802 research outputs found

    Clustering in Block Markov Chains

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    This paper considers cluster detection in Block Markov Chains (BMCs). These Markov chains are characterized by a block structure in their transition matrix. More precisely, the nn possible states are divided into a finite number of KK groups or clusters, such that states in the same cluster exhibit the same transition rates to other states. One observes a trajectory of the Markov chain, and the objective is to recover, from this observation only, the (initially unknown) clusters. In this paper we devise a clustering procedure that accurately, efficiently, and provably detects the clusters. We first derive a fundamental information-theoretical lower bound on the detection error rate satisfied under any clustering algorithm. This bound identifies the parameters of the BMC, and trajectory lengths, for which it is possible to accurately detect the clusters. We next develop two clustering algorithms that can together accurately recover the cluster structure from the shortest possible trajectories, whenever the parameters allow detection. These algorithms thus reach the fundamental detectability limit, and are optimal in that sense.Comment: 73 pages, 18 plots, second revisio

    Streaming, Memory Limited Algorithms for Community Detection

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    In this paper, we consider sparse networks consisting of a finite number of non-overlapping communities, i.e. disjoint clusters, so that there is higher density within clusters than across clusters. Both the intra- and inter-cluster edge densities vanish when the size of the graph grows large, making the cluster reconstruction problem nosier and hence difficult to solve. We are interested in scenarios where the network size is very large, so that the adjacency matrix of the graph is hard to manipulate and store. The data stream model in which columns of the adjacency matrix are revealed sequentially constitutes a natural framework in this setting. For this model, we develop two novel clustering algorithms that extract the clusters asymptotically accurately. The first algorithm is {\it offline}, as it needs to store and keep the assignments of nodes to clusters, and requires a memory that scales linearly with the network size. The second algorithm is {\it online}, as it may classify a node when the corresponding column is revealed and then discard this information. This algorithm requires a memory growing sub-linearly with the network size. To construct these efficient streaming memory-limited clustering algorithms, we first address the problem of clustering with partial information, where only a small proportion of the columns of the adjacency matrix is observed and develop, for this setting, a new spectral algorithm which is of independent interest.Comment: NIPS 201