7 research outputs found


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    Congestion at toll roads has become a pervasive issue in contemporary times, predominantly manifesting at toll booths during the payment process. A noteworthy contributor to this congestion has been identified as the sluggish operational speed of boom gates. In response to this challenge, a modification strategy was implemented to enhance the operational efficiency of existing boom gates. The primary modification involved substituting the conventional electric motor with a more advanced Brushless DC (BLDC) motor boasting a power rating of 660 watts. Additionally, an innovative augmentation integrated a motorcycle disk brake system into the boom gate mechanism. Replacing the original electric motor's internal brake system with the disk brake system aimed to optimize the overall performance of the boom gate. The integration of the motorcycle disk brake system was further complemented by incorporating the push braking system (knoken braking system), serving as the actuator instead of the traditional motorcycle lever handle. This strategic substitution was instrumental in activating the disk brake function at the boom gate. During peak rush hours, the modified boom gate underwent rigorous testing at both the Ciawi and Kelapa Gading toll gates. Results from the trial activities unveiled a remarkable improvement in the boom gate's operational speed. Specifically, the opening speed demonstrated an impressive surge of 51 percent, catapulting from 548 ms to 265 ms. Similarly, the closing speed exhibited a commendable enhancement of 44 percent, elevating from 602 ms to 332 ms. Furthermore, the boom gate cycle per hour experienced a notable escalation, increasing by 25 percent from 356 to 449 cars per hour. These findings underscore the efficacy of the implemented modifications in ameliorating congestion issues at toll booths


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    This study takes a comprehensive approach by proposing the design of an innovative emission test tool for motorized vehicles. The primary objective of this tool's design is to establish an alternative emission testing apparatus based on Arduino AT-Mega 2560, proficient in capturing vehicle exhaust emissions. The underlying methodology involves an in-depth investigation of various components, including the MQ2 and MQ7 sensors, microcontrollers, and supplementary sensors. This meticulous observational process aims to unravel the fundamental principles that govern the functionality of these components. Subsequently, the study advances to the prototyping phase, manifesting in the creation of an Android-based emission test system. This system capitalizes on the integration of Arduino programming and App Inventor technology. The integrated system is devised to facilitate sensor data acquisition. The empirical results of the tests indicate that the developed tool effectively measures hydrocarbon gas and carbon monoxide gas concentrations, yielding readings of 6.31% and 3.73%, respectively, under engine conditions ranging from 1500 to 3000 rpm with error in regions 1.4% and 5.1% compared to a commercial instrument. However, during the testing phase, certain challenges surfaced. Notably, the presence of water particles within the tool, coupled with the generation of heat due to the accommodated exhaust gases, increased the temperature within the tool's enclosure. Consequently, the sensors' temperature escalated, resulting in erratic sensor behavior and unstable readings. Nonetheless, a significant advantage of the proposed tool lies in its real-time data visualization capability, which is particularly accessible through Android smartphones. This feature enhances the immediacy of test results, facilitating prompt analysis and decision-making. In conclusion, this study lays the groundwork for an innovative emission testing tool that demonstrates promise in addressing the air quality degradation stemming from vehicular emissions

    Resonance analysis of fan blade design using Finite Element Method

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    Fan motors move liquids, such as air, in the gas phase from one place to another. The frequency of the fan blades, which are the main components of the fan motor, can vary. It is crucial to know the frequencies of each fan blade to avoid design failures caused by resonance. This research analyzes the effect of differences in the angle and number of blades on the natural frequency of the fan to avoid resonance with the motor rotation frequency. Modeling and simulation using the finite element method in the Solidworks application are used to determine the natural frequencies of the fan. Fans come in various configurations, with blades ranging from two to four, and blade pitch can be 25°, 30°, or 40°. Variations in the number of fan blades and changes in blade pitch show that the low mode shape does not affect the natural frequency, while the high mode has a negligible effect. The natural frequency of fan blades 2, 3, and 4 exhibits variations when operated with motors running at 25, 35, or 50 Hz. The findings imply that the fan blades' inherent frequency does not align closely with the motor rotational frequency, indicating that the design is safe

    Analisis Getaran Displacement Drum Roller Menggunakan FFT dan STFT

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    Drum Roller adalah mesin yang dirancang untuk pengujian ketahanan ban mobil setelah proses produksi. Peralatan  berputar, dan realisasi diagnosis waktu nyata dari kesalahan getaran frekuensi umum sangat penting untuk memantau kondisi Drum Roller. Getaran yang tinggi dapat merusak bagian-bagian penting mesin dan mempengaruhi kualitas ban. Maka dengan itu, dilakukannya analisis getaran untuk mengidentifikasi kerusakan dengan Metode Fast Fourier Transform (FFT)  dan Metode Short Time Fourier Transform (STFT). Pemrosesan sinyal dilakukan dari input hasil pengukuran getaran berupa data domain waktu pada MATLAB kemudian metode FFT dan STFT diterapkan menggunakan fungsi filter jendela Hanning. Selanjutnya memvalidasi hasil analisis kerusakan. Berdasarkan hasil pengukuran getaran didapatkan sumber getaran terbesar pada posisi radial yaitu getaran yang dihasilkan sebesar 96 μm RMS. Dari grafik spektrum dan spektogram Fourier transform radial dan axial keduanya dapat disimpulkan bahwa adanya indikasi unbalance pada impeller dengan frekuensi 6.7 Hz yang menunjukkan satu kalinya frekuensi Drum Roller. Berdasarkan standar analisis getaran Displacement (ISO 10816-3), getaran Drum Roller masuk pada Zona C, bermakna mesin hanya diizinkan beroperasi dalam waktu singkat. Hasil analisis bahwa Drum Roller mengalami unbalance terbukti benar dengan turunnya nilai getaran menjadi 18 μm RMS

    A review towards Friction Stir Welding technique: working principle and process parameters

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    Friction Stir Welding (FSW) is a solid-state bonding process that employes tools that are not used up and can function to connect two opposite workpieces without melting the workpiece material. The friction force has been micro-structurally tested to reformat or transform the inner state of the structure properties (atomic formation) form in a metal since the kinetic energy of friction has been utilizing on one of welding techniques. Right afterwards, the studies reported that the mechanical properties also underwent a significant deformation. The aim is to determine the effect of Welding Procedure Specification (WPS) product quality. As it develops pass through research and applied experiments the branch of friction-based welding discipline can be classified depends on how the mechanism of friction can be producing the finest solid-state joint which suitable to the typical property of a metal and be maximized by joint configuration. Friction Stir Welding is one of friction-based welding techniques that utilizes the stirring tool to generate friction while the work-pieces is stick on the line of FSW joint configuration. The relevant correlations amongst process parameters and inside its respective adjustable variables are constructed to the finest principles that produced top-grades empirical report to the weld properties. In this review, the explanation of working principle and clarification of process parameters are presented. The cited references are selected from creditable and verifiable articles and books in the recent ten years. Expectedly, be able to pioneer a new face of simply and understandable review article.

    Bayesian networks approach on intelligent system design for the diagnosis of heat exchanger

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    The heat exchanger highly influences the series of cooling processes. Therefore, it is required to have maximum performance. Some of the factors causing a decrease in its performance are increased pressure drop in the Plate Heat Exchanger (PHE), decreased output flow, leakage, flow obstruction, and mixing of fluids. Furthermore, it takes a long time to conclude the diagnosis of the performance and locate the fault. Therefore, this study aims to design an intelligent system for the performance diagnosis of the PHE using the Bayesian Networks (BNs) method approach. BNs are applied to new problems that require a new BNs network model. The system was designed using MSBNX and MATLAB software, comprising several implementation stages. It starts by determining the related variables and categories in the network, making a causality diagram, determining the prior probability of the variable, filling in the conditional probability of each variable, and entering evidence to analyze the prediction results. This is followed by carrying out a case test on the maintenance history to display the probability inference that occurs during pressure drop on the PHE. The result showed that the BNs method was successfully applied in diagnosing the PHE. When there is evidence of input in the form of a pressure drop, the probability value of non-conforming pressure-flow becomes 61.12%, PHE clogged at 73.59%, and actions to clean pipes of 70.18%. In conclusion, the diagnosis carried out by the system showed accurate results