7 research outputs found

    Pengembangan Media Pembelajaran Matematika Berbasis Ict pada Pokok Bahasan Lingkaran untuk Siswa Kelas VIII Smp/mts

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    The background of this study is the lack of ICT-based learning media especially on geometry in the topic of circle. The topic of circle has potency to be developed visually by using a computer device to facilitate students to understand this topic. This study used Borg and Gall's model that was modified by Sugiyono. The aim of this study is to develop valid and practical ICT-based media for learning mathematics to facilitate the 8th grade junior high school students to understand the topic of circle. The subjects were 35 students at 8th grade Junior High School 20 Pekanbaru. The instruments used were a questionnaire sheet for content validation, media validation and student responses. The questionnaires sheets were analyzed quantitatively and qualitatively. The analyzed data and discussion showed that ICT-based media for learning mathematics is valid with an average score of 3.16 by content validator and 2.85 by media validator. This media is also qualified and practical with an average of student responses was 0.98 on a small group test and 0.93 in the big group

    Penerepan Model Pembelajaran Berbasis Masalah untuk Meningkatkan Kemampuan Pemecahan Masalah Matematis Siswa Kelas Viii4 SMP Babussalam Pekanbaru

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    Abstarct: This research is a action research with the objective to fix the learning process and to improve student's mathematicsproblem solving capabilities by applying Problem based learning Model. The subject of this research are the students at class VIII4 SMPBabussalam Pekanbaru at the second semester of academic years 2014/2015, which amounted to 25 students, consists of female students with heterogeneous level of academic capabilities. This research consists of 2 cycles, of which each cycle in composed of 4 stages, which is planning, implementation, observation and reflection. In every before a cycle pretest will be implemented and end of a cycle, posttest will be implemented. Data collection is done by observation and tests are mathematics problem solving . Data analysis is done by narrative descriptive and statistic descriptive analysis. The result from the observation page shows that (1) teacher-student activities had performed well after action has been made. Most of the students have participated actively in the learning process that has been exercised, such as step-by-step learning, presenting student worksheets about problem solving or question papers, responding a fellow classmate's presentation, and giving learning conclusions. Students even try to resolve questions that the teacher has given correctly by the end of the learning process. (2) student mathematics problem solving capabilities increase had implemented problem based learning. The result of this research shows that the Problem Based Learning is capable of fixing the learning process and increasing math problem solving capabilities from the students at class VIII4 SMP Babussalam Pekanbaru at the second semester of academic years 2014/2015

    Penerapan Teknik Quick on the Draw Dalam Pembelajaran Kooperatif Tipe Stad Untuk Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar Matematika Siswa Kelas Ixb SMP Negeri 1 Salo

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    This reseacrh based on the students mathematics learning outcomes at grade IXB Junior High School 1 Salo under Minimum Mastery Criteria with a percentage of 4,35% on the subject matter about similarity and then the learning process still teacher center. The research was classroom action research. This research aims to improve learning process and outcomes students of math lesson by implementing Quick on the Draw technic in cooperative learning model tipe STAD at grade IXB Junior High School 1 Salo in the first semester academic years 2014/2015. There are 23 students in the class, consisting 14 boys and 9 girls. The instrument of data collection on this research are observation sheets and mathematics learning outcomes tests. Analysis data of observation was performed with narrative descriptive analysis and analysis data of mathematics learning outcomes was performed with descriptive statistical analysis. From the narrative descriptive analysis showed an improvement of learning process from the prior action to the first cycle and the second cycle. The results of this research showed an increasing number of students learning Mathematic from the basic score with percentage 3,45% to 30,43% on the first test and 56,52% on second test. From the results of this study concluded that Quick on the Draw technic in cooperative learning model tipe STAD can improve learning process and students mathematics learning outcomes at grade IXB Junior High School 1 Salo in the first semester academic years 2014/2015

    Upaya Meningkatkan Motivasi Belajar Matematika Siswa Kelas X Iis 1 Sman 10 Pekanbaru dengan Menerapkan Pembelajaran Kooperatif Pendekatan Struktural Think Pair Square

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    This research was based on the unsatisfied process in learning mathematics at grade X IIS 1 of SMAN 10 Pekanbaru. It was seen from the low motivation of the students to learn mathematics while the learning process. These problems impact on the number of students who pass the Exponents and Logarithms test with percentage of 2.5%. The research was a Classroom Action Research that aims to improve the learning process and increase the motivation of the students to learn mathematics by implementing Cooperative Learning Approach Structural of Think Pair Square (TPS). There were 40 students in the class consisting 21 boys and 19 girls as the participant of this research. The instruments of data collecting in this research were observation sheets (observation of teacher and students activity and observation of students motivation) and the motivation questionnaire. The observation sheets were analyzed in qualitative descriptive, while the motivation questionnaire were analyzed using the Wilcoxon signed-rank test. The qualitative descriptive showed an improvement of learning process and increased the motivation of students to learn mathematics in the class from before to after the action. The Wilcoxon signed-rank test for all indicators of motivation questionnaire obtained , so that and for each indicator of the motivation to learn mathematics obtained . From this test is rejected, in other words, the motivation to learn mathematics at grade X IIS 1 of SMAN 10 Pekanbaru increased after the action. Based on these results it can be concluded that the application of Cooperative Learning Approach Structural of TPS can improved the learning process and increased motivation to learn mathematics at grade X IIS 1 of SMAN 10 Pekanbaru on first semester of academic year 2014/2015

    Computer-Based Media for Learning Geometry at Mathematics Class of Secondary Schools

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    This research is aimed at developing computer-based media for mathematics learning. This media used interactive model to help students understand the topic of lines, angles and rectangular. This development research applied development model by Borg and Gallmodified by Sugiyono.The study began by finding the potentials materials and its problems followed by astudy of literature. The subject in this research is line, angle and rectangular,including rectangle, square and trapezium. Product design was done through two stages: paper-based design and computer-based. The applications used for product design are Microsoft Frontpage, Microsoft Power Point and Photoshop. Learning media were validated by three experts or validators and were revised based on the input from the validators. The revised learning media were tested on two stages: a small group test consisting of five respondens and a large grouptest consisting of forty respondens. Based on the analysis of data and discussion, it can be concluded that computer-based mediafor mathematics learning is valid with an average score of 3.17 on aspect of materials and 3.18 from aspects of media. This computer-based media formathematicslearning also had practicalities with an average score of 97,92% on a small group test and 99,22% in the large group test.