288 research outputs found
Demonstration of a quantum logic gate in a cryogenic surface-electrode ion trap
We demonstrate quantum control techniques for a single trapped ion in a
cryogenic, surface-electrode trap. A narrow optical transition of Sr+ along
with the ground and first excited motional states of the harmonic trapping
potential form a two-qubit system. The optical qubit transition is susceptible
to magnetic field fluctuations, which we stabilize with a simple and compact
method using superconducting rings. Decoherence of the motional qubit is
suppressed by the cryogenic environment. AC Stark shift correction is
accomplished by controlling the laser phase in the pulse sequencer, eliminating
the need for an additional laser. Quantum process tomography is implemented on
atomic and motional states using conditional pulse sequences. With these
techniques we demonstrate a Cirac-Zoller Controlled-NOT gate in a single ion
with a mean fidelity of 91(1)%.Comment: 11 pages, 5 figures, 4 table
Laser-induced charging of microfabricated ion traps
Electrical charging of metal surfaces due to photoelectric generation of
carriers is of concern in trapped ion quantum computation systems, due to the
high sensitivity of the ions' motional quantum states to deformation of the
trapping potential. The charging induced by typical laser frequencies involved
in doppler cooling and quantum control is studied here, with microfabricated
surface electrode traps made of aluminum, copper, and gold, operated at 6 K
with a single Sr ion trapped 100 m above the trap surface. The lasers
used are at 370, 405, 460, and 674 nm, and the typical photon flux at the trap
is 10 photons/cm/sec. Charging is detected by monitoring the ion's
micromotion signal, which is related to the number of charges created on the
trap. A wavelength and material dependence of the charging behavior is
observed: lasers at lower wavelengths cause more charging, and aluminum
exhibits more charging than copper or gold. We describe the charging dynamic
based on a rate equation approach.Comment: 8 pages, 8 figure
Suppression of Heating Rates in Cryogenic Surface-Electrode Ion Traps
Dense arrays of trapped ions provide one way of scaling up ion trap quantum
information processing. However, miniaturization of ion traps is currently
limited by sharply increasing motional state decoherence at sub-100 um
ion-electrode distances. We characterize heating rates in cryogenically cooled
surface-electrode traps, with characteristic sizes in 75 um to 150 um range.
Upon cooling to 6 K, the measured rates are suppressed by 7 orders of
magnitude, two orders of magnitude below previously published data of similarly
sized traps operated at room temperature. The observed noise depends strongly
on fabrication process, which suggests further improvements are possible.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure
Superconducting microfabricated ion traps
We fabricate superconducting ion traps with niobium and niobium nitride and
trap single 88Sr ions at cryogenic temperatures. The superconducting transition
is verified and characterized by measuring the resistance and critical current
using a 4-wire measurement on the trap structure, and observing change in the
rf reflection. The lowest observed heating rate is 2.1(3) quanta/sec at 800 kHz
at 6 K and shows no significant change across the superconducting transition,
suggesting that anomalous heating is primarily caused by noise sources on the
surface. This demonstration of superconducting ion traps opens up possibilities
for integrating trapped ions and molecular ions with superconducting devices.Comment: 3 pages, 2 figure
Rare-Event Sampling: Occupation-Based Performance Measures for Parallel Tempering and Infinite Swapping Monte Carlo Methods
In the present paper we identify a rigorous property of a number of
tempering-based Monte Carlo sampling methods, including parallel tempering as
well as partial and infinite swapping. Based on this property we develop a
variety of performance measures for such rare-event sampling methods that are
broadly applicable, informative, and straightforward to implement. We
illustrate the use of these performance measures with a series of applications
involving the equilibrium properties of simple Lennard-Jones clusters,
applications for which the performance levels of partial and infinite swapping
approaches are found to be higher than those of conventional parallel
tempering.Comment: 18 figure
Individual addressing of ions using magnetic field gradients in a surface-electrode ion trap
Dense array of ions in microfabricated traps represent one possible way to
scale up ion trap quantum computing. The ability to address individual ions is
an important component of such a scheme. We demonstrate individual addressing
of trapped ions in a microfabricated surface-electrode trap using a magnetic
field gradient generated on-chip. A frequency splitting of 310(2) kHz for two
ions separated by 5 um is achieved. Selective single qubit operations are
performed on one of two trapped ions with an average of 2.2+/-1.0% crosstalk.
Coherence time as measured by the spin-echo technique is unaffected by the
field gradient.Comment: 3 pages, 3 figures; submitted to AP
A microfabricated surface ion trap on a high-finesse optical mirror
A novel approach to optics integration in ion traps is demonstrated based on
a surface electrode ion trap that is microfabricated on top of a dielectric
mirror. Additional optical losses due to fabrication are found to be as low as
80 ppm for light at 422 nm. The integrated mirror is used to demonstrate light
collection from, and imaging of, a single 88 Sr+ ion trapped m
above the mirror.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure
Temperature Dependence of Electric Field Noise Above Gold Surfaces
Electric field noise from fluctuating patch potentials is a significant
problem for a broad range of precision experiments, including trapped ion
quantum computation and single spin detection. Recent results demonstrated
strong suppression of this noise by cryogenic cooling, suggesting an underlying
thermal process. We present measurements characterizing the temperature and
frequency dependence of the noise from 7 to 100 K, using a single Sr+ ion
trapped 75 um above the surface of a gold plated surface electrode ion trap.
The noise amplitude is observed to have an approximate 1/f spectrum around 1
MHz, and grows rapidly with temperature as T^beta for beta from 2 to 4. The
data are consistent with microfabricated cantilever measurements of non-contact
friction but do not extrapolate to the DC measurements with neutral atoms or
contact potential probes.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, 1 tabl
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