83 research outputs found

    The Lost Heritage of Koryoin: Citizen or Outcast?

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    The icy winds of the Baltic bite deep into the bones of barely-clothed prisoners of an unnamed war camp The cold is unbearable in the frigid Prussian hinterlands the chatter minimal and everyone is huddling to survive Amidst the stale air of death and starvation small clouds of melodic choir powerfully pierce through the hushed chill Ari-rang ar-ri- rang ara-ri-yo 1 From the bellies of a group of Koryo Saram the Korean folk anthem wistfully winds its way through the barbed wires straining to reach back hom

    How Does LG Group Embed Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) System In Its Conglomerate Governance To Control Its Affiliated Firms' Risk Events?

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    This paper presents a case of enterprise risk management (ERM) embeddedness in LG Group, globalized conglomerate in Korea. Findings are differentiated from prior studies in two aspects. First, this study focuses on how ERM systems minimize the agency costs between conglomerate headquarters and its affiliated firms. Second, cases of diversified twelve affiliated firms find that COSO ERM framework are to be applied adaptively to entities’ inherent or external conditions as industry, age, management level etc. Those findings might be a practical guidance for most Asian business groups to embed ERM frameworks in conglomerate governances, filling gaps between theoretical COSO manual and practical applications.

    Factors Affecting Initial Trust in an Online Shopping

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    With the rapid growth of online retailing, consumers have a vast number of websites to choose from when shopping online. While multichannel retailers that expanded online based off their successful brick-and-mortar or catalog operations benefited from their existing customer bases and brand/retailer names, many pure e-retailers have been challenged by their lack of brand equity in the market. Due to lower barriers to market entry, a number of new online businesses are flourishing, yet only a small fraction of them can survive in the competitive online market. One of the key challenges for a new business is the lack of initial trust between the eretailer and the consumer

    Service Attributes Available on Mobile Website

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    US m-commerce sales growth has been significant over the past few years. Total sales of products and services made using mobile phones and tablets reached $41 billion in 2013, accounting for 16% of total e-commerce sales. A majority of e-commerce consumers are expected to make purchases via mobile devices by 2017. Although mobile purchases are growing, most consumers still prefer to make actual purchases in physical stores or through retail websites (eMarketer, 2013)

    Mental Imagery in an In-store Apparel Shopping Context: Do Women and Men Differ?

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    This study examined how mental imagery experienced during in-store shopping influences consumers’ affective (anticipatory emotion), cognitive (perceived ownership and decision satisfaction) responses and conative response (behavioral intentions) and further investigated how men and women differ in the way mental imagery influences consumer responses

    A scalable molecule-based magnetic thin film for spin-thermoelectric energy conversion

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    Spin thermoelectrics, an emerging thermoelectric technology, offers energy harvesting from waste heat with potential advantages of scalability and energy conversion efficiency, thanks to orthogonal paths for heat and charge flow. However, magnetic insulators previously used for spin thermoelectrics pose challenges for scale-up due to high temperature processing and difficulty in large-area deposition. Here, we introduce a molecule-based magnetic film for spin thermoelectric applications because it entails versatile synthetic routes in addition to weak spin-lattice interaction and low thermal conductivity. Thin films of Cr-II[Cr-III(CN)(6)], Prussian blue analogue, electrochemically deposited on Cr electrodes at room temperature show effective spin thermoelectricity. Moreover, the ferromagnetic resonance studies exhibit an extremely low Gilbert damping constant -(2.4 +/- 0.67) x10(-4), indicating low loss of heat-generated magnons. The demonstrated STE applications of a new class of magnet will pave the way for versatile recycling of ubiquitous waste heat

    Gate-dependent spin Hall induced nonlocal resistance and the symmetry of spin-orbit scattering in Au-clustered graphene

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    Engineering the electron dispersion of graphene to be spin-dependent is crucial for the realization of spin-based logic devices. Enhancing spin-orbit coupling in graphene can induce spin Hall effect, which can be adapted to generate or detect a spin current without a ferromagnet. Recently, both chemically and physically decorated graphenes have shown to exhibit large nonlocal resistance via the spin Hall and its inverse effects. However, these nonlocal transport results have raised critical debates due to the absence of field dependent Hanle curve in subsequent studies. Here, we introduce Au clusters on graphene to enhance spin-orbit coupling and employ a nonlocal geometry to study the spin Hall induced nonlocal resistance. Our results show that the nonlocal resistance highly depends on the applied gate voltage due to various current channels. However, the spin Hall induced nonlocal resistance becomes dominant at a particular carrier concentration, which is further confirmed through Hanle curves. The obtained spin Hall angle is as high as similar to 0.09 at 2 K. Temperature dependence of spin relaxation time is governed by the symmetry of spin-orbit coupling, which also depends on the gate voltage: asymmetric near the charge neutral point and symmetric at high carrier concentration. These results inspire an effective method for generating spin currents in graphene and provide important insights for the spin Hall effect as well as the symmetry of spin scattering in physically decorated graphene