22 research outputs found

    Analytical coupled-wave model for photonic crystal quantum cascade lasers

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    A coupled-wave model is developed for photonic-crystal quantum cascade lasers. The analytical model provides an efficient analysis of full three-dimensional large-area device structure, and the validity is confirmed via simulations and previous experimental results.Comment: 21 pages and 8 figure

    Origins and conservation of topological polarization defects in resonant photonic-crystal diffraction

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    We present a continuative definition of topological charge to depict the polarization defects on any resonant diffraction orders in photonic crystal slab regardless they are radiative or evanescent. By using such a generalized definition, we investigate the origins and conservation of integer polarization defects across the whole Brollouin zone. We found that these polarization defects eventually originate from the mode degeneracy that is induced by lattice coupling as a consequence of momentum space folding, or inter-band coupling that can be either Hermitian or Non-hermitian. By counting all types of polarization defects, the total topological charge numbers in a given diffraction order is a conserved quantity across the whole Brillouin zone that is determined by lattice geometry only

    Topological unidirectional guided resonances emerged from interband coupling

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    Unidirectional guided resonances (UGRs) are optical modes in photonic crystal (PhC) slabs that radiate towards one side without the need for mirrors on the other, represented from a topological perspective by the merged points of paired, single-sided, half-integer topological charges. In this work, we report a mechanism to realize UGRs by tuning the interband coupling effect originating from up-down symmetry breaking. We theoretically demonstrate that a type of polarization singularity, the circular-polarized states (CPs), emerge from trivial polarization fields owing to the hybridization of two unperturbed states. By tuning structural parameters, two half-charges carried by CPs evolve in momentum space and merge to create UGRs. Our findings show that UGRs are ubiquitous in PhC slabs, and can systematically be found from our method, thus paving the way to new possibilities of light manipulation

    Observation of Berry curvature in non-Hermitian system from far-field radiation

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    Berry curvature that describes local geometrical properties of energy bands can elucidate many fascinating phenomena in solid-state, photonic, and phononic systems, given its connection to global topological invariants such as the Chern number. Despite its significance, the observation of Berry curvature poses a substantial challenging since wavefunctions are deeply embedded within the system. Here, we theoretically propose a correspondence between the geometry of far-field radiation and the underneath band topology of non-Hermitian systems, thus providing a general method to fully capture the Berry curvature without strongly disturbing the eigenstates. We further experimentally observe the Berry curvature in a honeycomb photonic crystal slab from polarimetry measurements and quantitatively obtain the non-trivial valley Chern number. Our work reveals the feasibility of retrieving the bulk band topology from escaping photons and paves the way to exploring intriguing topological landscapes in non-Hermitian systems

    Observation of topologically enabled unidirectional guided resonances

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    Unidirectional radiation is important for various optoelectronic applications, such as lasers, grating couplers and optical antennas. However, almost all existing unidirectional emitters rely on the use of materials or structures that forbid outgoing waves—that is, mirrors, which are often bulky, lossy and difficult to fabricate. Here we theoretically propose and experimentally demonstrate a class of resonances in photonic crystal slabs that radiate only towards one side of the slab, with no mirror placed on the other side. These resonances, which we name ‘unidirectional guided resonances’, are found to be topological in nature: they emerge when a pair of half-integer topological charges1–3 in the polarization field bounce into each other in momentum space. We experimentally demonstrate unidirectional guided resonances in the telecommunication regime by achieving single-side radiative quality factors as high as 1.6 × 105. We further demonstrate their topological nature through far-field polarimetry measurements. Our work represents a characteristic example of applying topological principles4,5 to control optical fields and could lead to energy-efficient grating couplers and antennas for light detection and ranging

    Modulatory effects of the landscape sequences on pedestrians emotional states using EEG

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    This study aimed to investigate the impact of specific landscape elements on pedestrians’ emotional experiences during walking. During the study, footages were recorded by participants while walking to obtain real-time visual element data, including greenery, building and road visibility. And electroencephalogram (EEG) indicators of β/α, (α+θ)/β, θ/β and θ/α ratio were collected to represent levels of arousal, fatigue, attention and relaxation. Our findings suggested strong correlations between θ/α ratio with both greenery and road visibility. Conversely, other indicators were primarily influenced by greenery and building visibility. Regarding the combined impact of elements, the most positive emotions were observed when green visibility exceeded 51%. However, the peak alertness was achieved with building visibility between 5.2% and 31%. The lowest fatigue and the highest attention level were recorded under building visibility less than 5.2%, and the highest level of relaxation occurred with road visibility less than 10%. In terms of the influence of time, the entire walking process could be delineated by the five and 8 min marks, classified into novelty, adaptation and sustained phase based on the patterns of emotional changes observed in the participants. Consequently, the visual elements and their combinations, and duration play regulatory roles in pedestrians' emotional experiences