Smashes of very high category totaled 3 (10%), high category 9 (30%), medium category 13 (43%), low category 5 (17%), and very low category 0 (0%).
The Influence of Training Model Based on Exercise Assistance to The Skills of Smash Kedeng Sepakraw in The Pontianak City Athletes
The main problem of the research is whether there is an effect of the model of the stone-based smash training exercise on Pontianak City sepaktakraw athletes. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of training models using tools to smash skills in Pontianak city athletes. Subjects were Pontianak athletes of 40 Pontianak athletes. The research method used is the True Experimental Design experiment. The type of True Experimental Design used was Pretest-posttest Control Group Design. Data collection was carried out by conducting a preliminary test of the Kedeng smash skill with a measurement tool for pool grabstart skill assessment, practice (training model using video media) and the final pool grabstart skill test. Data analysis and hypothesis testing using comparative analysis techniques using the Dependent sample t-test, namely Paired sample t-test and Independent sample t-test, namely t-Test: Two-Sample Assuming Equal Variances with a significant level α = 0.05. From the results of the hypothesis (t-test), the experimental group obtained a tcount of 9.67 with a t-distribution table at a significant level (∝) = 5% with a table of 2.101. It means tcount> ttable, 2.0101 there is a difference in the results of the smash skills in the post est and pretest in the experimental group. , 64% Calculation of gain score with a training model based on training aids gives an effect of 31.64% on the ability to smash
This Research to know storey;level of capasity volume maximal oxygen ( VO2 Max ) Atlet Center Education And Practice Student ( PPLP) Athletic Branch Sepak Takraw Kalimantan West 2014. method deskriptive qualitative , surve test, Population in this research is sport PPLP Sepak Takraw. Sport have to be powered either in society coat and also in education environment, specially construction of athletics among children able to assist self-discipline, sportivity, x'self resilience and bounce strong in the effort developing competitive and preeminent human being of prima. Game sepak takraw is one of the sport branch which in its game require very movements of complete, it is of course to support the the requirement required ability of resilience or physical of cardiorespirasi high in its game. Converse ability of physical hence will relate to resilience of cardiorespirasi. Basically, there is two kinds of resilience of cardiorespirasi, that is and aerobik of anaerobik. Measurement of resilience of cardiorespirasi for the capacities of aerobik can be condition by measuring maximal oxygen consumption ( VO2 Max). VO2 Max represent ability of someone to breath in and use oxygen maximally in condition activity or activity of athletics till experience of fatigue, given the condition of VO2 Max atlet can assist a coach to make practice program utilize to improve performa at the (time) of contesting. Keywords: Ability Of Maximal Oxygen Volume ( VO2 Max ) Abstrak: Penelitian ini untuk mengetahui tingkat kemampuanvolume oksigen maksimal ( VO2 Max ) Atlet Pusat Pendidikan Dan Latihan Pelajar ( PPLP ) Cabang Olahraga Sepak Takraw Kalimantan Barat 2014. metode survei tes, yaitu dengan cara tes dari multitahap bentuk penelitian deskriptif kualitatif, Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah atlet PPLP cabang Olahraga Sepak TakrawOlahraga harus diberdayakan baik di lapisan masyarakat maupun di lingkungan pendidikan, khususnya pembinaan olahraga di kalangan anak-anak yang dapat membantu disiplin diri, sportifitas, ketahanan diri dan mental yang kuat dalam upaya membangun manusia yang unggul dan berdaya saing prima.Permainan sepak takraw adalah salah satu cabang olahraga yang dalam permainannya membutuhkan gerakan-gerakan yang sangat komplek, tentunya untuk menunjang kebutuhan tersebut dibutuhkan kemampuan fisik atau ketahanan kardiorespirasi yang tinggi dalam permainannya. Berbicara kemampuan fisik maka akan berkaitan dengan ketahanan kardiorespirasi. Pada dasarnya, ada dua macam ketahanan kardiorespirasi, yaitu aerobik dan anaerobik. Pengukuran ketahanan kardiorespirasi untuk kapasitas aerobik dapat dilakukan dengan cara mengukur konsumsi oksigen maksimal (VO2 Max). VO2 Max merupakan kemampuan seseorang untuk menghirup dan menggunakan oksigen secara maksimal dalam melakukan aktivitas atau kegiatan olahraga hingga mengalami kelelahan, dengan mengetahui kondisi VO2 Max atlet dapat membantu seorang pelatih untuk membuat program latihan guna meningkatkan performa pada saat bertanding. Kata kunci : Kemampuan volume oksigen maksimal ( VO2 Max ), Cabang Olahraga Sepak Takra
Physical activities for moral forming football athletes
Aim: to determine the level of implementation of physical activity in the formation of moral football athletes.Material and methods. The method used in this research is descriptive research, with a quantitative approach. The research instrument used interviews, observation and observation sheets, as well as documentation. The method used in this study is a descriptive method with survey research forms. The population in this study amounted to 16 athletes. This research uses a Likert scale.Results. Based on the results of research and discussion of physical activities for moral forming football athletes, it can be concluded that: (1) Moral Knowing, it can be concluded into 4 categories, namely very good at 3.2%, good at 53.2%, enough for 39.2%, and less at 4.3%. The category difference between very good and good is 50%. Meanwhile, the moderate and insufficient categories had a difference of 34.9%. There is absolutely no or 0% lack for the category. (2) Moral Action can be concluded into 3 categories, namely very good at 26.9%, both 53.2% and 19.9% sufficient. Meanwhile, for the less and less category, it was 0%. (3) Moral Feeling can be concluded into 3 categories, namely very good at 41.4%, good at 48.4% and quite 10.2%. Meanwhile, for the category of less and less at 0%. So the results of this study can be concluded that to form a person's character through sports, one of which is through football. Then it can be seen in the results of the study that physical activity to shape the character of soccer athletes in Pontianak is in the good category. If athletes want to develop into professional athletes, they must be able to form good personal character.Conclusions. Athletes must have morals that are formed when doing physical activities such as branching sports that is having knowledge about morals, having feelings about morals and having good moral habits. This can be demonstrated by carrying out physical activities according to the trainer's direction, having a special schedule to carry out physical activity, teamwork, self-knowledge, the spirit of fairplay competence, decision making, and an attitude of empathy
Wiwik Yunitaningrum
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan model latihan smash sepaktakraw berbasis alat bantu latihan dan menguji efektifitas model latihan smash sepaktakraw berbasis alat bantu latihan terhadap peningkatan keterampilan smash . Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah penelitian dan pengembangan (R & D) model Borg and Gall dengan sepuluh langkah penelitian. Pengumpulan data menggunakan observasi, angket, dan wawancara, Teknik analisis data menggunakan data kualitatif dan kuantitatif. Tahapan dimulai dari (1) Research and information collecting, hasil dari analisis kebutuhan menunjukan bahwa perlu adanya pembaharuan model latihan yang lebih efektif, inovatif dan bisa belajar dimana saja kapan saja tanpa terbatas ruang dan waktu. (2) Planning, membuat rencana penelitian dengan membentuk tim sesuai dengan keahlian yang dibutuhkan untuk membantu mengembangkan produk penelitian. (3) Develop Preliminary of Product membuat model/desain latihan smash yang berupa buku cetak serta uji kelayakan teoritis dengan melibatkan expert judgment. (4) Preliminary Field Testing menguji produk pada tahap awal yang melibatkan subjek uji coba 20 siswa. (5) Main Product Revision, memperbaiki produk yang dikembangkan yang telah diuji coba. (6) Main Field Testing, menguji coba kembali produk dengan jumlah subjek yang terdiri dari 40 atlet dari 4 klub. (7) Operational Product Revision, menyempuranakan produk yang dikembangkan berdasarkan saran dan masukan pada uji coba lapangan (8) Operational Field Testing, uji efektifitas melibatkan 40 atlet terdiri dari 20 kelompok kontrol dan 40 kelompok eksperimen (9) Final Product Revision, Menyempurnakan produk model latihan smash sepaktakraw berbasis alat bantu latihan sebelum disebarluaskan. (10) Dissemination and Implementation penelitian ini telah disosialisasikan kepada forum-forum professional dan masyarakat umum serta telah mendapatkan sertifikat hak cipta. Produk yang dihasilkan adalah model latihan smash berbasis alat bantu latihan smash buku teks. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan model latihan smash sepaktakraw berbasis alat bantu latihan smash efektif meningkatkan keterampilan smash atlet kota Pontianak.
Kata Kunci : Model Latihan, Smash Sepaktakraw, Alat Bantu Latihan
Wiwik Yunitaningrum
The aim of this research is to develop a soccer takraw smash training model based on training aids and to test the effectiveness of a soccer takraw smash training model based on a training aid to improve smash skills. The research method used is the research and development (R & D) model of Borg and Gall with ten research steps. Data collection using observation, questionnaires, and interviews, Data analysis techniques used qualitative and quantitative data. The stages start from (1) Research and information collecting, the results of the needs analysis show that there needs to be a renewal of training models that are more effective, innovative and can learn anywhere at any time without being limited by space and time. (2) Planning, making a research plan by forming a team according to the expertise needed to help develop research products. (3) Develop Preliminary of Product makes a model / design of smash training in the form of a printed book and a theoretical feasibility test involving expert judgment. (4) Preliminary Field Testing tests the product at an early stage involving 20 student trial subjects. (5) Main Product Revision, improving products being developed that have been tested. (6) Main Field Testing, retrying the product with a number of subjects consisting of 40 athletes from 4 clubs. (7) Operational Product Revision, aimed at products developed based on suggestions and input on field trials (8) Operational Field Testing, effectiveness testing involving 40 athletes consisting of 20 control groups and 40 experimental groups, (9) Final Product Revision, Improving the product of the takraw smash training model based on training aids before being disseminated. (10) Dissemination and implementation of this research has been socialized to professional forums and the general public and has received a copyright certificate. The resulting product is a textbook. The results showed that the soccer takraw smash training model based on training aids was effective in improving the learning outcomes of the smash skills of Pontianak athletes.
Keywords: Exercise Model, Sepaktakraw Smash , Training Ai
Abstrak: Tujuan penelitian mengetahui pengaruh metode bermain terhadap hasil belajar dribbling sepak bola SMPN 4 Teluk Kermat. Metode penelitian adalah metode eksperimen dengan bentuk pre-experimental design. Populasi seluruh siswa ekstarkurikuler sepak bola di SMPN 4 Teluk Keramat berjumlah 102 siswa dengan teknik random sampling yaitu mengambil secara acak dikarenakan untuk menghindari terjadinya pemilihan sampel yang dispesialkan atau ditunjuk secara khusus, agar kesempatan populai untuk menjadi sampel sama besar yang berjumlah 20 siswa. Analisis data menggunakan analisis uji-t. Hasil penelitian didapat nilai thitung 14,02 > ttabel 1,729 artinya hipotesis diterima terdapat pengaruh metode bermain terhadap hasil belajar dribbling sepak bola siswa SMPN 4 Teluk Keramat. Hasil dribbling siswa yaitu meningkat sebesar 2,3 (rata-rata pretest 4,0 dan rata-rata posttest 6,3) dengan persentase peningkatan sebesar 57,5%. Kata Kunci: Metode Bermain, Dribbling, Sepak Bola. Abstract: The purpose of the study determine the effect of method of games the result learning soccer dribbling SMPN 4 Teluk Kermat.. The research method is experimental method to form a pre-experimental design. The entire student population ekstarkurikuler soccer at SMP 4 Teluk Keramat is amounted 102 students by random sampling technique that is taking random due to avoid sample selection or specifically designated, in order population opportunity to be equally large sample of 20 students. Data were analyzed using t-test analysis. Research results obtained t-test 14.02 > 1.729 t-table means the hypothesis is accepted there is the influence of method of games the result learning soccer dribbling students SMPN 4 Teluk Kermat. The results of the students dribbling increased by 2.3 (4.0 average pretest and posttest mean 6.3) with a percentage increase of 57.5 % . Keywords: method of game, Dribbling, soccer
Abstrak: Permasalahan yang selalu dihadapi oleh guru pada saat pembelajaran adalah pada saat bermain bola siswa kurang lincah dan cepat pada saat menerima bola dan mengiring bola maka tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk meningkatkan kempuan bermainya pada siswa di sdn 22 sungai kakap. Bentuk penelitian yang digunakan adalah penelitian tindakan kelas. Dalam penelitian tindakan kelas ini yang menjadi subjek dalam penelitian ini adalah guru berkolaborasi dengan siswa kelas V Sekolah Dasar Negeri 22 sungai kakap kabupaten kuburaya yang berjumlah 26 siswa. Pembelajaran siklus I siswa yang baru lulus berjumlah 18 siswa atau 69, % sedangkan siswa yang belum lulus berjumlah 8 siswa atau 31 % maka dilanjutkan ke siklus II agar siswa memiliki kesempatan untuk perbaikan bermain secara terus menerus dan akhirnya siswa mampu melakukan pergerakan permainan sepakbola dengan lancar dan mudah baru siswa lulus semua dari 26 siswa dan siswa yang belum lulus atau tuntas tidak ada. Kata Kunci: Kelincahan, Kecepatan, Bermain sepakbola Abstract: The problem often faced by teachers during the learning is when students play ball less agile and fast when receiving the ball and then the ball mengiring purpose of this research is to improve the students' ability in SDN 22 Sungai Kakap. Forms of research is classroom action research . In this classroom action research that is the subject of this research is the teachers collaborate with fifth grade students of State Elementary School 22 districts Kuburaya Sungai Kakap which was 26 students. Learning first cycle of students who have recently graduated , amounting to 18 students or 69 , % while students who have not passed , amounting to 8 students , or 31 %, then proceed to the second cycle so that students have the opportunity to repair play continuously and eventually students move a football game smoothly and easily new students pass all of the 26 students and students who have not graduated or completed no Keywords: Agility , Speed , Playing Socce
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