38 research outputs found
Figure 12 from: Fang Y, Xing J (2019) Description of a new leafhopper species of the genus Longicornus (Hemiptera, Cicadellidae, Deltocephalinae) from China, with a revised key to species. ZooKeys 888: 67-73. https://doi.org/10.3897/zookeys.888.34799
A new Scaphoideini leafhopper genus from China (Hemiptera: Cicadellidae Deltocephalinae), with description of two new species
Fang, Yongqin, Xing, Jichun (2019): A new Scaphoideini leafhopper genus from China (Hemiptera: Cicadellidae Deltocephalinae), with description of two new species. Zootaxa 4668 (3): 435-442, DOI: https://doi.org/10.11646/zootaxa.4668.3.
Changbaninus Fang & Xing 2019, gen. nov.
Changbaninus gen. nov. Type species: Changbaninus furcatus sp. nov. Description. Body robust. Vertex with pair of irregular transverse stripes. Pronotum with irregular fuscous stripes. Face with frontoclypeus broadly yellowish brown dorsally, with dark transverse streaks on both sides. Forewings brownish, with scattered unpigmented areas, veins yellowish-brown. Hindwings macropterous. Legs dark brown. Head distinctly narrower than pronotum. Vertex with fore margin produced roundly, median length shorter than width between eyes. Eyes large. Ocelli on anterior margin. Frontoclypeus distinctly longer than wide, anteclypeus expanded apically. Antennae are midhight of eye. Pronotum with anterior margin roundly produced and posterior margin concave, lateral margin carinate and slightly shorter than eye. Scutellum triangular, slightly shorter than pronotum, with transverse suture depressed. Forewing with four apical cells and three subapical cells, about 4 times as long as wide, appendix wide, vein R with all branches strongly reflexed, three or more supernumerary branches extended to costal margin, outer anteapical cell elliptical with short crossveins delimiting base and apex. Hindwing with three apical cells and two anteapical cells. Fore femur with 2 dorsoapical setae, row AM with 1 stout seta, row IC with 19 setae, and row AV with several short setae in basal half. Fore tibia with 5 macrosetae in row AD and numerous macrosetae decreasing in length toward the base in row AV. Hind femur broadened distally and slightly bowed, apical setal formula 2+2+1 or 2+2+1+1. Hind tibia flattened and nearly straight, row PD with 11 macrosetae decreasing in length toward base; row AD with approximately 10 long stout setae and 0–3 shorter stout setae between each long seta; metabasitarsomere with four platellae and two setae on apical transverse row. Male genitalia. Male pygofer side longer than height, base wide, apex narrow, with few macrosetae on posterior area, not arranged in tufts. Valve short, subtriangular, posterior margin acute medially. Subgenital plate long, broad at base and gradually narrowed posteriorly, with one row of macrosetae along lateral margin. Connective Y-shaped, stem longer than arms, without processes. Style broad at base, abruptly narrowed before subapical lobe, apophysis either reaching or slightly exceeding apex of connective in situ. Aedeagus with pair of processes arising ventrolaterally from atrium and with pair of weakly sclerotized dorsal tendons extended from atrium to base of anal tube; aedeagal shaft tubular and spiculate at distal 1/2 to 1/3 length; gonopore subapical. Remarks. Changbaninus gen. nov. resembles Longicornus Li & Song, 2008 externally, but can be distinguished from the latter by the long subgenital plates with entire apical margin (deeply concave near the apex in the latter genus), aedeagus with a pair of laterobasal processes and membranous dorsal connective, and the spiculate aedeagal shaft. The new genus is also similar to Scaphoidella Vilbaste, 1968 (e.g., S. undosa and S. wideaedeaga) in general appearance, but can be distinguished from the latter by the male pygofer without processes, and the aedeagus with a pair of dorsal connectives. Changbaninus is placed in Scaphoideini based on the above mentioned similarities to other genera included in the tribe and agreement with the tribal diagnosis of Zahniser & Dietrich (2013). Etymology. The generic name is an arbitrary combination of letters. The gender is masculine. Distribution. Oriental Region (China).Published as part of Fang, Yongqin & Xing, Jichun, 2019, A new Scaphoideini leafhopper genus from China (Hemiptera: Cicadellidae Deltocephalinae), with description of two new species, pp. 435-442 in Zootaxa 4668 (3) on pages 435-436, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4668.3.8, http://zenodo.org/record/344972
Description of a new leafhopper species of the genus Longicornus (Hemiptera, Cicadellidae, Deltocephalinae) from China, with a revised key to species
Volume: 888Start Page: 67-7
Changbaninus furcatus Fang & Xing 2019, sp. nov.
Changbaninus furcatus sp. nov. Figs. 1–17 Description. Vertex yellowish with some black stripes. Eyes black. Pronotum with irregular yellowish brown stripes. Scutellum with pair of yellowish white spots at lateral margin of midlength (Figs. 1, 3). Hind femur apical setal formula 2+2+1 (Fig. 4). External features as in generic description. Male genitalia. Male pygofer side length about 2 times high (Fig. 5). Subgenital plate very long, about 6 times as long as wide at base, with 10 long macrosetae along lateral margin, apex slightly sclerotized (Figs. 6, 7). Aedeagus with a pair of furcate laterobasal processes, nearly 1/3 as long as aedeagal shaft, and aedeagal shaft spiculate in apical region; (Figs. 8, 9). Connective with arms nearly 1/2 length of stem (Fig. 10). Style apophysis well-developed, slightly enlarged subapically (Fig. 11). Female seventh sternite twice as long as broad at base, caudal margin medially produced with a notch in the middle (Fig. 12). Female pygofer with ventroposterior margin slightly incurved. (Fig. 13). First valvula of ovipositor sculpture strigate (Figs. 14, 15). Second valvulae more curved than the first, denticulate area confined to distal 1/3, denticles prominent, gradually becoming smaller distally, apex pointed (Figs. 16, 17). Measurement. Length (including tegmen): Ƌ, 7.9–8.3mm; ♀, 8.2–8.4 mm. Type material. Holotype: ³, China: Guizhou Prov., Leigongshan, 2 July 2011, coll. Jiankun Long (GUGC); Paratypes: 2³³ 3♀♀, Guizhou Prov., Leigongshan, 2 July 2011, coll. Jiankun Long and Zhiming Chang (GUGC). Remarks. This new species is similar to Changbaninus pleiospicules sp. nov., but can be distinguished from the latter by the furcate laterobasal processes of the aedeagus and aedeagal shaft spiculate near apex. Etymology. The new species is derived from the Latin word “ furcatus ”, referring to the aedeagal shaft with a pair of furcate processes.Published as part of Fang, Yongqin & Xing, Jichun, 2019, A new Scaphoideini leafhopper genus from China (Hemiptera: Cicadellidae Deltocephalinae), with description of two new species, pp. 435-442 in Zootaxa 4668 (3) on pages 436-437, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4668.3.8, http://zenodo.org/record/344972
Review of the leafhopper genus Longicornus Li & Song (Hemiptera: Cicadellidae: Deltocephalinae) with description of two new species
Fang, Yongqin, Xing, Jichun (2018): Review of the leafhopper genus Longicornus Li & Song (Hemiptera: Cicadellidae: Deltocephalinae) with description of two new species. Zootaxa 4462 (3): 435-442, DOI: https://doi.org/10.11646/zootaxa.4462.3.
Figures 1-4 from: Fang Y, Xing J (2019) Description of a new leafhopper species of the genus Longicornus (Hemiptera, Cicadellidae, Deltocephalinae) from China, with a revised key to species. ZooKeys 888: 67-73. https://doi.org/10.3897/zookeys.888.34799
Figures 5-11 from: Fang Y, Xing J (2019) Description of a new leafhopper species of the genus Longicornus (Hemiptera, Cicadellidae, Deltocephalinae) from China, with a revised key to species. ZooKeys 888: 67-73. https://doi.org/10.3897/zookeys.888.34799
Key to genera of Stegelytrini from China (modified from Wei et al., 2010) 1. Lateral frontal sutures reaching or not reaching corresponding ocellus; scutellum without median or posterolateral ridge or keel; forewing with or without reticulate venation................................................................ 2 - Lateral frontal sutures extended well beyond corresponding ocellus; antenna long (about as long as body); scutellum with or without median or posterolateral ridge or keel; forewing without reticulate venation................................ 3 2. Vertex produced medially. Forewing apex rounded, without reticulate venation......................... Pachymetopius - Vertex not produced medially (Fig. 5). Forewing apex truncate, venation reticulate (Fig. 1)..................... Daochia 3. Lateral margin of pronotum very short, without lateral carina; appendix of forewing very much reduced or absent...................................................................................................... Wyuchiva - Lateral margin of pronotum very long, lateral carina present; appendix of forewing distinct........................... 4 4. Scutellum short or long, with longitudinal medial ridge or keel or with ridge on each side posteriorly................... 5 - Scutellum short without longitudinal ridges................................................................. 9 5. Scutellum with ridge on each side posteriorly....................................................... Placidellus - Scutellum with long medial ridge or keel posteriorly......................................................... 6 6. Head slightly narrower than pronotum; vertex very short.............................................. Quiontugia - Head much narrower than pronotum; vertex relatively long.................................................... 7 7. Pronotum with medial longitudinal ridge.......................................................... Pseudododa - Pronotum without medial longitudinal ridge................................................................ 8 8. Anteclypeus narrow basally and broadening apically................................................... Kunasia - Anteclypeus broad basally with lateral margin slightly sinuated from base to apex........................... Stenolora 9. Claval veins fused; 5 th apical cell of forewing very small or absent (i.e. without cross vein from outer subapical cell)................................................................................................... Minucella - Claval veins connected by crossvein; 5 th apical cell of forewing small to normal................................... 10 10. Forewing veins bicoloured (brown regularly intervened with yellowish white); style with preapical lobe undifferentiated from apophysis, few setae situated subapically on latter................................................. Paradoxivena - Forewing veins mainly unicoloured; style with preapical lobe distinct from apophysis, few setae situated on former...... 11 11. Anteclypeus broad basally with lateral margin slightly convex at least in male; forewing truncate apically...... Trunchinus - Anteclypeus narrow basally and broadening apically both in male and female; forewing convex apically............... 12 12. Scutellum with tufts of setae on lateral margin; style with several setae on preapical lobe......................... Cyrta - Scutellum without tufts of setae; style without setae on preapical lobe..................................... ParacyrtaPublished as part of Fang, Yongqin, Webb, Mick & Xing, Jichun, 2020, An unusual new leafhopper species of Daochia Wei, Zhang & Webb, 2006 (Hemiptera: Cicadellidae: Deltocephalinae: Stegelytrini) described from China, pp. 378-386 in Zootaxa 4758 (2) on page 380, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4758.2.11, http://zenodo.org/record/373438
An unusual new leafhopper species of Daochia Wei, Zhang & Webb, 2006 (Hemiptera: Cicadellidae: Deltocephalinae: Stegelytrini) described from China
Fang, Yongqin, Webb, Mick, Xing, Jichun (2020): An unusual new leafhopper species of Daochia Wei, Zhang & Webb, 2006 (Hemiptera: Cicadellidae: Deltocephalinae: Stegelytrini) described from China. Zootaxa 4758 (2): 378-386, DOI: https://doi.org/10.11646/zootaxa.4758.2.1