56 research outputs found
Toward Probiotict Food Product from Meat Through Isolation and Identification Lactic Acid Bacteria As Probiotic Culture Stater
Probiotic food products of meat can provide extensive benefits, to increase the shelf life and nutritional value also improve the taste. The use of lactic acid bacteria culture (LAB) derived from the isolation of the meat and the addition of probiotic cultures (Lactobacilli and Bifidobacteria) in fermented sausage processing is expected to produce a probiotic sausage products with nutritional value, and better shelf life and improve health. This study aimed to isolate and identify lactic acid bacteria (LAB) of meat as a starter culture fermented sausages. The parameters observed were gram test, catalase, motility, gas production, type of fermentation, growth at various temperatures and pH. The results were obtained 28 isolates, 17 isolates were able to produce acid and 8 of them are lactic acid bacteria (LAB) with the characteristics of gram-positive, catalase negative, not motile, produces gas, are hetero and homo fermentative, optimum growth temperature of 300C and a few of them are able to grow on pH 3.5. Lactic acid bacteria that able to be combined with probiotics as sausage starter culture to the probiotic food products of meat
Eco-enzyme Disinfection in Pig Housing as an Effort to Suppress Esherechia coli Population
Pig farms are susceptible to infection by Escherechia coli bacteria which causes Colibacillosis. A dirty cage is one of the causes. This can be prevented by disinfection. Eco- enzymes are fermented fruits that contain enzymes and are anti-microbial. This study aims to find a dilution of Eco- enzyme that can suppress the population of Escherechia coli in pig pens. The study was carried out in two stages, first was in in vitro to find the best treatment and second was in in vivo to determine the decrease in the population of E. coli in pig pens after disinfection with Eco-enzymes. The in vitro treatments were P1: Eco enzyme diluted 1:10; P2 1:20 and P3 1:30. Parameters are the area of the inhibition zone and the antimicrobial index. In an in-vivo study, the data taken were the population of E. coli on the floor of the cage and in the waterways before and after disinfection. The results showed that Eco enzyme diluted 1:30 had the best inhibition zone and antimicrobial index. Disinfection of pig pens using Eco-enzyme dilution of 1:30 was successful in reducing the population of E.coli in pig pens
The Utilization level of Corn Cob Fermented by MOIYL on Dry Matter and Organic Matter Digestibility on Local Rabbit
The study aims to evaluated the value of dry matter and organic matter digestibility of feed containing corn cob fermented by MOIYL on local rabbit. Research conducted at Desa Bandar Klippa Deli Serdang, North Sumatera Province, in January – March 2018. The study used 20 local rabbit with initial weight 404,4 gram ± 9,14 and design experiment used completely randomized design (CDR), which consists of 4 treatments and five replications. The treatment consisted of ration P0= unfermented ,P1=10%, P2= 20, and P3= 30%. Variable measured were consumption of dry matter and organic matter, digestibility of dry matter and organic matter. The Results showed that fermented of corn cob with probiotics MOIYL provide a significant effect (P<0,01) increasing corn cob fermented by MOIYL to the level 30% increase dry matter and organic matter digestibility. The conclusion of this study is corn cob fermantation by probiotics MOIYL till the level 30% can increase the digestibility of dry matter and organic matter on local rabbit
Maggot Production in Various Organic Wastes (Vegetables, Fruits, Food Processing Industries): Potential as Alternative Feed Substitutes for Fish Meal
Maggot is an alternative to fish meal because it has a fairly high protein content, is easy to cultivate and is able to decompose organic waste into its own food. The better the quality of the maggot growing media, the higher the maggot production will be . Vegetable, fruit and food processing industrial waste is an organic waste that is commonly encountered but its nutritional quality is low. To improve the nutritional quality, fermentation was carried out using local microorganisms (MOL). The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of various types of vegetable, fruit and food processing industrial waste media and different fermentation times on the production of maggot (Hermetia illucens). This study was conducted experimentally using factorial randomized block design (RAK) method with 2 factors ( 3×3), namely factor 1 for various organic wastes (D1 = vegetable waste, D2 = fruit waste, D3 = food processing industrial waste) and factor 2 for fermentation time (L1 = 2 days, L2 = 4 days, L3 = 6 days), with 3 replicates. The parameters of this study consisted of biomass weight, feed consumption, waste reduction index/WRI, feed conversion efficiency/ECI, and survival rate/SR. The results of variance showed that organic waste and fermentation time had a very significant effect (p<0.01) on the parameters of maggot production. It was concluded that the production of maggot (Hermetia illucens) was best in the D1L1 treatment with a biomass weight of 1522.33 g, feed consumption 66.06%, WRI 2.20%, ECI 0.42%, and SR 89.52%
The Activity Of Cellulose Enzyme From Indigenous Bacteria "Bacillus Sp YLB1" As Bioactivator
This study aims to test the activity of cellulase enzyme (CMCase) fromindigenous bacteria "Bacillus Sp YLB1" as bioactivator of palm oil based feed. Thetreatment consists of various combinations of substart, namely: P1 = 80% palm leaves +10% palm kernel cake + 10% sludge; P2 = 60% palm leaves + 20% palm kernel cake +20% sludge and P3 = 60% palm leaves + 30% palm kernel cake+ 30% sludge. The parameters observed were cellulase enzyme activity (CMCase) onvarious combinations of palm oil waste and fermentation time. The results showed thatcellulase enzyme (CMCase) production of Bacillus sp YLB1 bacteria during fermentationfluctuated ie 0.143 Units / ml; 0.372 Units / ml; 0.588 Units / ml; 1.013 Units / ml; 0.906Units / ml; 1,065 Units / ml and 1,198 Units / ml.The activity of cellulase enzyme(CMCase) on substrate P1 is lower than P2 and P3. As conclutions that cellulase enzymeactivity of Bacillus sp YLB1 influenced by the combination of substrate and fermentationtime. The P3 fermented with Bacillus sp YLB1 for 7 days gave a more optimal result thanthe other treatment
Silase Komplit Pelepah Kelapa Sawit dan Indigofera sp. dengan Probiotik MOIYL Terhadap Performa Sapi PO
Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh silase komplit pelepah kelapa sawit dan Indigofera sp. menggunakan probiotik MOIYL (mikroorganisme indigenous YL) terhadap performa Sapi Peranakan Ongole. Metode penelitian menggunakan rancangan acak lengkap (RAL), 4 perlakuan dengan 2 ulangan. Perlakuan meliputi P1= 20% Silase Komplit dengan probiotik MOIYL + 80% Konsentrat, P2= 40% Silase Komplit dengan probiotik MOIYL + 60% Konsentrat, P3= 60% Silase Komplit dengan probiotik MOIYL + 40% Konsentrat, P4= 80% Silase Komplit dengan probiotik MOIYL + 20% Konsentrat. Parameter yang diamati adalah konsumsi ransum, pertambahan bobot badan, dan konversi ransum. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pemberian silase komplit berbasis pelepah kepala sawit dan Indigofera sp. menggunakan probiotik MOIYL memberikan pengaruh yang sangat nyata (P<0.01) terhadap konsumsi pakan, pertambahan bobot badan, dan konversi ransum. Silase komplit berbasis pelepah kelapa sawit dan Indigofera sp. menggunakan probiotik MOIYL dapat meningkatkan konsumsi pakan, pertambahan bobot badan dan menurunkan konversi ransum. Penggunaan silase komplit yang semakin tinggi dapat menurunkan penggunaan bahan pakan konsentrat seperti dedak padi, bungkil kedelai dan bungkil inti sawit, yang berpengaruh terhadap efisiensi ransum
Black Soldier Fly (Hermetia illucens) Prepupa Phase Fermentation by Organic Acids to Decrease Chitin Content
Black Soldier Fly has high protein but there are anti-nutrients, namely the presence of chitin content that cannot be digested by livestock such as poultry and monogastrics. Chitin is a natural polysaccharide that is abundantly found from crustacean organisms and insects. Chitin is usually bound to the shell or exoskeleton, proteins, minerals and pigments. Black Soldier Fly in the prepupa phase has high protein, dark brown body and a rather hard exoskeleton which causes a high chitin content. The aim of this research was to determine the concentration of propionic and formic acids which could reduce the chitin content of the prepupa phase of the Black Soldier Fly (Hermetia illucens) fermentation. This study used a completely randomized design (CRD) with five treatments, namely P1 = (BSF added 50% propionic acid + 50% formic acid), P2 = (BSF added 80% propionic acid and formic acid + 20% aquadest), P3 = (BSF added 60% propionic and formic acids + 40% aquadest), P4 = (BSF added 40% propionic and formic acids + 60% aquadest), P5 = (BSF added 20% propionic acid and formic acid + 80% aquadest) with three repetitions. The results of this study indicate that the P1 treatment (addition of 50% propionic acid + 50% formic acid) resulted in the lowest reduction in chitin content, namely (11.00%), pH value (4.7), total titrated acid (0.014%) and organoleptic (light brown color, very sour aroma and harsh texture)
Kajian Kelayakan Pengembangan Usaha Ternak Sapi Tebu di Kabupaten Majalengka
Pengembangan usaha peternakan sapi di Indonesia perlu untuk meraih dua hal; (1) upaya memenuhi kebutuhan protein hewani dan (2) mengurangi impor daging. Karena investasi pengembangan cukup besar, perlu kajian kelayakan usaha integrasi ternak sapi di sekitar kebun tebu dan pabrik gula PG Jatitujuh Majalengka Propinsi Jawa Barat. Kegiatan ini bertujuan membangun sinergi peternakan sapi, perkebunan tebu dan pabrik gula. Pengambilan data dilakukan dengan metode survey dan wawancara. Analisis kelayakan usaha meliputi aspek pasar, teknis, keuangan serta aspek sosial dan ekonomi. Hasil analisis menyimpulkan bahwa investasi usaha pembibitan layak untuk dikerjakan dalam waktu 10 tahun dengan analisa sensitifitas IRR 13,97%. Sedangkan usaha penggemukan layak dilakukan pada waktu 5 tahun dengan IRR 18,92%
Evaluation of Fiber Content Based on Palm Plantation which Has Fermentation with Probiotic MOIYL
Probiotic MOIYL is a probiotic that contains lignocellulolytic microorganisms derived from palm oil waste consist of Bacillus sp YLB1, Trichoderma sp YLF8 and Saccharomyces sp YLY3 which are potential in degrading fibers. This study aims to determine the effect of MOIYL probiotic use of palm oil waste based on fiber fraction content (NDF, ADF and lignin). This research is using Completely Randomized Design (RAL) factorial pattern 3 x 4 treatment with 3 replications. Factor I (various levels of palm oil waste substrate) and Factor II lcombination of mixed inoculum or cocktail inoculum indigenous microorganisms). Parameters observed included neutral detergent fiber (NDF), acid detergent fiber (ADF) and lignin. The results showed that the use of MOIYL probiotic in fermentation had a very significant effect (P <0.01) decrease NDF, ADF and lignin waste palm plantation. Probiotic MOIYL-based waste oil plays a role in degrading fiber (NDF, ADF and lignin) and can be used as a source of fermentation inoculum
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