128 research outputs found

    Angular constraint on light-trapping absorption enhancement in solar cells

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    Light trapping for solar cells can reduce production cost and improve energy conversion efficiency. Understanding some of the basic theoretical constraints on light trapping is therefore of fundamental importance. Here, we develop a general angular constraint on the absorption enhancement in light trapping. We show that there is an upper limit for the angular integration of absorption enhancement factors. This limit is determined by the number of accessible resonances supported by an absorber

    Compute-first optical detection for noise-resilient visual perception

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    In the context of visual perception, the optical signal from a scene is transferred into the electronic domain by detectors in the form of image data, which are then processed for the extraction of visual information. In noisy and weak-signal environments such as thermal imaging for night vision applications, however, the performance of neural computing tasks faces a significant bottleneck due to the inherent degradation of data quality upon noisy detection. Here, we propose a concept of optical signal processing before detection to address this issue. We demonstrate that spatially redistributing optical signals through a properly designed linear transformer can enhance the detection noise resilience of visual perception tasks, as benchmarked with the MNIST classification. Our idea is supported by a quantitative analysis detailing the relationship between signal concentration and noise robustness, as well as its practical implementation in an incoherent imaging system. This compute-first detection scheme can pave the way for advancing infrared machine vision technologies widely used for industrial and defense applications.Comment: Main 9 pages, 5 figures, Supplementary information 5 page

    Sparsity for Ultrafast Material Identification

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    Mid-infrared spectroscopy is often used to identify material. Thousands of spectral points are measured in a time-consuming process using expensive table-top instrument. However, material identification is a sparse problem, which in theory could be solved with just a few measurements. Here we exploit the sparsity of the problem and develop an ultra-fast, portable, and inexpensive method to identify materials. In a single-shot, a mid-infrared camera can identify materials based on their spectroscopic signatures. This method does not require prior calibration, making it robust and versatile in handling a broad range of materials
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