10,395 research outputs found

    750 GeV Resonance in the Gauged U(1)U(1)'-Extended MSSM

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    Recently the ATLAS and CMS collaborations at the LHC announced their observation of a potential 750 GeV di-photon resonance, after analyzing the s=13\sqrt{s}=13 TeV LHC data. This observation has significant implications for low-energy supersymmetry. Beyond the MSSM and the NMSSM, we study the MSSM-extensions with an extra U(1)U(1)' gauge symmetry. The anomaly cancellation and the spontaneous breaking of the non-decoupled U(1)U(1)' generically require introducing vector-like supermultiplets (both colored and color-neutral ones) and singlet supermultiplets, respectively. We illustrate that the potential 750 GeV resonance (YY) can be accommodated in various mechanisms, as a singlet-like scalar or pseudoscalar. Three benchmark scenarios are presented: (1) vector-like quarks (VLQ) mediated ppYγγpp \to Y \to \gamma \gamma; (2) scalar VLQ mediated ppYγγpp \to Y \to \gamma \gamma; (3) heavy scalar (pseudo-scalar) H/AH/A associated production ppH/AYH/hpp \to H^*/A^* \to Y H/h. Additionally, we notice that the ZZ'-mediated vector boson fusion production and ZZ'-associated production ppYqqpp \to Y qq', if yielding a signal rate of the observed level, might have been excluded by the searches for ZZ' via Drell-Yan process at the LHC.Comment: v3, figure update with corresponding modification in discussion, version accepted by PL

    Pairing and chiral spin density wave instabilities on the honeycomb lattice: a comparative quantum Monte Carlo study

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    Using finite-temperature determinantal quantum Monte Carlo calculations, we re-examine the pairing susceptibilities in the Hubbard model on the honeycomb lattice, focusing on doping levels onto and away from the van Hove singularity (VHS) filling. For this purpose, electronic densities of 0.750.75 (at the hole-doping VHS) and 0.40.4 (well below the VHS) are considered in detail, where due to a severe sign problem at strong coupling strengths, we focus on the weak interaction region of the Hubbard model Hamiltonian. From analyzing the temperature dependence of pairing susceptibilities in various symmetry channels, we find the singlet dd+idid-wave to be the dominant pairing channel both at and away from the VHS filling. We furthermore investigate the electronic susceptibility to a specific chiral spin density wave (SDW) order, which we find to be similarly relevant at the VHS, while it extenuates upon doping away from the VHS filling.Comment: 8 pages, 14 figures. Accepted by PRB. Two figures added, more lattice sizes studie

    Heavy Higgs Bosons at Low tanβ\tan \beta: from the LHC to 100 TeV

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    We present strategies to search for heavy neutral Higgs bosons decaying to top quark pairs, as often occurs at low tanβ\tan \beta in type II two Higgs doublet models such as the Higgs sector of the MSSM. The resonant production channel is unsatisfactory due to interference with the SM background. We instead propose to utilize same-sign dilepton signatures arising from the production of heavy Higgs bosons in association with one or two top quarks and subsequent decay to a top pair. We find that for heavier neutral Higgs bosons the production in association with one top quark provides greater sensitivity than production in association with two top quarks. We obtain current limits at the LHC using Run I data at 8 TeV and forecast the sensitivity of a dedicated analysis during Run II at 14 TeV. Then we perform a detailed BDT study for the 14 TeV LHC and a future 100 TeV collider.Comment: published version, 22 pages, 15 figures, 3 table

    Heavy Higgs Bosons at 14 TeV and 100 TeV

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    Searching for Higgs bosons beyond the Standard Model (BSM) is one of the most important missions for hadron colliders. As a landmark of BSM physics, the MSSM Higgs sector at the LHC is expected to be tested up to the scale of the decoupling limit of O(1) TeV, except for a wedge region centered around tanβ310\tan\beta \sim 3 -10, which has been known to be difficult to probe. In this article, we present a dedicated study testing the decoupled MSSM Higgs sector, at the LHC and a next-generation pppp-collider, proposing to search in channels with associated Higgs productions, with the neutral and charged Higgs further decaying into tttt and tbtb, respectively. In the case of neutral Higgs we are able to probe for the so far uncovered wedge region via ppbbH/Abbttpp\to bb H/A \to bbtt. Additionally, we cover the the high tanβ\tan\beta range with ppbbH/Abbττpp\to bb H/A \to bb\tau\tau. The combination of these searches with channels dedicated to the low tanβ\tan\beta region, such as ppH/Attpp\to H/A \to tt and ppttH/Attttpp\to tt H/A \to tttt potentially covers the full tanβ\tan\beta range. The search for charged Higgs has a slightly smaller sensitivity for the moderate tanβ\tan\beta region, but additionally probes for the higher and lower tanβ\tan\beta regions with even greater sensitivity, via pptbH±tbtbpp\to tb H^\pm \to tbtb. While the LHC will be able to probe the whole tanβ\tan\beta range for Higgs masses of O(1) TeV by combining these channels, we show that a future 100 TeV pppp-collider has a potential to push the sensitivity reach up to O(10)\sim \mathcal O(10) TeV. In order to deal with the novel kinematics of top quarks produced by heavy Higgs decays, the multivariate Boosted Decision Tree (BDT) method is applied in our collider analyses. The BDT-based tagging efficiencies of both hadronic and leptonic top-jets, and their mutual fake rates as well as the faking rates by other jets (hh, ZZ, WW, bb, etc.) are also presented.Comment: published versio