16 research outputs found

    Lateral radiographic images of the ankle at different times.

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    <p>White arrowheads indicate osteolytic changes inside the talus, and white triangles indicate titanium rods.</p

    The 3-D reconstruction of talar specimens performed by micro-CT.

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    <p>Quantitative study showed that the trabecular reconstruction of the IM group was prior to that of the DC group at each time point.</p

    Histological examination of the DC and IM groups.

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    <p>The sections showed that the trabecular reconstruction was remarkable mainly in the IM group at 3 months after treatment, and the combination of the trabeculae and titanium alloy was very tight (Van Gieson stain, original magnification: left ×16; right ×100).</p

    Trinotate annotation

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    The taimen transcirptome was annotated using Trinotate(https://trinotate.github.io/) according to the guidance. NR, Uniprot-Sprot and Pfam databases were used

    Percentages of reconstructed trabeculae in the ROIs of the two groups by histological study (<i>n</i> = 6, x ± s).

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    <p>Percentages of reconstructed trabeculae in the ROIs of the two groups by histological study (<i>n</i> = 6, x ± s).</p