1,217 research outputs found

    Mechanisms of copper protrusion in through-silicon-via structures at the nanoscale

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    Thermal stress-induced copper protrusion is frequently observed in through-silicon-vias (TSVs) based three-dimensional (3D) system integration. In this study, the detailed process of Cu protrusion is reproduced on the atomic scale using a two-mode phase-field-crystal (PFC) model, and the mechanisms of protrusion are identified. To simulate thermal loading, a “penalty term” is added to the governing equation of the PFC model. The application of loading on the TSVs induces copper grain deformation and grain boundary migration at the nanoscale. Furthermore, the simulation results suggest that the Cu protrusion is resulted from diffusional creep, involving both Nabarro-Herring creep and Coble creep. The obtained power index of diffusional creep is around 2.16, suggesting that lattice diffusion contributes more to protrusion than grain boundary diffusion does. The protrusion height in micron-scale TSVs predicted by extrapolating the relationship between the protrusion height and diameter of nanoscale TSVs agrees with the experimental data

    Quintic trigonometric Bézier curve with two shape parameters

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    The fifth degree of trigonometric Bézier curve called quintic with two shapes parameter is presented in this paper. Shape parameters provide more control on the shape of the curve compared to the ordinary Bézier curve. This technique is one of the crucial parts in constructing curves and surfaces because the presence of shape parameters will allow the curve to be more flexible without changing its control points. Furthermore, by changing the value of shape parameters, the curve still preserves its geometrical features thus makes it more convenient rather than altering the control points. But, to interpolate curves from one point to another or surface patches, we need to satisfy certain continuity constraints to ensure the smoothness not just parametrically but also geometrically

    Tax and Accounting Aspects of Adjustments

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    Bakalářská práce je zaměřena na význam opravných položek z účetního a daňového hlediska. Cílem práce je vyhodnotit opravné položky z těchto hledisek, popsat postupy jejich tvorby a analyzovat tvorbu opravných položek ve vybrané účetní jednotce. Práce je psána jak z teoretického tak i z praktického hlediska. V teoretické části jsou uvedeny například hlavní účetní zásady, inventarizace, která je úzce spjata s tvorbou opravných položek. Tato část popisuje také pojmy pohledávka a opravné položky. V následující části je popsán postup tvorby opravných položek k jednotlivým druhům majetku. Obsahem praktické části je analýza tvorby opravných položek v účetní jednotce a obecné příklady.Bachelor thesis is focused on importance of adjustments from accounting and income tax point of view.The goal of the thesis is to evaluate adjustments from these points of view to describe their creation process and analyze creation adjustment in select company.The thesis is written from theoretical and practical perspective. In the theoretical part are for example the main accounting principles and inventory, which is closely associated with creation of adjustments. This part describes the characteristics of terms receivable and adjustments. Next part describes the procedure of creating adjustments to individual asset types. The second part of this thesis analyses the setting of accounting adjustments within accounting entity and universally examples.117 - Katedra účetnictví a danívelmi dobř

    Contents and colophon : Philological Studies of the Ainu Language 2

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    Alignment results of 5S gene NTS sequences from all kinds of groupers. a: The 266 bp NTS sequences of E. coioides, diploid hybrid and triploid hybrid; b: The 272 bp NTS sequences of E. coioides, diploid hybrid and triploid hybrid; c: The 275 bp NTS sequences of E. lanceolatus, diploid hybrid and triploid hybrid; d: The 284 bp NTS sequences of E. lanceolatus, diploid hybrid and triploid hybrid. The TATA sequences were framed in boxes. Dots indicated the identical nucleotides. In bold letters were shown the nucleotide substitutions. (TIF 2265 kb

    Competitive algorithms for unbounded one-way trading

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    In the one-way trading problem, a seller has L units of product to be sold to a sequence σ of buyers u1,u2,…,uσu1,u2,…,uσ arriving online and he needs to decide, for each ui, the amount of product to be sold to ui at the then-prevailing market price pi. The objective is to maximize the seller's revenue. We note that all previous algorithms for the problem need to impose some artificial upper bound M and lower bound m on the market prices, and the seller needs to know either the values of M and m , or their ratio M/mM/m, at the outset....[cont'd

    Analisis Portofolio Optimal Dengan Single Index Model Untuk Meminimumkan Risiko Bagi Investor Di Bursa Efek Indonesia (Studi Pada Saham Indeks Kompas 100 Periode Februari 2010-juli 2014)

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    Investments can be made in the capital market, capital market instruments which are mostly attractive for investors is stock. Stock provides a return in the form of capital gains and dividends yield, not only noticing the return, investors need to pay attention to the investments risk. Unsystematis risk can be minimized by forming the optimal portfolio using one of the methods that is single index model. Study purpose is to knowing the stocks forming the optimal portfolio, the proportion of funds allocated to each stocks, the level of expectation return and risk.The method used in this research is descriptive research method with a quantitative approach. The samples used were 46 stocks in Kompas 100 Index, which meets the criteria for sampling. The results showed that 12 stocks of forming optimal portfolio, the stocks of which are UNVR, TRAM, MNCN, BHIT, JSMR, BMTR, GJTL, KLBF, AALI, CPIN, AKRA, and ASRI. Stock with highest proportion of funds is TRAM (23,52%), stock with lowest proportion of funds is AALI (0,62%). Portfolio which are formed will give return expectations by 3,05477% and carry the risk for about 0,1228%

    Food-sorting jet arrays and target impact properties

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    This thesis uses numerical techniques and analysis to study the development and interactions between multiple in-line slender air jets. Consideration is given to two-and three-dimensional flow regimes, but the emphasis is on the latter. The applications (and mechanisms) involved in high-speed machine sorting of small food items, such as grains of rice, are explained. The underpinning mathematics required to develop the mathematical model are stated. In Chapter 2 an analytical solution for the two-dimensional steady jet is demonstrated and used to provide a far-downstream asymptote for validation of the numerical scheme, for steady and unsteady jets. A numerical scheme is demonstrated to be versatile and reasonably accurate. Small-distance analysis complements the numerical scheme and limitations are discussed. A comprehensive small-time analysis is undertaken, results from which support later work on three-dimensional jets. Interference between inline jets is considered in Chapter 3, which applies methods previously used to study two-dimensional in-parallel wakes. The conclusions from this chapter support and help explain results in later chapters. The numerical scheme is extended to three-dimensional steady and unsteady jets. Issuing nozzles of various cross-sections are considered with the aim of obtaining pressure data for comparison with physical data. Small-distance analysis is again investigated, enabling a weakness in the numerical solution to be highlighted. Potential flow theory is used to model interference aspects of multiple in-line unsteady three-dimensional jets. The emphasis is placed on jets from nozzles of either circular or rectangular cross-section but, in fact, the analysis applies for any cross-section. The impact properties of a typical jet when it hits one of the particles such as a grain of rice being sorted are discussed briefly, and final comments are made

    The Ca<sup>2+</sup> Influence on Calmodulin Unfolding Pathway: A Steered Molecular Dynamics Simulation Study

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    <div><p>The force-induced unfolding of calmodulin (CaM) was investigated at atomistic details with steered molecular dynamics. The two isolated CaM domains as well as the full-length CaM were simulated in N-C-terminal pulling scheme, and the isolated N-lobe of CaM was studied specially in two other pulling schemes to test the effect of pulling direction and compare with relevant experiments. Both Ca<sup>2+</sup>-loaded CaM and Ca<sup>2+</sup>-free CaM were considered in order to define the Ca<sup>2+</sup> influence to the CaM unfolding. The results reveal that the Ca<sup>2+</sup> significantly affects the stability and unfolding behaviors of both the isolated CaM domains and the full-length CaM. In Ca<sup>2+</sup>-loaded CaM, N-terminal domain unfolds in priori to the C-terminal domain. But in Ca<sup>2+</sup>-free CaM, the unfolding order changes, and C-terminal domain unfolds first. The force-extension curves of CaM unfolding indicate that the major unfolding barrier comes from conquering the interaction of two EF-hand motifs in both N- and C- terminal domains. Our results provide the atomistic-level insights in the force-induced CaM unfolding and explain the observation in recent AFM experiments.</p> </div

    The CaM structures and the simulation system setup.

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    <p>(A) the structure of the Ca2+-loaded full-length CaM, including two domains: N-lobe and C-lobe, and four EF-hand motifs: EF1, EF2, EF3, and EF4. EFβ-scaffold is a short β-sheet coupled two EF-hand motifs. (B) The sketch map of SMD simulation for Ca<sup>2+</sup>-loaded full-length CaM. Two red balls represent the pulled and constrained atoms, respectively. Black arrow represents the direction of the pulling force. The blue dots represent the water solvent. The green balls in both panels represent the Ca<sup>2+</sup> ions.</p

    MD simulation results of force-induced unfolding of isolated Ca<sup>2+</sup>-loaded and Ca<sup>2+</sup>-free N-lobe unfolding with non-N-C-terminal pulling directions using 4 ns snapshot of equilibration as the initial structure and ν = 5 Å/ns.

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    <p>External forces were applied on the N-lobe residue 17 (A, B) or residue 38(C, D) to unfold the sequence between the constrained C-terminal and the residue where force is applied. Left: (I) Force-extension curve; (II) Contact area between EF1 and EF2 of N-lobe; and (III) Backbone hydrogen bonds of EFβ-scaffold coupled EF1 and EF2. Right: snapshots of the unfolding trajectories. The external force was applied at the atoms presented with black solid circle (residues 17 or 38), and the C-terminal residue 74 is constrained.</p