5 research outputs found
The percentage of expert participants endorsing each option for the various scenarios (%, nβ=β100).
<p>The percentage of expert participants endorsing each option for the various scenarios (%, nβ=β100).</p
A decision tree employed to characterize reading options.
<p>A decision tree employed to characterize reading options.</p
Mean ratings of agreement with each point supporting either the psychological waste account or the endowment account (1 definitely disagree, 7 definitely agree).
<p>Mean ratings of agreement with each point supporting either the psychological waste account or the endowment account (1 definitely disagree, 7 definitely agree).</p
The percentage of participants who endorsed each option in the various scenarios (%, nβ=β123).
<p>The percentage of participants who endorsed each option in the various scenarios (%, nβ=β123).</p
Mean ratings of willingness to provide a stranger with an offer in Study 2 (1 definitely willing to offer, 4 definitely unwilling to offer).
<p>Mean ratings of willingness to provide a stranger with an offer in Study 2 (1 definitely willing to offer, 4 definitely unwilling to offer).</p