227 research outputs found

    Responses of Soybean Mutant Lines to Aluminium under In Vitro and In Vivo Condition

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    The main limited factors of soybean plants expansion in acid soil are Aluminium (Al) toxicity and low pH. The best approach to solve this problem is by using Al tolerance variety. In vitro or in vivo selections using selective media containing AlCl3 and induced callus embryonic of mutant lines are reliable methods to develop a new variety. The objectives of this research are to evaluate response of soybean genotypes against AlCl3 under in vitro and in vivo condition. Addition of 15 part per million (ppm) AlCl3 into in vitro and in vivo media severely affected plant growth. G3 soybean mutant line was identified as more tolerant than the control soybean cultivar Tanggamus. This mutant line was able to survive under more severe AlCl3 concentrations (15 ppm) under in vitro conditions. Under in vivo conditions, G1 and G4 mutants were also identified as more tolerant than Tanggamus since they produced more pods and higher dry seed weigh per plant. Moreover, G4 mutant line also produced more dry seed weight per plant than Tanggamus when they were grown on soil containing high Al concentration 8.1 me/100gr = 81 ppm. Al+3. Received: 20 December 2010; Revised: 29 November 2011; Accepted: 4 December 201

    Pengaruh Kegiatan Tarbiyah terhadap Pemahaman dan Pengamalan Keagamaan Mahasiswa (Studi pada Organisasi Mahasiswa Pencinta Masjid (MPM) Al-Ishlah Fakultas Tarbiyah dan Keguruan UIN Alauddin Makassar)

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    Hasil penelitian menjelaskan bahwa: 1) Kegiatan tarbiyah Organisasi Mahasiswa Pencinta Masjid (MPM) Al-Ishlah Fakultas Tarbiyah dan Keguruan UIN Alauddin Makassar berada pada kategori sedang, yaitu 42,2%; 2) Pemahaman dan pengamalan keagamaan mahasiswa Organisasi Mahasiswa Pencinta Masjid (MPM) AlIshlah Fakultas Tarbiyah dan Keguruan UIN Alauddin Makassar berada pada kategori sedang, yaitu 60,6% pada variabel pemahaman keagamaan dan 60,6% pada variabel pengamalan keagamaan; 3) Ada pengaruh kegiatan tarbiyah terhadap pemahaman keagamaan (X-Y1) berdasarkan hasil uji t diperoleh (thitung) XY1 = 4,166 > (t tabel) = 2,040 dengan besar pengaruh yaitu sebesar 0,061 atau 6,1%. Ada pengaruh kegiatan tarbiyah terhadap pengamalan keagamaan mahasiswa (X-Y2), berdasarkan hasil uji t diperoleh (thitung) XY2 = 2,143 > (ttabel) = 2,040 dengan besar pengaruh yaitu sebesar 0,046 atau 4,6%


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    Praktik Pengalaman Lapangan (PPL) merupakan wadah bagi mahasiswa untuk mempraktikkan teori-teori yang telah didapatkan di bangku perkuliahan. Maksud dari pelaksanaan kegiatan PPL ini adalah untuk memberikan pengalaman mengajar, memperluas wawasan, pelatihan dan pengembangan keterampilan, kemandirian, tanggung jawab, dan kemampuan dalam memecahkan masalah bagi mahasiswa. Penyusun melaksanakan PPL di SD Negeri 2 Wates selama 9 minggu, mulai tanggal 15 Juli sampai dengan 15 September 2016. Pelaksanaan PPL dilakukan di kelas 1 sampai dengan kelas 5 dengan berbagai matapelajaran baik eksak maupun noneksak. Langkah awal penyusun dalam melaksanakan kegiatan PPL yaitu dengan melakukan observasi di SD Negeri 2 Wates, baik observasi secara fisik maupun nonfisik yang meliputi perangkat pembelajaran, pelaksanaan Kegiatan Belajar Mengajar (KBM), dan kondisi lembaga. Berdasarkan hasil observasi, dilakukan perumusan dan penyusunan program kerja. Program kerja yang disusun diantaranya praktik mengajar terbimbing, praktik mengajar mandiri, ujian praktik mengajar, pembuatan RPP, pengembangan media, dan kegiatan lain yang menunjang kompetensi mengajar serta kegiatan lain yang dapat membantu pihak sekolah. Program kerja yang telah disusun dilaksanakan di SD Negeri 2 Wates selama penyusun melakukan kegiatan PPL dan hasilnya yaitu program kerja dapat terlaksana sesuai dengan target yang diharapkan meskipun dalam pelaksanaannya menemui berbagai hambatan. Hambatan-hambatan yang dialami penyusun salah satunya yaitu kesulitan dalam pengkondisian kelas terutama pada kelas rendah yang mengakibatkan kelas menjadi kurang kondusif. Melalui pelaksanaan kegiatan PPL di SD Negeri 2 Wates, penyusun dapat mengembangkan kompetensi mengajarnya sebagai calon pendidik atau tenaga kependidikan. Selain itu, penyusun juga dapat meningkatkan kemampuan dalam menerapkan ilmu pengetahuan dan keterampilan yang telah diperoleh ketika kuliah ke dalam pembelajaran riil di sekolah. Penyusun juga dapat memahami karakteristik peserta didik, menguasai bidang studi, menguasai metodologi pembelajaran yang mendidik, dan dapat mengembangkan kepribadian sebagai guru

    Penggunaan Media Alternatif pada Kultur In Vitro Jahe (Zingiber Officinale Rosc.) Varietas Gajah

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    The problem faced in cultivation of ginger is the availability of uniform plant propagation materials. Ginger is propagated through underground rhizomes. Growth of the rhizome is not uniform, since the shoots do not sprout at the same time. Most of the rhizomes were attacked by several diseases such as bacterial wilt, soft rot, and nematodes. Propagation of plant material through in-vitro culture is also an obstacle since the price of pure agar and chemicals is very expensive. Therefore, production of cheap, uniform and disease-free plant materials with rapid multiplication rate is necessary for the successful ginger cultivation. The use of alternative media on in-vitro culture of ginger (Zingiber officinale Rosc.) cv. Gajah was conducted in order to substitute cheaper alternative media for in-vitro culture of ginger. An experiment using two basic composition of media (MS and liquid fertilizer) and three different types of agar (seaweed, Swallow and Oxoid agar) was done at the Tissue Culture Laboratory of Center for Research and Development of Isotope and Radiation Technology, Jakarta. The result showed that the highest shoot height, number of shoot and leaf was obtained from medium composition of sea weed and MS. Whilst the medium of Oxoid agar and MS produced the longest and the highest number of root. The cheapest medium was found from seaweed and liquid fertilizer composition, whereas the most expensive medium was from Oxoid agar and MS composition. Seaweed and Swallow agar in MS media showed similar growth performance as well as Oxoid agar in development of ginger plantlets


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    Every businessmen has a desire to be able to develop and maintain the company he leads, including the businessmen of micro, small, and medium-scale business. Many micro, small, and medium-scale business that grow in West Kalimantan, including all of them in Pontianak and Kubu Raya regency, but for micro, small, and medium-scale business which are unable to compete or experience obstacles in general have to close their business. The data analysis technique that will be used in this research is path analysis. The results show that partially, leadership efficacy has an effect on motivation to lead in transformatively and leadership effectiveness, optimism has no effect on leadership effectiveness, but optimism influences motivation to lead transformatively, motivation has impact to lead transformatively which influence the leadership effectiveness.             Keywords :leadership efficacy, optimism, motivation to lead transformatively and leadership effectivenes


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    Introduction: Stunting is a health problem that is caused due to not optimal health conditions and nutritional intake of children during the growth process. Kulon Progo is one of the districts in DIY that is registered in the program of 100 priority districts for stunting intervention. This study aims to determine the characteristic of the stunted toddlers aged 12-59 months in Kulon Progo, Yogyakarta, Indonesia Method: This study used a cross sectional design. This study involved 84 families with stunting children aged 12-59 months. Data was obtained from interviews and questionnaires, and were then analyzed using the descriptive analysis. Results: The results show that the stunted children mostly live with families who smoke (61.90%), were born with gestational age> 37 weeks (85.71%) and weight less than 2500 gr (86, 90%). The majority of the stunted toddlers were male (52.38%), and weaned at less than 24 months (53.57%). Conclusion: This study presents the characteristics of stunted toddlers aged 12-59 months in Kulon Progo, Yogyakarta, Indonesia. The results of this study are expected to be an important input to provide further intervention in improving the nutritional intake for the stunted children. Keywords: Stunting, Toddlers, Characteristics, Yogyakarta

    Evaluation of Mungbean Mutant Lines to Drought Stress and Their Genetic Relationships Using SSR Markers

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    Development of mungbean cultivarstolerant to drought stress through mutation breeding approach would enable us to anticipate the crop yield-reducing effects of climate changes. The objective of this research was to evaluate the yield performance of mungbean mutant lines that showed tolerance to drought stress, and to analyze their genetic diversity and relationship among mutant lines using SSR markers. The study was conducted during the dry season of 2012 in the Muneng experimental farm, Probolinggo, East Java. The experiment was laid out in a randomized block design with four replications. Five mutant lines and two parental lines as control were tested for evaluation of yield and drought tolerance under twoenvironments of two irrigation systems as treatment. The two environmental conditions consisted of optimal irrigation (at least three times: at planting, flowering and during pod filling) and suboptimal irrigation (two times at planting and flowering). To evaluate genetic variation among selected mutant lines and their discrimination from parental lines in molecular level, a cluster analysis was performed using Unweighted Pair Group Method with Arithmetic Mean (UPGMA) in the NTSYS software. The results showed that three mutant lines, including PsJ30, PsJ31, PsJ32 produced the highest grain yields of 1.17, 1.01, and 1.04 ton/ha, respectively, compared to the other mutant lines and the parents Gelatik (0.85 ton/ha) and Perkutut (0.87 ton/ha) as control check. Of those mutant lines, PSJ31 was the most tolerant to drought with sensitivity index value of 0.47. The PSJ31 has now been officially released as a new variety ( 2013), named as Muri which was identified to have high yield and tolerant to drought. Based on 23 SSR markers used for clustering analysis of those 3 selected mutant lines,9SSR markers (MBSS R033; satt137; MBSSR008; MBSSR203; MBSSR013; MBSSR021; MBSSR016; MBSSR136; and DMBSSR013) were successfully identified the three mungbean mutant lines. Taken together, we have succeeded at develop and evaluate  three elite mutant breeding lines which are valuable resources for genetic variation in mungbean. The genetic variation information of mungbean at molecular level potentially provides room for recombinants which are essential for the development of a new superior variety in mungbean improvement.Received: 04 October 2014; Revised: 04 June 2015; Accepted: 16 June 201

    Field Performance of Five Soybean Mutants Under Drought Stress Conditions and Molecular Analysis Using SSR Markers

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    The objectives of this research wereto evaluate (1) the performance of soybean mutant lines under drought stress conditions, and(2) the genetic diversity and relationship among the mutant lines using SSR markers.The field evaluation was conducted during the dry season of 2011 and 2012 at the experimental Farm of Mataram University, West Nusa Tenggara, Indonesia. The field experiment was set up in a randomized block design. Ten mutant lines and two control varieties were evaluated in four replications. Genetic distance among evaluated lines were determined based on allelic diversity analysis using 40 simple sequence repeat (SSR) loci. Under drought stress conditions, two mutant lines, Kdl3 and Kdl8,showed a better performance compared to the other ones. The high yielding mutant lines were Kdl3and Kdl8, which yielded 1.75 t ha-1and 1.69 t ha-1, respectively, compared to the parent and national control, Panderman 1.43 t ha-1 and Muria 1.32 t ha-1. These mutant linesrequired 30.75 to 32days to flower and 79.75 to 83.75 day to harvest with relatively short plant height 28.25 and 23.35 cmrespectively. Those mutant characters were better than those of the other three mutants, the original parents, and the control soybean species. Since the evaluated soybean mutant lines yielded more under drought stress conditions than the standard varieties, they can be used and registered as drought-tolerant soybean mutants. Moreover, the evaluated soybean accessions showed a wide genetic distance. The accessions were clustered into two groups according to their genetic background, namelygroup I (the Panderman with three mutant lines) and group II (the Muria with two mutant lines). Twenty-three out of 40 evaluated SSR loci, including AW31, BE806, CMAC7L, S080, S126, S57, S171, S224, S285, S294, S393, S294, S383, S511, S511, S520, S540, S547, S551, S571, S577, and S578, provided polymorphic alleles between the parents and their mutants and could be used to differentiate mutants from their parents. Therefore, these loci are  informative and may be useful for further analysis of soybean mutant lines in relation to breeding program