27 research outputs found
Model Simulation of Cucumber Yield and Microclimate Analysis in a Semi-closed Greenhouse in China
Adequate greenhouse environmental management is very important for improving resource use efficiency and increasing vegetable yield. The objective of this study was to explore suitable climate and cultivation management for cucumber to achieve high yield and build optimal yield models in semi-closed greenhouses. A fruit cucumber cultivar Deltastar was grown over 4 years in greenhouse and weekly data of yields (mean, highest and lowest) and environmental variables, including total radiation, air temperature, relative humidity, and carbon dioxide (CO2) concentration were collected. Regression analyses were applied to develop the relationships and build best regression models of yields with environmental variables using the first 2 years of data. Data collected in years 3 and 4 were used for model validation. Results showed that total radiation, nutrient, temperature, CO2 concentration, and average nighttime relative humidity had significant correlations with cucumber yields. The best regression models fit the mean, lowest, and highest yields very well with R2 values of 0.67, 0.66, and 0.64, respectively. Total radiation and air temperature had the most significant contributions to the variations of the yields. Our results of this study provide useful information for improving greenhouse climate management and yield forecast in semi-closed greenhouses
Exogenous glutathione improves high root-zone temperature tolerance by modulating photosynthesis, antioxidant and osmolytes systems in cucumber seedlings
To investigate the physiological responses of plants to high root-zone temperature (HT, 35 °C) stress mitigated by exogenous glutathione (GSH), cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.) seedlings were exposed to HT with or without GSH treatment for 4 days and following with 4 days of recovery. Plant physiological variables, growth, and gene expression related to antioxidant enzymes and Calvin cycle were quantified. The results showed that HT significantly decreased GSH content, the ratio of reduced to oxidized glutathione (GSH/GSSG), chlorophyll content, photosynthesis and related gene expression, shoot height, stem diameter, as well as dry weight. The exogenous GSH treatment clearly lessened the HT stress by increasing the above variables. Meanwhile, HT significantly increased soluble protein content, proline and malondialdehyde (MDA) content as well as O2•− production rate, the gene expression and activities of antioxidant enzymes. The GSH treatment remarkably improved soluble protein content, proline content, antioxidant enzymes activities, and antioxidant enzymes related gene expression, and reduced the MDA content and O2•− production rate compared to no GSH treatment in the HT condition. Our results suggest that exogenous GSH enhances cucumber seedling tolerance of HT stress by modulating the photosynthesis, antioxidant and osmolytes systems to improve physiological adaptation
Effects of Heat Shock on Photosynthetic Properties, Antioxidant Enzyme Activity, and Downy Mildew of Cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.)
Heat shock is considered an abiotic stress for plant growth, but the effects of heat shock on physiological responses of cucumber plant leaves with and without downy mildew disease are still not clear. In this study, cucumber seedlings were exposed to heat shock in greenhouses, and the responses of photosynthetic properties, carbohydrate metabolism, antioxidant enzyme activity, osmolytes, and disease severity index of leaves with or without the downy mildew disease were measured. Results showed that heat shock significantly decreased the net photosynthetic rate, actual photochemical efficiency, photochemical quenching coefficient, and starch content. Heat shock caused an increase in the stomatal conductance, transpiration rate, antioxidant enzyme activities, total soluble sugar content, sucrose content, soluble protein content and proline content for both healthy leaves and downy mildew infected leaves. These results demonstrate that heat shock activated the transpiration pathway to protect the photosystem from damage due to excess energy in cucumber leaves. Potential resistance mechanisms of plants exposed to heat stress may involve higher osmotic regulation capacity related to an increase of total accumulations of soluble sugar, proline and soluble protein, as well as higher antioxidant enzymes activity in stressed leaves. Heat shock reduced downy mildew disease severity index by more than 50%, and clearly alleviated downy mildew development in the greenhouses. These findings indicate that cucumber may have a complex physiological change to resist short-term heat shock, and suppress the development of the downy mildew disease
Nutrient Concentrations Induced Abiotic Stresses to Sweet Pepper Seedlings in Hydroponic Culture
The primary goal of this experiment was to investigate the effects of nutrient electrical conductivity (EC) on the growth and physiological responses of sweet pepper (Capsicum annuum L.) in hydroponic culture in a greenhouse. The plant growth parameters, leaf photosynthesis, root activity, soluble protein, malondialdehyde (MDA), proline, activities of antioxidant enzymes (AE), and the contents of plant mineral elements (PME) were measured in six different EC treatments. The results showed that very high or low EC treatments clearly decreased the plant height, stem diameter, shoot dry weight, and leaf net photosynthetic rate, while increasing the content of MDA and the activities of ascorbate peroxidase and guaiacol peroxidase. The contents of proline and soluble protein increased gradually from the low to high EC treatments. The root activities decreased significantly, and the main PME clearly did not increase or even decreased at high EC levels. Very high EC treatments suppressed growth even more than those of very low EC. Treatments that were too low or high EC suppressed plant growth, owing to abiotic stress (either nutrient deficiency or salinity), since the plants had to regulate the activities of AE and increase the accumulation of osmolytes to adjust to the abiotic stresses
Model Simulation of Cucumber Yield and Microclimate Analysis in a Semi-closed Greenhouse in China
Adequate greenhouse environmental management is very important for improving resource use efficiency and increasing vegetable yield. The objective of this study was to explore suitable climate and cultivation management for cucumber to achieve high yield and build optimal yield models in semi-closed greenhouses. A fruit cucumber cultivar Deltastar was grown over 4 years in greenhouse and weekly data of yields (mean, highest and lowest) and environmental variables, including total radiation, air temperature, relative humidity, and carbon dioxide (CO2) concentration were collected. Regression analyses were applied to develop the relationships and build best regression models of yields with environmental variables using the first 2 years of data. Data collected in years 3 and 4 were used for model validation. Results showed that total radiation, nutrient, temperature, CO2 concentration, and average nighttime relative humidity had significant correlations with cucumber yields. The best regression models fit the mean, lowest, and highest yields very well with R2 values of 0.67, 0.66, and 0.64, respectively. Total radiation and air temperature had the most significant contributions to the variations of the yields. Our results of this study provide useful information for improving greenhouse climate management and yield forecast in semi-closed greenhouses
Nutrient Concentrations Induced Abiotic Stresses to Sweet Pepper Seedlings in Hydroponic Culture
The primary goal of this experiment was to investigate the effects of nutrient electrical conductivity (EC) on the growth and physiological responses of sweet pepper (Capsicum annuum L.) in hydroponic culture in a greenhouse. The plant growth parameters, leaf photosynthesis, root activity, soluble protein, malondialdehyde (MDA), proline, activities of antioxidant enzymes (AE), and the contents of plant mineral elements (PME) were measured in six different EC treatments. The results showed that very high or low EC treatments clearly decreased the plant height, stem diameter, shoot dry weight, and leaf net photosynthetic rate, while increasing the content of MDA and the activities of ascorbate peroxidase and guaiacol peroxidase. The contents of proline and soluble protein increased gradually from the low to high EC treatments. The root activities decreased significantly, and the main PME clearly did not increase or even decreased at high EC levels. Very high EC treatments suppressed growth even more than those of very low EC. Treatments that were too low or high EC suppressed plant growth, owing to abiotic stress (either nutrient deficiency or salinity), since the plants had to regulate the activities of AE and increase the accumulation of osmolytes to adjust to the abiotic stresses
Electrical conductivity of nutrient solution influenced photosynthesis, quality, and antioxidant enzyme activity of pakchoi (Brassica campestris L. ssp. Chinensis) in a hydroponic system.
To find an electrical conductivity (EC) in the nutrient solution used for pakchoi (Brassica campestris L. ssp. Chinensis) cultivation that optimizes the plant's physiology, growth, and quality, we conducted an experiment with eight EC treatments (from EC0 to EC9.6) in a hydroponic production system (i.e. soilless culture) under greenhouse condition in Shanghai, China. Plants biomass production, leaf photosynthesis, vegetable quality variables, tissue nitrate and nitrite contents, and antioxidant enzyme activities were measured. The results showed that very high (EC9.6) or low EC (EC0-0.6) treatments clearly decreased plants fresh weight (FW) and dry weight (DW), leaf size, leaf water content, leaf net photosynthetic rate (Pn), stomatal conductance (Gs), transpiration rate (Tr), and taste score. Nitrite content, and antioxidant enzyme activities were low in medium EC treatments (EC1.8 and EC2.4), but high in very high or low EC treatments. Leaf relative chlorophyll, ascorbic acid, and nitrate contents increased gradually from low EC to high EC treatments, while crude fiber and soluble sugar contents decreased. Based on growth and quality criteria, the optimal EC treatment would be EC1.8 or EC2.4 for pakchoi in the hydroponic production system. Too high or too low EC would induce nutrient stress, enhance plant antioxidant enzyme activities, and suppress pakchoi growth and quality
Low Plant Density Improves Fruit Quality without Affecting Yield of Cucumber in Different Cultivation Periods in Greenhouse
With the development of the economy, the demand for cucumber quality is quickly increasing. The aim of this study was to elucidate the role that plant density plays in leaf photosynthesis, shoot dry matter distribution, yield and quality of cucumber in different cultivation periods under greenhouse conditions. Experimental treatments based on three plant density treatments (2.25, 3.0 and 3.75 plants m−2) were conducted in turn during three growth and harvest periods in a year. The results showed that the changes in photosynthesis and weekly yield per unit area were different and dependent on the harvest time, which was mainly induced by temperature and radiation. Interestingly, we found that reducing plant density did not significantly affect the photosynthesis of leaves and did not decrease weekly yield per unit area and total yield. Low-density treatment had the highest weekly yield per plant and total yield per plant in the three harvest periods, the highest ratio of dry matter being allocated to fruits and the highest contents of soluble sugar, total phenols, flavonoid, soluble protein, vitamin C (Vc), chlorophyll and carotenoids in fruits. Moreover, a relatively low nitrite content was found in fruits following low-density treatment. The study indicated that low-density treatment was associated with a high quality of fruits without reducing the cucumber’s total annual yield under natural light in the greenhouse. Hence, our study suggests that properly reducing cucumber plant density to 2.25 plants m−2 could be a practicable approach for greenhouses in Shanghai, China
Low-Potassium Fruits and Vegetables: Research Progress and Prospects
With the increasing number of patients with chronic kidney disease (CKD) and the improved recognition of nutritional therapy, research on low-potassium (LK) fruits and vegetables for CKD patients has gained global attention. Despite its already commercial availability primarily in Japan, public awareness remains limited, and cultivation methods lack a comprehensive strategy. This review offers an extensive examination of the developmental significance, current cultivation techniques, and existing limitations of functional LK fruits and vegetables with the objective of providing guidance and inspiration for their exploitation. Additionally, this review investigates various factors influencing K content, including varieties, temperature, light, exogenous substances, harvest time, and harvest parts, with a focus on optimizing production methods to enhance potassium utilization efficiency (KUE) and decrease the K content in plants. Finally, the review outlines the shortcomings and prospects of research on LK fruits and vegetables, emphasizing the importance of interdisciplinary research (in agriculture technology, medicine, and business) for patients with CKD and the future development of this field
Table_7_Integrated analysis of transcriptome and microRNAs associated with exogenous calcium-mediated enhancement of hypoxic tolerance in cucumber seedlings (Cucumis sativus L.).xlsx
Plants often suffer from hypoxic stress due to flooding caused by extreme weather. Hypoxia usually leads to restricted oxygen supply and alters metabolic patterns from aerobic to anaerobic. Cucumber roots are fragile and highly sensitive to damage from hypoxic stress. The purpose of this study was to investigate the regulatory mechanism of exogenous calcium alleviating hypoxic stress in cucumber through transcriptome and small RNAs analysis. Three treatments were performed in this paper, including untreated-control (CK), hypoxic stress (H), and hypoxic stress + exogenous calcium treatment (H + Ca2+). A large number of differentially expressed genes (DEGs) were identified, 1,463 DEGs between CK vs H, 3,399 DEGs between H vs H + Ca2+, and 5,072 DEGs between CK vs H + Ca2+, respectively. KEGG analysis of DEGs showed that exogenous calcium could activate hormone signaling pathways (ethylene, ABA, IAA and cytokinin), transcription factors (MYB, MYB-related, bHLH, bZIP, and WRKY), calcium signaling and glycolysis pathway to mitigating hypoxic stress in cucumber seedlings. Additionally, miRNA and their target genes were detected and predicted between treatments. The target genes of these miRNAs revealed that auxin, cellulose synthase, and mitochondrial ribosomal related genes (Csa2G315390, Csa6G141390, Csa4G053280, and Csa6G310480) probably play in the improvement of the hypoxic tolerance of cucumber seedlings through exogenous calcium application. In short, our data adds new information to the mechanism of exogenous calcium mitigation of hypoxic stress injury in cucumber seedlings at transcriptional and post-transcriptional levels.</p