16 research outputs found
GenBank accession numbers of the nucleotide sequences used in this study<sup>*</sup>.
<p>*Sequences generated in this work shown in bold. <sup>T</sup> ā=ā type strain.</p
Morphological characterization of <i>Scheffersomyces henanensis</i> sp. nov. BY-41<sup>T</sup>.
<p>(a) Budding cells grown on YM broth for 3 days at 25Ā°C. (b) Asci formed on cornmeal agar after 6 days at 25Ā°C. Bar, 10 Ī¼m.</p
Nucleotide differences and percentages of homology between <i>Scheffersomyces henanensis</i> sp. nov. and the type cultures of closest relatives, S. <i>segobiensis</i>, <i>S</i>. <i>stipitis</i> and <i>S. illinoinensis</i>.
<p>Nucleotide differences and percentages of homology between <i>Scheffersomyces henanensis</i> sp. nov. and the type cultures of closest relatives, S. <i>segobiensis</i>, <i>S</i>. <i>stipitis</i> and <i>S. illinoinensis</i>.</p
Physiological characteristics of <i>Scheffersomyces henanensis</i> sp. nov.<sup>*</sup>
<p>*Symbols: +, Positive; ā, negative; D, delayed positive; and W, weakly positive.</p
Phylogenetic tree constructed from neighbour-joining analysis of the combined sequences of SSU, ITS, D1/D2 LUS and <i>RPB1</i>, depicting the relationships of <i>Scheffersomyces henanensis</i> sp. nov. with closely related taxa in the <i>Scheffersomyces</i> clade.
<p><i>Candida tropicalis</i> was used as an outgroup taxon (in gray). Bootstrap percentages over 50% from 1000 bootstrap replicates are shown. Bar, 0.01 substitutions per nucleotide position.</p
Phylogenetic tree reconstructed from neighbour-joining analysis of <i>XYL1</i> sequences depicting the relationships of <i>Scheffersomyces henanensis</i> sp. nov. with closely related taxa in <i>S</i>. <i>stipitis</i> subclade.
<p><i>Scheffersomyces ergatensis</i> was used as an outgroup taxon (in grey). Numbers above each branch refer to bootstrap values out of 1000 repetitions. Bar, 0.02 substitutions per nucleotide position.</p
Table_1_Doseāresponse association between Chinese visceral adiposity index and cardiovascular disease: a national prospective cohort study.docx
BackgroundChinese visceral adiposity index (CVAI) is a reliable visceral obesity index, but the association between CVAI and risk of cardiovascular disease (CVD) remains unclear. We explored the associations of CVAI with incident CVD, heart disease, and stroke and compared the predictive power of CVAI with other obesity indices based on a national cohort study.MethodsThe present study included 7,439 participants aged ā„45 years from China Health and Retirement Longitudinal Study (CHARLS). Cox regression models were applied to estimate hazard ratios (HRs) and 95% confidence intervals (CIs). Restricted cubic splines analyses were adopted to model the doseāresponse associations. Receiver operator characteristic (ROC) analyses were used to compare the predictive ability of different obesity indices (CVAI, visceral adiposity index [VAI], a body shape index [ABSI], conicity index [CI], waist circumference [WC], and body mass index [BMI]).ResultsDuring 7 yearsā followāup, 1,326 incident CVD, 1,032 incident heart disease, and 399 stroke cases were identified. The HRs (95% CI) of CVD, heart disease, and stroke were 1.50 (1.25-1.79), 1.29 (1.05-1.57), and 2.45 (1.74-3.45) for quartile 4 versus quartile 1 in CVAI. Linear associations of CVAI with CVD, heart disease, and stroke were observed (Pnonlinear >0.05) and per-standard deviation (SD) increase was associated with 17% (HR 1.17, 1.10-1.24), 12% (1.12, 1.04-1.20), and 31% (1.31, 1.18-1.46) increased risk, respectively. Per-SD increase in CVAI conferred higher risk in participants agedinteraction0.05). ROC analyses showed that CVAI had higher predictive value than other obesity indices (PConclusionsCVAI was linearly associated with risk of CVD, heart disease, and stroke and had best performance for predicting incident CVD. Our findings indicate CVAI as a reliable and applicable obesity index to identify higher risk of CVD.</p
Physiological characteristics that differentiate <i>H. nanyangensis</i> sp. nov. from <i>C. insectamans</i><sup>a</sup>.
a<p>+, Positive; ā, negative; s, slowly positive; and w, weakly positive.</p>b<p>Data from <a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0103737#pone.0103737-Lachance1" target="_blank">[35]</a>.</p
Physiological characteristics and other growth tests of <i>H. nanyangensis</i> sp. nov.<sup>a</sup>
a<p>+, Positive; ā, negative; and w, weakly positive.</p
Phylogenetic tree constructed by maximum likelihood analysis based on the combined gene sequences of the nearly entire SSU rRNA and D1/D2 domain of LSU rRNA depicting the placement of <i>Hemisphaericaspora nanyangensis</i> sp. nov. and representative neighbouring taxa in the family Debaryomycetaceae [2], [12], [30].
<p>Bootstrap values above 50% are given at nodes based on 1,000 replications. The sequence accession numbers are shown in parentheses with the first number representing SSU rRNA gene and the second representing D1/D2 LSU rRNA gene. Bar, 0.01 substitutions per nucleotide position. <i>Schizosaccharomyces pombe</i> NRRL Y-12796<sup>T</sup> was used as an outgroup.</p