14 research outputs found
Water Contact Angle Dependence with Hydroxyl Functional Groups on Silica Surfaces under CO<sub>2</sub> Sequestration Conditions
groups on silica surfaces under CO<sub>2</sub> sequestration
conditions are complex due to reactions among supercritical CO<sub>2</sub>, brine and silica. Molecular dynamics simulations have been
performed to investigate the effects of hydroxyl functional groups
on wettability. It has been found that wettability shows a strong
dependence on functional groups on silica surfaces: silanol number
density, space distribution, and deprotonation/protonation degree.
For neutral silica surfaces with crystalline structure (Q<sup>3</sup>, Q<sup>3</sup>/Q<sup>4</sup>, Q<sup>4</sup>), as silanol number
density decreases, contact angle increases from 33.5° to 146.7°
at 10.5 MPa and 318 K. When Q<sup>3</sup> surface changes to an amorphous
structure, water contact angle increases 20°. Water contact angle
decreases about 12° when 9% of silanol groups on Q<sup>3</sup> surface are deprotonated. When the deprotonation degree increases
to 50%, water contact angle decreases to 0. The dependence of wettability
on silica surface functional groups was used to analyze contact angle
measurement ambiguity in literature. The composition of silica surfaces
is complicated under CO<sub>2</sub> sequestration conditions, the
results found in this study may help to better understand wettability
of CO<sub>2</sub>/brine/silica system
Hydrogen bonds at silica–CO<sub>2</sub> saturated water interface under geologic sequestration conditions
<p>To investigate the effects of sequestration condition on hydrogen bonds between mineral and water, molecular dynamics simulations have been performed. The simulations were conducted at conditions related with geologic sequestration sites: pressure (3.1–32.6 MPa), temperature (318 and 383 K), salinity (0–3 M), salt (NaCl and CaCl<sub>2</sub>) and silica surface models Q<sup>2</sup> (geminal), Q<sup>3</sup> (isolated) and amorphous Q<sup>3</sup>. The hydrogen bonds were classified into four types: silica–silica, silica–dissolved CO<sub>2</sub>, silica–water as donors and silica–water as acceptors. The mean numbers of hydrogen bonds for each type were analysed. The results show that: (1) silica surface silanol groups do not form H-bonds with dissolved CO<sub>2</sub> molecules in water (brine); (2) The mean number of hydrogen bonds between silanol groups follows the order: Q<sup>2</sup> > amorphous Q<sup>3</sup> > Q<sup>3</sup>; (3) The mean number of hydrogen bonds between silanol and water molecules follows the order: Q<sup>3</sup> > amorphous Q<sup>3</sup> > Q<sup>2</sup>.</p
Pressure and Temperature Dependence of Contact Angles for CO<sub>2</sub>/Water/Silica Systems Predicted by Molecular Dynamics Simulations
controls the capillary behavior of injected CO<sub>2</sub>, including
capillary entry pressure, relative permeability,
and residual fluid saturation, and it is one of the most active topics
in geologic carbon sequestration (GCS). However, the large uncertainty
of water contact angle (CA) data and its pressure, temperature, and
salinity dependence in the literature limit our understanding on wettability.
Molecular dynamics (MD) simulations have been performed to investigate
the pressure (<i>P</i>) and temperature (<i>T</i>) dependence of water CAs on the silica surface. Three typical molecular
surface models for silica, namely, Q<sup>2</sup>, crystalline Q<sup>3</sup>, and amorphous Q<sup>3</sup>, were selected, and simulations
were conducted at wide pressure (2.8–32.6 MPa) and temperature
(318–383 K) conditions. The results show that <i>P</i> and <i>T</i> dependence of water CAs on silica surfaces
is controlled by surface functional groups. These findings provide
new information to help with the better understanding of wettability
alteration under different GCS conditions
Wettability of Supercritical CO<sub>2</sub>–Brine–Mineral: The Effects of Ion Type and Salinity
saline aquifers are considered as perfect storage sites to sequestrate
CO<sub>2</sub>. Interfacial tensions (IFTs) and contact angles (CAs)
are key parameters in the heat and mass transfer processes for CO<sub>2</sub>/brine/mineral systems in porous media. In the present study,
a molecular dynamics simulation method was used to investigate the
effects of brine salinity and ion type on wettability of CO<sub>2</sub>/brine/mineral systems at 20 MPa and 318.15 K. Four common brines
were selected as NaCl, KCl, CaCl<sub>2</sub>, and MgCl<sub>2</sub>. Interfacial tensions, water contact angles, and hydrogen bond structure
and dynamics have been analyzed. The effects of brine salinity and
ion type on water contact angles were found to be very complicated.
For MgCl<sub>2</sub> and NaCl solutions, the contact angle increases
with salinity. For CaCl<sub>2</sub> and KCl solutions, contact angle
first increases and then remains constant with salinity. The product
of IFTÂ(CO<sub>2</sub>–brine) and the cosine of CA was found
to be constant for all brine solutions studied. In the context of
large uncertainty of experimentally measured contact angles, this
finding is very useful to predict contact angles using interfacial
tension data. Due to the fact that IFTÂ(CO<sub>2</sub>–brine)
Ă— cosÂ(CA) is usually related with capillary pressure and residual
trapping capacity, this finding is also very helpful to predict these
parameters at different brine conditions. More work is required to
study the effects of pressure, temperature, and solid surface structure
on this relationship
<i>In Situ</i> Observation of Methane Hydrate Dissociation under Different Backpressures
has been considered an economic and practicable method for natural
gas hydrate (NGH) exploitation. To obtain the kinetic data of methane
hydrate (MH) dissociation under different backpressures, MH dissociation
by depressurization in a porous medium was investigated <i>in
situ</i> using magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). MH was dissociated
under backpressures that were varied from 2.8 to 2.2 MPa, and the
hydrate saturation variation during dissociation was analyzed. One
experimental case was carried out with constant backpressure, and
four cases of variable backpressure depressurization experiments were
carried out. The radial dissociation pattern during depressurization
was confirmed. During hydrate dissociation, free water was observed
to move toward the outlet of the vessel and decreased the water saturation
after the hydrate totally dissociated in the field of view (FOV).
The MRI data provided excellent information on the spatial distribution
of water in the porous media during hydrate dissociation
High Temperature CO<sub>2</sub> Sorption on Li<sub>2</sub>ZrO<sub>3</sub> Based Sorbents
In this study, the Li<sub>2</sub>ZrO<sub>3</sub> based sorbents
with different compositions were synthesized by the solid-state reaction
method from the mixtures of Li<sub>2</sub>CO<sub>3</sub>, K<sub>2</sub>CO<sub>3</sub> and ZrO<sub>2</sub>. CO<sub>2</sub> sorption properties
of Li<sub>2</sub>ZrO<sub>3</sub> based sorbents were investigated
by analyzing the phases and microstructure changes with the help of
thermogravimetric analysis, X-ray diffraction and scanning electron
microscopy. The thermodynamic calculations were carried out based
on the second law of thermodynamics. Li<sub>2</sub>CO<sub>3</sub>/K<sub>2</sub>CO<sub>3</sub>-doped Li<sub>2</sub>ZrO<sub>3</sub> sorbent
with the composition of 36.23 wt % Li<sub>2</sub>CO<sub>3</sub>, 55.12
wt % ZrO<sub>2</sub> and 8.65 wt % K<sub>2</sub>CO<sub>3</sub> was
considered to achieve excellent capability for high temperature CO<sub>2</sub> sorption and presented the maximum sorption rate at 525 °C
and 0.15 atm of CO<sub>2</sub> partial pressure. The sorbent kept
rather stable for multicycles sorption and regeneration, and maintained
its original capacity during 12 cycle processes. There were three
distinct phases in the nonisothermal CO<sub>2</sub> sorption process
while the main CO<sub>2</sub> sorption occurred during the second
phase. An improved iterative Coats–Redfern method was used
to evaluate nonisothermal kinetics of the CO<sub>2</sub> sorption
process, and the kinetic parameters were derived by the MATLAB model.
The Fn <i>n</i><sup>th</sup>-order reaction model predicted
accurately the main phases and differences in the activation energies
and the frequency factors for different sorbents in the sorption phases
corroborated different mechanism integral functions and reaction orders
Measurement of Interfacial Tension of CO<sub>2</sub> and NaCl Aqueous Solution over Wide Temperature, Pressure, and Salinity Ranges
Interfacial tension data and models
are of great importance to
the storage of CO<sub>2</sub> in deep saline aquifers. In this study,
the pendant-drop method combined with axisymmetric drop shape analysis
was used in the interpretation of the interfacial behavior of CO<sub>2</sub> and brine. Extensive experimental measurements of the interfacial
tension between CO<sub>2</sub> and an NaCl solution were acquired
for pressures ranging from 3.0 to 12.0 MPa, temperatures from 300
to 353 K, and NaCl molalities from 0 to 1.8 mol·kg<sup>–1</sup>, for a total of 1,254 valid data points. All experiments were conducted
in a pressure cell fitted with a capillary tube to create pendant
droplets in a CO<sub>2</sub>-rich atmosphere. The experimental results
indicated that interfacial tension decreased with increasing pressure
and increased with temperature and salinity. As pressure increased
to a certain point, the interfacial tension reached a plateau. At
a given temperature, the CO<sub>2</sub>–aqueous system reached
a plateau for different salinities under nearly the same pressure.
However, the plateau pressure increased with temperature. The plateau
interfacial tension value slightly increased with temperature and
salinity. We also found a linear relationship between the change in
interfacial tension and the molality concentration of brine. An empirical
model was also proposed based on the Parachor model for the prediction
of interfacial tension. Most results of this model deviated by less
than ±5% from our experimental results, indicating that the model
was a good fit to our experiments
Heat Transport in Clathrate Hydrates Controlled by Guest Frequency and Host–Guest Interaction
The underlying mechanism of common
limited lattice thermal conductivity
(κ) in energy-related host–guest crystalline compounds
has been an ongoing topic in recent decades. Here, the guest-triggered
intrinsic ultralow Îş of the representative xenon clathrate hydrate
was investigated using the time domain thermoreflectance technique
and theoretical calculations. The localized guest modes were observed
to hybridize with acoustic branches and severely limit the acoustic
Îş contribution. Besides, the strong mode coupling enables the
reshaping of the overall lattice dynamics, especially for optical
branches. More importantly, we identified that guest fillers prompt
great phonon scattering in wide frequencies, which originates from
both the guest-frequency-controlled enhancement of phase space and
the host–guest-interaction-governed lattice anharmonicity.
The extremely low guest frequency and strong host–guest interaction
and coupling were thereby underlined to play vital but distinct roles
in Îş minimization. Our results unveil the dominant factors of
guest reduction effects and facilitate the design of efficient thermoelectric
or other thermal-related materials
Characterization of Hydrate Formation and Flow Influenced by Hydrophilic–Hydrophobic Components within a Fully Visual Rocking Cell
intricate interplay of crude oil composition and additives
critically affects hydrate formation and flow behavior, which is significant
for flow assurance particularly in deepwater. To investigate, we varied
the hydrophilic and hydrophobic properties by proportioning two nonionic
surfactants (Span 80 and Tween 80) and conducting hydrate formation
experiments in a visual rocking cell. The results show that the increasing
hydrophilic–lipophilic balance (HLB) value shifted emulsions
from water-in-oil to multiple and oil-in-water phases and significantly
affected the hydrate formation among different emulsion types, with
a marked increase in the hydrate formation rate in the HLB range of
9 to 11. Slurries maintained flowability due to low hydrate conversion,
yet higher HLB (>11) led to slight agglomeration and deposition.
addition, the impacts of water conversion were investigated by multiple
pressurization, showing that the hydrate formation amount affected
slurry flowability but was primarily dependent on the hydrophilicity
and hydrophobicity of the surfactants. When the HLB was below 11,
the final water conversion was about 80%, but the formed hydrate still
exhibited good dispersion and flowability. In contrast, HLB exceeding
13 resulted in extensive adhesion and deposition on the cell walls.
When the water conversion reached about 40%, flowability was completely
lost and hydrate blockage occurred
Characterization of Hydrate Formation and Flow Influenced by Hydrophilic–Hydrophobic Components within a Fully Visual Rocking Cell
intricate interplay of crude oil composition and additives
critically affects hydrate formation and flow behavior, which is significant
for flow assurance particularly in deepwater. To investigate, we varied
the hydrophilic and hydrophobic properties by proportioning two nonionic
surfactants (Span 80 and Tween 80) and conducting hydrate formation
experiments in a visual rocking cell. The results show that the increasing
hydrophilic–lipophilic balance (HLB) value shifted emulsions
from water-in-oil to multiple and oil-in-water phases and significantly
affected the hydrate formation among different emulsion types, with
a marked increase in the hydrate formation rate in the HLB range of
9 to 11. Slurries maintained flowability due to low hydrate conversion,
yet higher HLB (>11) led to slight agglomeration and deposition.
addition, the impacts of water conversion were investigated by multiple
pressurization, showing that the hydrate formation amount affected
slurry flowability but was primarily dependent on the hydrophilicity
and hydrophobicity of the surfactants. When the HLB was below 11,
the final water conversion was about 80%, but the formed hydrate still
exhibited good dispersion and flowability. In contrast, HLB exceeding
13 resulted in extensive adhesion and deposition on the cell walls.
When the water conversion reached about 40%, flowability was completely
lost and hydrate blockage occurred