25 research outputs found
Summary of Illumina transcriptome assembly for <i>Bactrocera minax</i>.
<p>Summary of Illumina transcriptome assembly for <i>Bactrocera minax</i>.</p
Neighbour-joining phylogenetic analysis of Glutathione S-transferase (GSTs) genes from <i>Bactrocera minax</i> (●) and other insects.
<p>BD, <i>Bactrocera dorsalis</i>. CC, <i>Ceratitis capitata</i>. DM, <i>Drosophila melanogaster</i>. Numbers at each branch node represent the values given by bootstrap analysis.</p
Gene Ontology (GO) classification of <i>Bactrocera minax</i> transcriptome unigenes.
<p>Gene Ontology (GO) classification of <i>Bactrocera minax</i> transcriptome unigenes.</p
Relative expression of 20E-related genes across the developmental stages of <i>Bactrocera minax</i>.
<p>L2, second-instar larvae; L3, third-instar larvae; PreD, pre-diapause; ED, early diapause; MD, middle diapause; LD, late diapause; PD, post-diapause; AD, adult. Bars represent means ± SEM. Different letters above the bars indicate significant differences (P < 0.05, Tukey’s test)</p
Relative expression of 20E-related genes between 20E-treated and untreated <i>Bactrocera minax</i> pupae.
<p>Bars represent means ± SEM. Asterisks indicate significant differences in relative expression (P < 0.05, unpaired t-test).</p
Clusters of Orthologous Group (COG) function classification of <i>Bactrocera minax</i> transcriptome unigenes.
<p>Clusters of Orthologous Group (COG) function classification of <i>Bactrocera minax</i> transcriptome unigenes.</p
Homology search against Nr database for <i>Bactrocera minax</i> transcriptome unigenes.
<p>(A) Distribution of species of top BLAST hit. (B) Distribution of E-value of top BLAST hit with a cut-off E-value of 1.0E<sup>-5</sup>. (C) Distribution of similarity of top BLAST hit.</p
Neighbour-joining phylogenetic analysis of heat shock protein (Hsps) genes from <i>Bactrocera minax</i> (●) and other insects.
<p>BD, <i>Bactrocera dorsalis</i>. BT, <i>Bemisia tabaci</i>. CC, <i>Ceratitis capitata</i>. DM, <i>Drosophila melanogaster</i>. LM, <i>Locusta migratoria</i>. Numbers at each branch node represent the values given by bootstrap analysis.</p
Neighbour-joining phylogenetic analysis of two ferritin subunit genes, heavy chain homologs (HCH) and light chain homologs (LCH), from Bactrocera minax (●) and other insects.
<p>AT, <i>Asobara tabida</i>. BD, <i>Bactrocera dorsalis</i>. CC, <i>Ceratitis capitata</i>. DM, <i>Drosophila melanogaster</i>. Numbers at each branch node represent the values given by bootstrap analysis.</p
Summary of annotation for <i>Bactrocera minax</i> transcriptome unigenes.
<p>Summary of annotation for <i>Bactrocera minax</i> transcriptome unigenes.</p