82 research outputs found
Automatic Transfer Switch System Design on Solar Cell – Grid Hybrid Based on Android Application
The main source of electricity supply, namely PLN, greatly affects the supply of electricity and not always continuous in its distribution. PLN power outages cause disruption of human activities. Solution is create hybrid system Automatic Transfer Switch. System works automatically as solar panel hybrid power plant PLN using ATS and Android remote monitoring. This type research is classified laboratory experimental engineering research. In experiment, power flow measurement from PLN to load was carried out and data reading was compared with reading of standard measuring instrument. Data obtained are solar panel harvesting power, load power and power flowing from PLN load. This study aims to determine power savings of PLN that flows to load after using ATS system, work specifications and system design specifications. Tool testing will be carried out on February 11, 2022 at 07.00 – 17.00 WIB. In this study, solar panel with maximum capacity of 20 watts was used. Results of power savings after using ATS system in sunny weather conditions for 10 hours of irradiation with an average solar intensity of 318.55lux is 16.84%. System performance specifications are small, portable and easy to operate. The values ​​of accuracy and precision in power saving are 96.13% and 95%
Penentuan Karakteristik Dari Sistem Pengontrolan Kelajuan Motor DC Dengan Sensor Optocoupler Berbasis Mikrokontroler AT89S52
Artikel ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan blok diagram sistem dan menganalisis karakteristik statik sistem pengontrolan kelajuan motor DC dengan sensor optocoupler berbasis mikrokontroler. Pada sistem pengontrolan, putaran motor DC diindra oleh optocoupler, keluaran sensor diproses melalui mikrokontroler AT89S52 dan hasilnya ditampilkan pada LCD. Sistem pengontrol dirancang untuk mengontrol kelajuan motor DC antara 20 sampai 30 rpm dengan selang waktu 1 sampai 12 menit. Penelitian yang dilakukan termasuk kedalam rekayasa. Pengukuran langsung dilakukan terhadap jumlah dan waktu putar motor DC. Pengukuran tidak langsung digunakan untuk menentukan kelajuan dari motor DC. Produk yang dihasilkan dan data yang didapatkan dari hasil pengukuran dianalisis melalui tiga cara yaitu metoda mendeskripsikan, teori kesalahan, dan metoda grafik. Berdasarkan hasil analisis terhadap produk dan data dapat dikemukakan tiga hasil penelitian ini. Pertama, rangkaian sistem pengontrolan dari tujuh elemen dasar yaitu: sensor optocoupler, mikrokontroler AT89S52, tombol setting dan selektor, LCD, SPC DC motor, motor DC dan catu daya teregulasi. Kedua, ketepatan rata-rata dari penunjuk jumlah putar dan waktu putar motor DC dari sistem pengontrolan masing-masing 99,122 dan 99,786. Ketelitian rata-rata dari penunjuk jumlah putar dan waktu putar dari sistem pengontrolan masing-masing 0,988 dan 0,994. Berarti ketepatan dan ketelitian dari sistem pengontrolan termasuk tinggi. Ketiga, pada tiga titik set kelajuan motor DC yang dirancang, dihasilkan jumlah putar motor DC naik secara linear dengan kenaikan waktu putar masing-masing kelajuan motor DC pada titik set adalah 20,331 RPM, 25,214 RPM, dan 30, 169 RPM.Keyword:Karakteristik, sistem, kontrol, optocoupler, mikrokontrole
Development of physics e-module based on integrated project-based learning model with Ethno-STEM approach on smartphones for senior high school students
Standard competency of graduate students of class XI in Physics learning is considered not optimal. One of the contributing factors is the unavailability of the Physics E-Module, which contains model steps and is integrated with a learning approach in order to direct students in active learning. This study aims to produce a Physics E-Module based on an integrated project-based learning model with an Ethno-STEM approach on smartphones for class XI high school students with valid, practical, and effective criteria. This is development research using the Plomp development model consisting of three stages: Preliminary Research, Development or Prototyping Phase, and Assessment Phase. The instruments used in this research include three questionnaires for preliminary study, validity and practicality, attitude observation sheets, written test sheets, and skills assessment sheets. The result obtained was a Physics E-Module based on an integrated project-based learning model with the Ethno-STEM approach on smartphones for class XI high school students who meet valid, practical, and effective criteria
Penumbuhan Lapisan Tipis Nicofe/si Sebagai Material Pembuatan Sensor Giant Magnetoresistance (Gmr)
Pada paper ini akan dilaporkan optimasi waktu penumbuhan lapisan tipis (thin film) NiCoFe/Si sebagai material sensor berbasis Giant Magnetoresistance (GMR) menggunakan Reaktor dc-Opposed Target Magnetron Sputttering (OTMS). Material GMR mempunyai sifat-sifat magnetik dan elektrikyang sangat baik sehingga sangat berpotensi untuk dikembangkan menjadi devais pengindera (sensor)medan magnet generasi mendatang (next generation magnetic field sensing devices), seperti: sensor magnetik medan lemah, sensor arus, sensor posisi linier & rotasi, penyimpanan data (data storage), non-volatile magnetic random access memory (MRAM), heads recording dan spin valve transistor. Sifat magnetik dan listrik GMR selain ditentukan oleh jenis material yang digunakan juga sangatditentukan oleh ketebalan lapisan struktur penyusunnya. Dari hasil pengukuran sampel menggunakan Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) untuk waktu deposisi selama 30, 60 dan 90 menit diperoleh ketebalan sampel berturut-turut adalah 0.30μm, 0.45μm dan 0.52μm.In this paper will be reported the optimum of the deposition rate of thin film NiCoFe/Si as a sensor material based on Giant Magnetoresistance. GMR materials have high potential as the nextgeneration magnetic field sensing devices. It has such high magnetic and electric properties that have high potential to be developed as sensors, such as: low magnetic field sensor, current measurement,linier and rotation position sensor, data storage, non-volatile magnetic random access memory (MRAM), heads recording, spin valve transistor. The magnetic and electric properties of GMR are notonly depend on the type of the materials but also on the layer thickness of the material\u27s structure. The measurement results using Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) for deposition time of 30, 60 and 90 minutes give the thickness of 0.30μm, 0.45μm and 0.52μm respectively
Pengukuran Tekanan Udara Menggunakan Dt-sense Barometric Presure Berbasis Sensor Hp03
This research has successfully designed an instrument to measure air pressure, namely, DT-Sense Barometric Pressure and Temperature (DT-SBPT). DT-SBPT is a smart sensor module on the basis of HP03 sensor. Data were collected using direct and indirect measurement. Direct measurement was done toward air pressure. Indirect measurement, however, was applied to determine the exact and accuracy of the measurement of air pressure. Data were analyzed by using two ways, namely statistic and graphic ways. The result of the research shows that DT-SBPT has high appropriateness and accuracy, which is 0.99. The air pressure around earth surface decrease linearly when the height increase
Pengembangan Catu Daya Presisi Display Digital Untuk Praktikum Fisika Listrik Dinamis
This study aims to generate power supply precision instrument digital display a valid and practical for students of physics 3rd semester of the school year 2014/2015. This research includes development research (research development) of the power supply circuit that has been common there are some drawbacks, namely, the output of output that does not fit, there is still AC voltage on the output value, the output voltage is unstable, so that the results of the lab basic physics 2 be not in accordance with the results of the theory. The addition of the diode bridge circuit helps perfect output voltage into DC, the capacitors in the circuit capacity was raised as a reliever ripple or ripples form to obtain a stable DC voltage value, for a voltage stabilizer is also used IC9815 surge protector. Limited trial conducted in STAIN Batusangakar to 26 students. Based on the results of data analysis has been carried out can be summarized as follows: (1) The results of the validation tool precision power supply digital display is very valid. (2) The results of trials carried out showed that the practicalities have met the criteria that can be used and implemented in a lab with practicality very practical value
Synthesis and Characterization of HPMpFBP Using Raman Spectroscopy, Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) Spectroscopy, and FTIR
Synthesis is one of the models for the formation of a new drug or compound with the aim of obtaining better activity at an economical price. HPMpFBP has been synthesized by mixing of 1-phenyl-3-methyl-5-pyrazolone and 4-fluorobenzoyl chloride. In the synthesis of HPMpFBP, a new compound namely 1-phenyl-3-methyl-4-(4-fluorobenzoyl)-5-pyrozolone has been obtained. The sample then characterized by non-invasive methods using Raman spectroscopy, Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) Spectroscopy and FTIR. Through this characterization process, wavelength information, chemical shift, and functional groups (chemical structure) of HPMpFBP samples were obtained. HPMpFBP has a chemical structure of C17H13N2O2F, the highest wavelength carried out by characterization using Raman is 1643.91 cm-1, the highest chemical shift characterized by using NMR (Nuclear Magnetic Resonance) is 7.8628 ppm, and the functional groups identified by using FTIR are (O-H, C-H, C=C, C=O, C-N). Information from the HPMpFBP sample characterization process using mentioned characterization methods was compared with previously reported results
Sistem Pengukuran Intensitas dan Durasi Penyinaran Matahari Realtime PC berbasis LDR dan Motor Stepper
AbstrakPenyinaran matahari sebagai sumber energi yang penting bagi kehidupan merupakan salah satu parameter cuaca yang penting untuk diukur. Penelitian ini mendesain dan membuat sistem pengukuran intensitas dan durasi penyinaran matahari menggunakan mikrokontroller ATMEGA328 Arduino Uno dan satu buah sensor LDR yang pergerakannya diatur menggunakan motor stepper. Tampilan sistem menggunakan LCD dan PC. Data yang diukur disimpan secara otomatis dalam format *xls. Sistemmemiliki ketelitian rata-rata pengukuran intensitas cahaya matahari sebesar 0.9993 dengan persentase ketepatan rata-rata ialah 98,79%. Pada pengukuran durasi penyinaran matahari, sistem memiliki ketepatan rata-rata pengukuran sebesar 93,876%.Keywords: penyinaran matahari, durasi, intensitas, sistem pengukuran, motor steppe
Pembuatan Alat Ukur Kelajuan Angin Menggunakan Sensor Optocoupler Dengan Display Pc
The wind is one of the important parameters in meteorology to determine weather and climate. It can be determined by using two quantity measured, such us speed and direction of wind. Based on the result of measuring will obtain important information that can be used for disaster prevention. For measuring of wind speed, this reserch design a measurement using optocoupler sensor to determine wind speed with change of sensor resistance. The sensor is conected to an electronic circuit and a microcontroller Arduino Uno Rev3 and it is programmed to get the desired results. Based on data analysis, there are two result of research namely performance and design specifications. The instrument consists of two parts; the electronic circuits and mechanical parts making up the system of measuring instruments of wind speed. Based on the results conducted, the accuracy of this measuring instrument is 91.39% with 3.22% error percentage and the accuracy of the instrument was 98.9% with 1:11% relative error percentage
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