6,106 research outputs found

    Learning flexibility: the environment and a case study

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    This paper outlines the flexible student learning environment in the Faculty of Engineering and Surveying, before concentrating on evaluating one online learning option. This Faculty provides a variety of high quality on-campus, distance education and on-line academic programmes and various learning strategies for the heterogeneous student cohort (national and international). By accessing appropriate flexible learning and different learning experiences, students are empowered to determine learning opportunities and methodologies to suit their personal needs. The off-campus mode study may disadvantage students since they don’t have the benefit of face-to-face instructions or to participate in formative assessments delivered informally in lectures. This may lead to feelings of remoteness and isolation leading to poorer learning, lower results in assessments, and may also contribute to drop-out rates, particularly in first year courses. To overcome this inequity, the usual training materials presented for a first year course in 2005 were supplemented with PowerPoint lectures, enhanced with synchronous audio, and a series of quizzes to be used as formative assessments. The lectures and quizzes were presented online via a course web site and were designed to become an integral part of the learning experience. An evaluation of the effectiveness of these strategy demonstrated improved students' learning, a positive contribution to the learning experience, increased enjoyment of the course, and a strong learning motivator. Students reported feeling less disenfranchised with the university and having a greater affinity with the lecturer

    A comparison of methods for mapping golf greens

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    Several golf greens were mapped using a RTK GPS, Riegl 3D-Laser Mirror Scanner and Trimble S6 Robotic Total Station systems to determine the most appropriate method for this task. The RTK GPS was the easiest methods for data capture but was insufficiently accurate for mapping at a contour interval of 0.05 m or less in this situation. The laser scanner level data accuracy was slightly more accurate than the robotic total station but both produces results that were suitable for golf green mapping. However, the ease of use of the robotic total station determined this as the preferred methodology for golf green mapping with a 0.05m contour interval

    Distance, multimedia and web delivery in surveying and GIS courses at the University Of Southern Queensland

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    [Abstract]: The University of Southern Queensland has been involved with the distance education of surveying courses for over 25 years. In recent times, staff of the Surveying and Land Information Discipline, and the University as a whole, have embarked on multimedia enhancement and web delivery of curricula. This paper examines some of the initiatives undertaken to enhance the delivery of educational materials and discusses some of the issues involved in the effective delivery of distance education materials. The significant experience in the delivery of traditional educational materials has proven to be an advantage in the repackaging and enhancement of teaching materials. Delivery of education to off-campus students requires a significant support infrastructure which is often not recognised by new entrants into the flexible delivery arena. Traditional support mechanisms such as phone, fax and standard media (eg. videos, audio tapes etc) are being replaced by email, ‘electronic’ discussion groups, CDs and internet resources. These enhancements, when developed professionally, require a significant commitment of resources and expertise and often require a team approach to their design and development. Access by off-campus students to internet services and affordable software packages also require careful consideration in the design and offering of distance education materials

    Mapping olive varieties and within-field spatial variability using high resolution QuickBird imagery

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    [Abstract]: The growth of the Australian olive (Olea europaea L.) industry requires support from research to ensure its profitability and sustainability. To contribute to this goal, our project tested the ability of remote sensing imagery to map olive groves and their attributes. Specifically, this study aimed to: (a) discriminate olives varieties; and to (b) detect and interpret within-field spatial variability. Using high spatial resolution (2.8m) QuickBird multispectral imagery acquired over Yallamundi (southeast Queensland) on 24 December 2003, both visual interpretation and statistical (divergence) measures were employed to discriminate olive varieties. Similarly, the detection and interpretation of within-field spatial variability was conducted on enhanced false colour composite imagery, and confirmed by the use of statistical methods. Results showed that the two olive varieties (i.e. Kalamata and Frantoio) can be visually differentiated and mapped on the enhanced image based on texture. The spectral signature plots showed little difference in the mean spectral reflectance values, indicating that the two varieties have a very low spectral separability. In terms of within-field spatial variability, the presence or absence of Rhodes grass (Chloris gayana) was detected using visual interpretation, corroborated by the results of quantitative statistical measures. Spatial variability in soil properties, caused by the presence of a patch of sandy soil, was also detected visually. Finally, the “imprint” of former cover-type or land-use prior to olive plantation establishment in 1998 was identified. More work is being done to develop image classification techniques for mapping within-field spatial variability in olive varieties, biomass and condition using hyperspectral image data, as well as interpreting the cause of observed variability

    Differential Tissue Response to Growth Hormone in Mice

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    Growth hormone (GH) has been shown to act directly on multiple tissues throughout the body. Historically, it was believed that GH acted directly in the liver and only indirectly in other tissues via insulin‐like growth hormone 1 (IGF‐1). Despite extensive work to describe GH action in individual tissues, a comparative analysis of acute GH signaling in key metabolic tissues has not been performed. Herein, we address this knowledge gap. Acute tissue response to human recombinant GH was assessed in mice by measuring signaling via phospho‐STAT5 immunoblotting. STAT5 activation is an easily and reliably detected early marker of GH receptor engagement. We found differential tissue sensitivities; liver and kidney were equally GH‐sensitive and more sensitive than white adipose tissue, heart, and muscle (gastrocnemius). Gastrocnemius had the greatest maximal response compared to heart, liver, white adipose tissue, and whole kidney. Differences in maximum responsiveness were positively correlated with tissue STAT5 abundance, while differences in sensitivity were not explained by differences in GH receptor levels. Thus, GH sensitivity and responsiveness of distinct metabolic tissues differ and may impact physiology and disease

    Rice monitoring using ENVISAT-ASAR data: preliminary results of a case study in the Mekong River Delta, Vietnam

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    Vietnam is one of the world’s largest rice exporting countries, and the fertile Mekong River Delta at the southern tip of Vietnam accounts for more than half of the country’s rice production. Unfortunately, a large part of rice crop growing time coincides with a rainy season, resulting in a limited number of cloud-free optical remote sensing images for rice monitoring. Synthetic aperture radar (SAR) data allows for observations independent of weather conditions and solar illumination, and is potentially well suited for rice crop monitoring. The aim of the study was to apply new generation Envisat ASAR data with dual polarization (HH and VV) to rice cropping system mapping and monitoring in An Giang province, Mekong River Delta. Several sample areas were established on the ground, where selected rice parameters (e.g. rice height and biomass) are periodically being measured over a period of 12 months. A correlation analysis of rice parameters and radar imagery values is then being conducted to determine the significance and magnitude of the relationships. This paper describes a review of the previous research studies on rice monitoring using SAR data, the context of this on-going study, and some preliminary results that provide insights on how ASAR imagery could be useful for rice crop monitoring. More work is being done to develop algorithms for mapping and monitoring rice cropping systems, and to validate a rice yield prediction model for one year cycle using time-series SAR imagery

    Approximating the Minimum Equivalent Digraph

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    The MEG (minimum equivalent graph) problem is, given a directed graph, to find a small subset of the edges that maintains all reachability relations between nodes. The problem is NP-hard. This paper gives an approximation algorithm with performance guarantee of pi^2/6 ~ 1.64. The algorithm and its analysis are based on the simple idea of contracting long cycles. (This result is strengthened slightly in ``On strongly connected digraphs with bounded cycle length'' (1996).) The analysis applies directly to 2-Exchange, a simple ``local improvement'' algorithm, showing that its performance guarantee is 1.75.Comment: conference version in ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms (1994

    Spatial Distribution of Nucleosynthesis Products in Cassiopeia A: Comparison Between Observations and 3D Explosion Models

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    We examine observed heavy element abundances in the Cassiopeia A supernova remnant as a constraint on the nature of the Cas A supernova. We compare bulk abundances from 1D and 3D explosion models and spatial distribution of elements in 3D models with those derived from X-ray observations. We also examine the cospatial production of 26Al with other species. We find that the most reliable indicator of the presence of 26Al in unmixed ejecta is a very low S/Si ratio (~0.05). Production of N in O/S/Si-rich regions is also indicative. The biologically important element P is produced at its highest abundance in the same regions. Proxies should be detectable in supernova ejecta with high spatial resolution multiwavelength observations.Comment: To appear in the Conference Proceedings for the "10th Symposium on Nuclei in the Cosmos (NIC X)", July 27 - August 1 2008, Mackinack Island, Michigan, US

    GBTrans: A commensal search for radio pulses with the Green Bank twenty metre telescope

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    We describe GBTrans, a real-time search system designed to find fast radio bursts (FRBs) using the 20-m radio telescope at the Green Bank Observatory. The telescope has been part of the Skynet educational program since 2015. We give details of the observing system and report on the non-detection of FRBs from a total observing time of 503 days. Single pulses from four known pulsars were detected as part of the commensal observing. The system is sensitive enough to detect approximately half of all currently known FRBs and we estimate that our survey probed redshifts out to about 0.3 corresponding to an effective survey volume of around 124,000~Mpc3^3. Modeling the FRB rate as a function of fluence, FF, as a power law with F−αF^{-\alpha}, we constrain the index α<2.5\alpha < 2.5 at the 90% confidence level. We discuss the implications of this result in the context of constraints from other FRB surveys.Comment: 7 pages, 6 figure

    Role of interferon‐γ and inflammatory monocytes in driving colonic inflammation during acute Clostridium difficile infection in mice

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    Peer Reviewedhttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/136491/1/imm12700.pdfhttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/136491/2/imm12700_am.pd
