163,301 research outputs found

    Asymptotic Conformal Invariance of SU(2) and Standard Models in Curved Space-time

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    The asymptotic conformal invariance of some SU(2) model and Standard Model in curved space-time are investigated. We have examined the conditions for asymptotic conformal invariance for these models numerically.Comment: 13 pages, Revtex3.

    Conformally Coupled Induced Gravity with Gradient Torsion

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    It is found that conformally coupled induced gravity with gradient torsion gives a dilaton gravity in Riemann geometry. In the Einstein frame of the dilaton gravity the conformal symmetry is hidden and a non-vanishing cosmological constant is not plausible due to the constraint of the conformal coupling.Comment: 8pages, LaTeX, no figure, to be appeared in PR
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