56 research outputs found
Engine Matching Propeller Pada Kapal Untuk Mendapatkan Optimalisasi Pemakaian Mesin Penggerak Kapal Dan Baling β Baling Sebagai Alat Pendorong Kapal
Engine Maching Propeller adalah untuk mendapatkan keselarasan kerja mesin penggerak kapal dan Baling-Baling untuk mencapai efisiensi kerja dan laju kapal yang diperlukan dalam operasionalnya, dengan mendapatkan keselarasan kerja mesin dan Baling-Baling diharapkan akan menekan biaya operasiona
Analisa Tegangan Sistem Perpipaan Bongkar Muat Kapal Tanker Mt. Avila 6300 Dwt Dengan Menggunakan Perangkat Lunak Caesar II V5.10.
Pipe stress analysis (piping stress analysis) is more directed to the analysis of flexibility and stress that occur as a result of the force and the expenses incurred pipe (system) in a state of work or ready (steady). In order, system can work optimally and safely in accordance with applicable standards.In this paper, using two modifications to reduce stresses that occurs in the loading and unloading piping system of MT. Avila 6300 DWT using software caesar II v5.10. First, modifications ware made is modification to eliminate overstress can be done by considering the distance by changing the type of support in accordance with the movement of the pipe that occurred (deflection). Second is modification ware made based on calculations of allowable pipe span formulas, then with the analysis by using software CAESAR II v5.10 we can compare and determine the best model of piping systems for MT. Γvila 6300 DWT tanker ship vessel
The Cultural Event Typology in Bali
There is limited research focusing on festivals and cultural events. This study aims to enrich previous research on event typology, particularly in cultural events. Additionally, the findings of this research can be applied by event practitioners. The results of this research can be practically applied by event practitioners. This is particularly valuable for organizers from outside Bali who may not be familiar with local wisdom and regulations. A qualitative approach was used to have a better understanding of ritual practices and culture. The researcher observed three cultural events in 2024: the Piodalan and Pengerupukan ceremonies in a village in Gianyar Regency, and the Ogoh-ogoh competition in Depasar city. In addition, in-depth interviews were conducted with the village head and unstructured interviews with the participants of the ceremonies. Thematic analysis was conducted to obtain dimensions. Four dimensions of cultural events were found: (1) management β who manages and how the event is managed, (2) function β the purpose of the performing arts, (3) objective β the goal of the event, and (4) audience β who attends the event. This domain was then combined with the typology of performing arts according to Balinese local wisdom, broadly divided into sacred and profane performances, which include Wali, Bebalih, and Balih-balihan dances. This combination was reflected in matrix of event typologies in Bali. Further research could explore audience's or the artists' perspectives on presenting each type of dance. Expanding the number of villages could also provide insights into different rituals in other villages in Bali
Analisa Teknis Kekuatan Mekanis Material Komposit Berpenguat Serat Ampas Tebu (Baggase) Ditinjau Dari Kekuatan Tarik Dan Impak
Serat ampas tebu (baggase) merupakan limbah organik yang banyak dihasilkan di pabrik-pabrik pengolahan gula tebu di Indonesia. Serat ini memiliki nilai ekonomis yang cukup tinggi selain merupakan hasil limbah pabrik gula tebu, serat ini juga mudah didapat, murah, tidak membahayakan kesehatan, dapat terdegredasi secara alami (biodegradability) sehingga nantinya dengan pemanfaatan sebagai serat penguat komposit mampu mengatasi permasalahan lingkungan. Dari pertimbangan diatas maka penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mendapatkan analisa teknis berupa kekuatan tarik dan impak dari komposit berpenguat serat ampas tebu (baggase) dengan perlakuan pola anyaman variasi arah serat sudut arah serat sudut searah 00 dan bersilangan 450. sebagai penguat matrik resin polyester. Dari hasil pengujian spesimen dilakukan analisa kekuatan mekanis kemudian dibandingkan dengan nilai kekuatan mekanis yang disyaratkan/diizinkan oleh Biro Klasifikasi Indonesia (BKI) sebagai tolak ukur standar ujinya. Pengujian komposit berpenguat serat ampas tebu membandingkan arah serat sudut 00 dan 450, perlakuan serat pola anyaman, fraksi volume 44% matrik polyester dan 56% serat ampas tebu, dengan metode hand lay up, hasil pengujian didapat harga kekuatan tarik tertinggi dimiliki oleh komposit dengan arah serat sudut searah 00. Hasil pengujian menunjukkan bahwa kekuatan tarik dan modulus elastisitas dari komposit berpenguat serat ampas tebu belum dapat memenuhi standar kekuatan tarik dan modulus elastisitas yang disyaratkan BKI yakni : untuk arah serat sudut searah 00 kekuatan tariknya sebesar 1.69 kg/mm2 dan modulus elastisitasnya sebesar 115.85 kg/mm2, untuk arah serat sudut bersilangan 450 kekuatan tariknya sebesar 1.34 kg/mm2 dan modulus elastisitasnya sebesar 108.40 kg/mm2
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