2 research outputs found
Hubungan Budaya Kesehatan dan Keselamatan Kerja (K3) terhadap Produktivitas Kerja di Bagian Instalasi Pg.mritjan Kediri
One of the company\u27s goal is to increase the productivity of the company. The purpose of this research is to know the relationship of occupational health and safety culture on labor productivity in the section Installation of PG.Mritjan kediri.The research uses cross sectional design. Population is all the workers in worker of Installation PG.Mritjan kediri using total sampling technique, a total sample of 59 respondents.The results of this research on variable occupational health and safety culture (K3) shows that 32 respondents (54,2%) were able to implement a culture of safety and occupational health well and on labor productivity got 54 respondents or (91,5%) had Good work productivity. Using Correlation pearson analysis, the level of significance value = 0,000 ( = 0,05) showed occupational health and safety culture on the productivity of labor in the section Installation PG.Mritjan Kediri. This is because the company provides health insurance, fulfillment of personal protective equipment and to provide job training to workers so as to improve quality and efficiency in work
The Relationship Service Quality to the Satisfaction of “Mandiri Inhealth” Health Insurance Users Visited to Kediri Service Office
Background: Service quality can mean a simple way to achieve desired goals in the most efficient and effective way, with an emphasis on satisfying the consumer. By knowing the level of customer satisfaction, health insurance can improve service quality. This study aims to determine the relationship of service quality to the satisfaction of health insurance users of Inhealth Mandiri who visited the Kediri Service Office. The method of this research is analytic correlation with cross sectional model. The population used by all Mandiri Inhealth health insurance users visited Kediri Kediri Service Office on average in May, June, July 2017.
Methods: The sampling technique used simple random sampling of 68 respondents. The independent variable of service quality and dependent variable is the satisfaction of health insurance user of Mandiri Inhealth who visited Kediri Service Office. Technique of collecting data using questioner then in test with rank spearman with significant level 5%.
Results: The results showed that most respondents (60%) said the quality of good service as many as 41 people and got the majority of respondents (56%) satisfaction level is very satisfied sebnyak 38 people. Based on spearman rank test, the value of r (0,000) <α (0,05) hence Ho's denotes that there is relation to the satisfaction of health insurance user of Mandiri Inhealth who visited Kediri Service Office.
Conclusion: Better to maintain and improve the quality of service so that the health insurance user is very satisfied with the quality of service that has been provided by regularly evaluating the quality of service and the returning customer will be given a checklist of the services provided