49 research outputs found
Upaya Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar Passing Bawah melalui Pendekatan Media Bola Karet pada Siswa Kelas V SD
The problem of this research is whether the media approach to learning using a rubber ball can improve learning outcomes of passing under a volleyball on student V SD Negeri 08 Mentibar Kabupaten Sambas. The purpose of this research is to determine whether the media approach rubber ball can improve learning outcomes of students passing under volleyball. Forms of research used in this research is the Classroom Action Research (CAR). Classroom Action Research (CAR) was conducted in two cycles. Where each cycle includes planning, action, observing, and reflecting. Where the research was conducted in SD Negeri 8 Mentibar Kabupaten Sambas and the research subjects were all students of Class V SD Negeri 08 Mentibar Kabupaten Sambas consisting of 22 persons. Data was analyzed using descriptive statistics. Of passing the test results under volleyball, known to the average value of the Pre Implementation of 67.32 while the average value in the first cycle at 71 and on to the second cycle is equal to 80. This shows that the media approach to learning by using a rubber ball can improve learning outcomes passing under a volleyball on student V SD Negeri 08 Mentibar Kabupaten Sambas
Upaya Peningkatan Hasil Belajar Passing Atas Bola Voli melalui Media Bola Karet di Sekolah Dasar Negeri
The problems discussed in this study is how to improve learning outcomes on volleyball passing through a medium rubber ball in the fifth grade students of State Elementary School 26 Tengon Kadik Porcupine District The purpose of this study was to determine the learning outcome of passing on volleyball through media Rubber ball on class V students of State Elementary School 26 Tengon Kadik Porcupine District. The study was conducted with diskriftif method involving two variables is independent variable learning on volleyball passing through a medium rubber ball and the dependent variable is the result of learning passing on volleyball. Subjects in this study were students of class V State Elementary School 26 Tengon Kadik Porcupine District Pontianak totaling 28 students. This research technique using test and measurement, ie a test with lattice learning outcomes measurement instruments passing on in a game of volleyball. Analysis of data using percentages. The results of this study revealed that there is an increase in learning outcomes volleyball passing on through the medium of rubber balls in class V State Elementary School 26 Tengon Kadik Porcupine District. This is evidenced by the increase in learning outcomes over a fairly good passing, that in the first cycle with an average value of 70.68, so the increase of 23.48%. while the average value of the second cycle is 79.43 so the increase of 39.17%
Upaya Meningkatkan Pembelajaran Tolak Peluru Gaya Ortodok's dengan Media Modifikasi Bola Kasti di Sdn
About problem which is worked through in this research is how learning ability step-up shot put inspire orthodox with utilizing kasti's ball media on country elementary school 23 Regency Mangrove Capes Sambas. To the effect this research is subject to be know to mark sense learning ability step-up shot put inspires orthodox by use of kasti's ball media on student brazes v SDN 23 Regency Mangrove Capes Sambas. Research is done with this observational method is Observational Action. Population in observational it is Country Elementary School student 23 Regency Mangrove Capes Sambas as much 41 students, sample take utilizes to methodic total sampling, with the meaning taking sample by taken all, with sample amount 41 students. This observational tech utilizes to essay Shot Put performing process Orthodox Style which is estimation on aspect in do Shot Put Learning movement Orthodox Style. Analisis is data utilizes presentase's formula. This observational result menunjukan Implement Methodics Kasti's Ball Media evident can increase Shot Put Learning ability Orthodox Style
Pengaruh Model Problem - Based Learning terhadap Kemampuan Tolak Peluru Siswa SMPN 11 Pontianak
The problem of this study was there any influence model of problem-based learning on students\u27 ability SMP 11 shot put Pontianak. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of problem-based learning models on the students\u27 ability SMP 11 shot put Pontianak. This research method is experimental method to the shape of the pre-experimental design. The study population is a student of class VII in SMP 11 totaled 310 students. The sampling technique of purposive sampling is taking 34 students / class VII student of SMP 11 A Pontianak. Analyzed using t-test. The result showed an average initial test and final test 23.18 17.97 (an increase of 5.21). Analysis of the effect of test t-test value 15.95 is greater than the value ttable 2,035, meaning that there are significant hypothetical model of problem-based learning on students\u27 ability SMP 11 shot put Pontianak. The percentage increase of 28.49%. Based on these results it can be concluded that the model of problem-based learning has a positive influence on shot-put capacity building
Upaya Meningkatkan Kemampuan Lompat Tinggi Gaya Straddle dengan Modifikasi Alat Tali Karet di Sdn
About problem in this research is problem up to learning process jumpstyled tall bolster belly amongst those teacher in processes learning to utilizecommando method that insufficiently gets menstimulus student. To the effect thisresearch is subject to be increasing ability jumps styled tall straddle by modifiesstring tool. This observational form is Observational action braze (classroomaction research) with subject that total 16 students consisting of 7 male studentsand 9 female students. learned yielding step-up high jump stradel\u27s style that justfine, which is on i. cycle with average value 73. 59 , so step-up it as big as 14,44%. whereas average values on cycle II. is 80. 31 , so step-up it as big as 24,89 %.What one that did by teacher in increase to high Jump stradel\u27s style was plottedwith every consideration so can make active student because supported by markssense motivation in do rubber string tool modification