25 research outputs found
In Situ Observation of the Growth of ZnO Nanostructures Using Liquid Cell Electron Microscopy
the growth mechanisms and associated kinetics is a fundamental issue
toward the specific function-oriented controlled synthesis of nanostructures.
In this work, the growth of zinc oxide nanostructures with different
sizes and morphologies are directly observed by in situ liquid-cell
transmission electron microscopy (TEM). Real-time observation and
quantitative analysis reveal that the concentration ratios of the
precursors are responsible for the different growth kinetics, resulting
in different morphology and size of the synthesized ZnO nanostructures
MOESM1 of Bioreactor microbial ecosystems with differentiated methanogenic phenol biodegradation and competitive metabolic pathways unraveled with genome-resolved metagenomics
Additional file 1: Text S1. Comparison of Syntrophorhabdus genomes. Figure S1. The bioinformatics analysis workflow. Figure S2. Genome-wide statistics of taxonomic distribution of protein-coding genes in reconstructed genomes. Figure S3. Genome comparison between G1 and other sequenced ε-Proteobacteria. Figure S4. The “Dch-Had-Oah” pathway encoded in Syntrophorhabdus genomes constructed from phenol-degrading reactors. Figure S5. Key KEGG pathways encoded in the genomes of G3 and G6. Table S1. Assembly statistics of the MP and AP metagenomes. Table S2. List of 107 essential single-copy marker genes (ESCGs) and 35 conserved clusters of orthologous group markers (COGs). Table S3. Genomic information of 23 genomes reconstructed from phenol-degrading metagenomes. Table S4. Comparison between uncultured Sulfurovum-like G1 and typical sulfur- and/or hydrogen-oxidizing ε-Proteobacteria. Table S5. Genomic overview and comparison of three draft genomes of Syntrophorhabdus. G2 and strain UI both belong to the same species S. aromaticivorans, whereas G5 is affiliated with a novel Syntrophorhabdus species. NA: not applicable; ND: not detected. Table S6. Enzymes encoded by Cryptanaerobacter sp. G14 for phenol biodegradation, dissimilatory sulfite reduction, syntrophic propionate oxidation, and pyruvate metabolism. Table S7. Key KEGG metabolic pathway enzymes encoded in reconstructed genomes. G1: uncultured ε-Proteobacterium; G3: uncultured Chloroflexi T78 clade bacterium; G6: Brachymonas; G7: Advenella; G12: Syntrophus aciditrophicus; G15: uncultured Mycobacterium species; G21: uncultured Smithella species
The accuracy of different m values on PDB1075 (Five-fold cross validation).
<p>The accuracy of different m values on PDB1075 (Five-fold cross validation).</p
The AUROC comparison of seven feature combinations through Jackknife cross-validation on PDB1075 dataset.
<p>The AUROC comparison of seven feature combinations through Jackknife cross-validation on PDB1075 dataset.</p
Original values of six physicochemical properties of 20 amino acid types.
<p>Original values of six physicochemical properties of 20 amino acid types.</p
The computational time of feature extraction and jackknife test evaluation on PDB1075.
<p>The computational time of feature extraction and jackknife test evaluation on PDB1075.</p
The performance of different features on PDB1075 dataset (Jackknife test evaluation).
<p>The performance of different features on PDB1075 dataset (Jackknife test evaluation).</p
The performance of our method and other existing methods on PDB186 dataset.
<p>The performance of our method and other existing methods on PDB186 dataset.</p
The feature score through SVM-RFE+CBR on the dataset of PDB1075.
<p>The x-axis represents the feature index.</p