22 research outputs found
Intercrystalline Links Determined Kinetics of Form II to I Polymorphic Transition in Polybutene‑1
The effect of intercrystalline links
containing tie molecules and
entangled loops on polymorphic transition from form II to form I in
polybutene-1 (PB-1) of different molecular weights has been investigated
by differential scanning calorimetry and small-angle X-ray scattering
techniques. The PB-1 samples were isothermally crystallized at a range
of temperatures to develop metastable form II crystalline modification
of different lamellar thickness, long spacing, and number of intercrystalline
links in the amorphous phase. Tammann’s two-stage crystal nuclei
development method was applied to promote a faster polymorphic transition
from form II to I; that is, form I nuclei were developed at the early
low temperature stage, and form I crystals were formed at the later
high temperature stage. At a given annealing condition, the transition
rate in the high molecular weight sample is found to increase with
the increase of the prior form II crystallization temperature, while
it shows a negative correlation between transition rate and crystallization
temperature in the low molecular weight sample. The results can be
understood as follows. The long spacing of high molecular weight PB-1
is smaller than the radius of gyration of the chains in the melt,
leading to formation of folded-chain crystals and high possibility
of generating intercrystalline links. Higher internal stress induced
by unbalanced shrinkage of amorphous and crystalline phases would
be built up during cooling from higher crystallization temperature
to the first temperature stage of annealing. For low molecular weight
samples, the probability of forming intercrystalline links decreases
with the increasing lamellar thickness at elevated crystallization
temperature. For a low crystallization temperature where intercrystalline
links could be found in both samples, the low molecular weight sample
shows a faster transition for its higher chain mobility. These molecular
mechanisms are discussed in this article
Counits Content and Stretching Temperature-Dependent Critical Stress for Destruction of γ Crystals in Propylene–Ethylene Random Copolymers
Tensile deformation behavior of three
random propylene–ethylene
copolymers with the same molecular weight and different contents of
counit was investigated at different temperatures from room temperature
to close to melting point via tensile tests, step-cycle tests, and
in situ wide-angle X-ray diffraction techniques. Upon stretching,
the original crystalline lamellae must be destroyed, generating new
highly oriented ones. A critical stress has been suggested, under
which the original crystallites can be destructed. The propylene–ethylene
copolymer samples in pure γ-form transformed gradually into
α-form during tensile stretching. This crystalline transition
proceeded via a destruction (melting) of the original γ-form
crystals followed by recrystallization of the freed polymeric chain
segments into α-form along stretching direction. This result
provides a marker for investigating the critical stress mentioned
above. Such critical stresses triggering the destruction of γ-form
crystals for the propylene–ethylene copolymers of different
ethylene counit contents were successfully calculated. It turned out
that this critical stress depended on the ethylene counit content
and stretching temperature. Samples with less ethylene counits show
higher critical stress because of a lower degree of insertion of the
ethylene counits into the crystalline unit cell than samples with
higher ethylene counit content. The critical stresses remained constant
when the samples were stretched at low-temperature region, whereas
they decreased significantly at high stretching temperatures close
to the melting points due to strong thermal distortion of the crystalline
lattices, making the crystallites less stable
Elasticity Reinforcement in Propylene–Ethylene Random Copolymer Stretched at Elevated Temperature in Large Deformation Regime
Tensile deformation behavior of a
random propylene–ethylene
copolymer with 12 mol % ethylene counits at room temperature and 63
°C was investigated using the in situ small and wide-angle X-ray
scattering techniques. Under both conditions, the deformation mechanism
changed from slip of crystalline lamellar blocks to stretching induced
melting and recrystallization process at a critical strain of about
0.9. This critical strain in tensile deformation of semicrystalline
polymers normally marks the starting of plateau value of elastic strain.
Further stretching leads to increase of plastic deformation only due
to the fibrillation. However, a peculiar elasticity reinforcement
was observed at strain larger than 1.3 when the sample was stretched
at 63 °C. Wide angle X-ray scattering results indicate that at
this strain of 1.3 fibrillation of the originally unoriented crystals
finished so that further stretching leads to a deformation of a rather
stable entangled network embedded by fibrils that possesses high elasticity
Tensile Deformation of Polybutene‑1 with Stable Form I at Elevated Temperature
Stretching-induced structural changes in polybutene-1
with stable
crystalline modification of form I at elevated temperature was investigated
by means of the in-situ synchrotron wide-angle X-ray diffraction technique.
It was found that oriented metastable form II crystallites with the
polymer chain aligned along the stretching direction gradually appear
during tensile deformation. Based on the fact that a solid state I
to II phase transition cannot take place due to the restriction in
chain conformations and lattice dimensions in both phases, the observed
occurrence of transition from form I to form II must proceed via a
two-step process. First, those form I crystallites with their polymer
chain direction tilted with respect to the stretching direction undergo
a stress-induced melting process because they experience larger shear
stress than the rest. Second, the freed polymer chain segments which
have lost their conformational memory in stable form I recrystallize
into metastable form II crystallites with their chain direction preferentially
aligned along the stretching direction. This result is considered
to provide a direct evidence for the stress-induced melting–recrystallization
mechanism during tensile deformation of semicrystalline polymers
The evolution of microstructure of lamellae and cavities.
<p>The long period of lamellar stacks and the thickness of the cavities (top) and the master curve of the cavities strain (bottom) along the stretching direction at different strains for PB-1 samples crystallized at 50°C stretched at elevated temperatures (solid symbol) and the ones crystallized at different temperatures stretched at 100°C (hollow symbol). <i>d<sub>0</sub></i> denotes the linear extrapolated thickness of the cavities at zero strain.</p
Selected 2D-WAXD patterns.
<p>The 2D-WAXD patterns taken at different strains as indicated on the graph for PB-1 samples crystallized at 50°C stretched at 30 (top) and 100°C (middle), and the ones crystallized at 90°C stretched at 100°C (bottom). Stretching direction is horizontal. Arrows indicate the azimuthal angle of intensity distribution.</p
Azimuthal intensity distribution of 110-reflection.
<p>The evolution of azimuthal intensity distribution of 110-reflection as a function of strain measured for PB-1 samples crystallized at 50°C stretched at 30 (top) and 100°C (middle) and the ones crystallized at 90°C stretched at 100°C (bottom).</p
The horizontal and vertical integrated intensity and the ratio between them.
<p>The evolution of the horizontal (top) and vertical (middle) integrated intensity and the ratio between them (bottom) as a function of strain for the PB-1 samples crystallized at 50°C stretched at different temperatures as indicated (left) and the ones crystallized at different temperatures as indicated and stretched at 100°C (right).</p
The diagram of the cavitation modes.
<p>The evolution of cavitation modes of PB-1 as a function of the lamellar thickness and stretching temperature.</p
The 1D scattering intensity distribution profiles along different directions.
<p>Plots of <i>I vs q<sub>h</sub></i> (left) and <i>I vs q<sub>v</sub></i> (right) taken at different strains for PB-1 samples crystallized at 50°C stretched at 30°C (top) and 100°C (middle), and the ones crystallized at 90°C stretched at 100°C (bottom).</p